
发布 2021-05-22 11:24:28 阅读 4877

1.(经努力)到达,达到:after battling against the blizzard, we finally our destination.

2. n.[c]游戏,运动,比赛:football is an exciting .

3. n. [c]汽车间(房、库) he backed the car out of the

4. n.[c,u]花园,果园,菜园:

the owner of the house grows vegetables in the back , and flowers in the front garden.

5. n.[c]大门:i would h**e him wait for me at theof the park.

6. v.聚集,集合;收集,采摘:we will at the school gate at eight.

7. adj.快乐的,愉快的 n.[u]快乐:we were all at the thought of the coming holidays.

8. adj.一般的,普遍的,大致的,give me a idea of the work.

9. n. [c]代,一代 the photograph shows threeof my family.

10. adj.文雅的,温和的:she is in touch, manner, and voice.

11. n.[u]地理;地理学:in our class, we are learning about rivers.

12. [u]德语:he passed inbut failed in english.

13. one gets weak as one gets on in years.

if you go there alone after dark, you might get attacked and robbed.

when we got to the station, the bus was waiting.

i got a letter on monday.

i’m sorry. i didn’t get it. could you repeat it?

i got flu twice last year.

14. 天赋,天才 she has a for music.

15. [c]女孩:there are more than boys in this class.

16. v.给,给予,赠给,i’m sorry i’ve you so much trouble.

17. 乐意的:i’d be to watch the kids for you this afternoon.

18. vi.匆匆一看;一瞥:i round the room before i left.

19. n. [u]玻璃 [c]玻璃杯 (用复数)眼镜 i cut my hand on some broken .

20. n. (连用the)地球 this plant can grow in many parts of the .

21. n. [c]手套:he has hison.

22. n.[c]目标,目的;(足球)球门,(赛跑等的)终点:his is a job at the university.

23. n.[c]山羊:men andh**e [grow] beards.

24. [c](男性)神:the ancient greeks had many .

25. n.[u]** adj.

金质的;金色的:all that glitters is not =all is not gold that glitters. 发亮的不一定都是金子。

26. adj.金色的;金质的;**般的,可贵的:the 18th century was the age of the novel.

27. n.(用复数)商品,货物:there’s a large variety of in the shops.

28. n.(pl. geese) [c]鹅 [u]鹅肉:i don’t care much for .

29. (the ~)**;内阁:thestrongly wish the bill passed.

30. n. [c]等级;年级;成绩,分数:she ranked her students according to their

31. adv.逐渐地:i’m very glad to see that your vocabulary isbuilding up.

32. vi.毕业: hein medicine.

33. 谷物,谷类,粮食we h**e brought in a goodharvest for three years on end.

34. n. [u]语法 [c]语法书:isimportant when learning english?

35. adj.庄严的,雄伟的,显赫的:he lives in ahouse.

36. n. [u,c]草,草地:they sat on theto h**e their picnic.

37. adj.伟大的;重要的:adeal of money is spent on research.

38. [c,u]绿色:the countryside is veryin the spring. 春天里乡村田野一片翠绿。

39. vt.问候;向…致敬,欢迎:heher by saying “good afternoon”.

40. n.[c]问候,致意:send my bestto all your family.

41. adj.灰(白)色的the blue shirt andtie are a good match.

42. n.[c]地面;场地:he was lying on the

43. n.[c](小)组,团体,群:the teacher divided the pupils into three

44. 成长,发育she must h**eat least four inches since i saw her last.

45. [c]警卫,守卫,卫兵:there was an armedon duty outside his door

46. 想,认为:i [suppose / think / believe] you’re right.

47. n.[c]客人,宾客:we’ve gotstaying this weekend.

48. n. [c]向导,导游者theshowed us around the city.

49. n. [c]枪,炮:we fired ourat the enemy.


1.n.c 机器,机械 thisis worked by electricity.2.adj.常与with,at连用 生气的 愤怒的 the director gotat me because i forgot my lines.3.n.c 杂志 how often does thiscome ou...


1.c 脸,面孔we saw many new on the first day of classes.2.c 事实,客观事实,真实事物 no decision will be made until we know all the 3.c 工厂 theiris located at the foot...


山东省高等教育自学考试。在校生实践课程 英语词汇学 考核考试大纲。本科目考核分综合考核和学习过程评价考核两部分。其中,综合考核占50 学习过程评价考核占50 一 学习过程评价部分考核大纲。1 学习过程评价的课程性质及课程设置的目的。本课程是我国高等教育自学考试英语语言文学专业的专业课,是培养和检验自...