
发布 2021-05-22 10:30:28 阅读 7662

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 3 (unconditional-vast)


1. she wasfor two days after the accident. 事故发生后,她昏迷了两天。

2. we want tothe causes of cancer.我们想要查明致癌的原因。

3. our astronauntsa long period of testing and training. 我们宇航员要经历长时间的考验和训练。

4. can youin english.你能用英语说清楚自己的意思么?(understand词组)

5. hethe difficult task willingly.他欣然承担起了这一艰巨任务。

6. she’sabout her future.她对未来表示担忧。

7. he is drunk andto drive.他喝醉了,不适合开车。

8instead of hitting the ball, he hit his own false teeth.不幸地是,他没有打到球却打到了自己的假牙。

9. the koala isaustralia. 树袋熊是澳大利亚独有的动物。

10. envy is aweakness of people.嫉妒是人们共同的弱点。

11the weather gets better, i’ll stay at home. 如果天气没有好转,我就待在家里。

12. in spite ofshe never takes her fate lying down.尽管起起伏伏,她从任凭命运摆布。(up词组)

13. it’s important for the figures to beregularly.定期更新数据很重要。

14. his room is on thefloor.他的房间在上层。

15. he arrived an hour late andour plan.他迟到了一个小时,打乱了我们的计划。

16. 67% ofresidents use the internet. 67%的城市居民使用互联网。

17. i was embarrassed, but i fought the __to run off the stage.我感到很尴尬,但是我抑制住了想跑**的冲动。

18. every minute of the day is filled withmatters.一天中每分钟都排满了亟待解决的问题。

19. i thinkcrying about your exam result. 为考试结果哭无意义。(use词组)

20. i h**e tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but苦苦寻求办法却是徒劳。

21. the cat stepped forward and那只猫向前走了几步,不见了。

22. the weather herefrom hour to hour.这儿天气时刻都在变化。

23. the house had beenfor a long time. 这房子空了很久了。

24. on the flight back, we wereto business class. 返航时,我们被升级到公务舱。

25. find andthe topic sentence. 找到并划出中心句。

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 3 (unconditional-vast)


1. she wasfor two days after the accident. 事故发生后,她昏迷了两天。

2. we want tothe causes of cancer.我们想要查明致癌的原因。

3. our astronauntsa long period of testing and training. 我们宇航员要经历长时间的考验和训练。

4. can youin english.你能用英语说清楚自己的意思么?(understand词组)

5. hethe difficult task willingly.他欣然承担起了这一艰巨任务。

6. she’sabout her future.她对未来表示担忧。

7. he is drunk andto drive.他喝醉了,不适合开车。

8instead of hitting the ball, he hit his own false teeth.不幸地是,他没有打到球却打到了自己的假牙。

9. the koala isaustralia. 树袋熊是澳大利亚独有的动物。

10. envy is aweakness of people.嫉妒是人们共同的弱点。

11the weather gets better, i’ll stay at home. 如果天气没有好转,我就待在家里。

12. in spite ofshe never takes her fate lying down.尽管起起伏伏,她从任凭命运摆布。(up词组)

13. it’s important for the figures to beregularly.定期更新数据很重要。

14. his room is on thefloor.他的房间在上层。

15. he arrived an hour late andour plan.他迟到了一个小时,打乱了我们的计划。

16. 67% ofresidents use the internet. 67%的城市居民使用互联网。

17. i was embarrassed, but i fought the __to run off the stage.我感到很尴尬,但是我抑制住了想跑**的冲动。

18. every minute of the day is filled withmatters.一天中每分钟都排满了亟待解决的问题。

19. i thinkcrying about your exam result. 为考试结果哭无意义。(use词组)

20. i h**e tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but苦苦寻求办法却是徒劳。

21. the cat stepped forward and那只猫向前走了几步,不见了。

22. the weather herefrom hour to hour.这儿天气时刻都在变化。

23. the house had beenfor a long time. 这房子空了很久了。

24. on the flight back, we wereto business class. 返航时,我们被升级到公务舱。

1. find andthe topic sentence. 找到并划出中心句。


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