
发布 2021-05-22 11:25:28 阅读 3523

1. [c]脸,面孔we saw many new on the first day of classes.

2. [c]事实,客观事实,真实事物:no decision will be made until we know all the .

3. [c]工厂:theiris located at the foot of the mountain.

4. v.失败;不及格:theyin their attempt to climb the mountain.

5. 还可以的,相当好的:her knowledge of the language isbut not perfect.

6. adv.公正地,正当地; i wassure that i would go to the party.

7. 落(下),降落,掉下:the bookoff the table onto the floor.

8. adj.不真实的,虚假的:the report was dismissed as totally

9. (常与 with 连用)熟悉…的,通晓…的:people in europe aren’t very with chinese music.

10. adj. 熟悉的,常见的:we arewith his character.

11. adj.著名的,有名的:her dream to enter auniversity came true.

12. vt.扇(扇子、火):wethe fire to make it burn bright.

13. adj. 远(方)的,遥远的:the main post office is notfrom the library.

14. [c]农场,农庄during the summer vacation they worked on the

15. [c]经营农业者,农场主,农夫are very busy during (the) harvest.

16. adv. 快地;紧地:i’m afraid my watch is

17. v. 闩;栓住;捆;系hehis eyes (up) on the stranger.

18. (肉)肥的,多脂肪的:some people likemeat, while others hate it.

19. [c,u]过错,缺点,故障,毛病your onlyis carelessness.

20. [u]赞同,赞许:he did all he could to win her

21. [c]特别喜爱的人(或物):that sweater is my brother’s

22. vi. 担心,顾虑:they were all so diligent that wefor their health.

23. v. 喂(养),饲(养),供养;吃 he the horse on potatoes.

24. v.(felt, felt)摸,触;感觉i don’tlike going to the movies.

25. [c,u]看法,感想:there seems to be a generalthat the election will be in june.

26. [c]同伴,伙伴:hisshare his interest in computers.

27. [c,u]发烧,发热:aspirin can reduce

28. adj.不多的,少数的there aredifferences between the two.

29. (研究、活动的)领域,范围:he is an expert in theof biochemistry.

30. adj.凶猛的;猛烈的: because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very

31. num.十五:the water wasfeet deep.

32. num.第五:twoof the students are girls.

33. num.五十:he got married in his

34. n.[c]战斗,斗争:the childrenwith snow-balls.

35. [c]数字;she has a fiveincome.

36. v.装满,充满,满,填充:her eyeswith tears.

37. [c]电影,影片:h**e you seen any goodlately?

38. adj.最后的,最终的:theexamination will be brought forward to june instead of july.

39. 发现,发觉:iall the characters in his new play very real.

40 n.& v.罚款:the courthim $500..

41. n.[c]手指:she wore a gold ring on her

42. v.结束,完成:h**e youreading that book yet?

43. v.**,射击;解雇:there is nowithout some smoke. (谚)有火就有烟。

44. adj.坚固的,牢固的:despite being hit by the car, the post was still

45. adv.& adj.第一,最初it’s thetime she has driven a car.

46. n.[c]拳头:he hit me with his

47. adj.(与 for 连用)合适的,适宜的:i think it an occupationfor a gentleman.

48. vt.修理;安装:heup the broken chair.

49. n. [c]旗,旗帜:theis flying for the queen’s birthday.

50. n.[c]一闪,闪光;转瞬间:his eyeswith anger.

51. adj.平的,平坦的:the floor is quite

52. n.[c]航班,飞行;楼梯的一段:did you h**e a good

53 v.漂浮,浮动:there was somethingnear the bank of the river.

54. n.[c]洪水,大水:the he**y rain was the cause of the

55. [c](楼房的)楼层:our office is on the seventh

56. n.[u]面粉,粉eggs, fat and sugar form the main contents of a cake.

57. vi.流,流动,流过:this riversouth into the english channal.

58. n. [c]花,花卉:the plant has small white

59. n. [c]苍蝇:there werebuzzing round the dead cow.

60. vt. 折叠,对折a piece of *****

61. v.(常与 after 连用)跟随;跟踪:sheme into the kitchen.

62. adj. (与 of 连用)特别喜爱的,爱好的:he’s not very of dancing.

63. n. [c]傻子,蠢人v.愚弄,欺骗:he is not such aas he looks.

64. adj.笨的,愚蠢的:it’sof you to believe her.

65. n. [c]脚,足;英尺:to do this is to cut theto fit the shoe.

66. n. [c](踢球所用的)足球 [u]足球(运动):he hurt his leg (in) playing

67. conj.因为,由于:we listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families.


1.n.c 机器,机械 thisis worked by electricity.2.adj.常与with,at连用 生气的 愤怒的 the director gotat me because i forgot my lines.3.n.c 杂志 how often does thiscome ou...


1.经努力 到达,达到 after battling against the blizzard,we finally our destination.2.n.c 游戏,运动,比赛 football is an exciting 3.n.c 汽车间 房 库 he backed the car out ...


山东省高等教育自学考试。在校生实践课程 英语词汇学 考核考试大纲。本科目考核分综合考核和学习过程评价考核两部分。其中,综合考核占50 学习过程评价考核占50 一 学习过程评价部分考核大纲。1 学习过程评价的课程性质及课程设置的目的。本课程是我国高等教育自学考试英语语言文学专业的专业课,是培养和检验自...