
发布 2021-05-22 10:29:28 阅读 8783

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 7 (substitute---system)


1. you canvegetable oil for butter in this recipe. (在这份食谱中,你可以用植物油代替黄油)

2. i tried to discuss it with her but onlyin ****** her angry.(我试图跟她商量,却反倒把她惹火了)

3. always bear in mind that your own resolution to __is more important than any one thing. (成功的决心比任何一件事情都重要)

4. the pain in my foot wasn’tstop my walking.(我脚疼,但还不至于不能行走)

5was eintein, a ****** man of great achievements. (这就是爱因斯坦,一个简谱而又取得伟大成就的人)

6. we were about to le**e there when it began to rain he**ily and就在我们要离开的时候,突然下起了大雨)

7. he slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his他睡在柴火和稻草上,提醒自己不要忘记所遭受的苦难)

8. the handful of foreign coins is often notto buy much from the duty-free shop.(一把外国硬币在免税店往往不够买太多东西)

9. there was aof anger in her face. (她面带怒色)

10. tofor a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking. (总之, 想要心脏健康,你必须经常运动并戒烟)

11. her smile brought a ray ofinto the room. (她的微笑给这个房间带来了一丝欢乐)

12. these measures are stronglyby environmental groups. (这些措施得到环保组织的大力支持)

13. i h**en’t seen it myself, but it isto be a great movie. (我还没有看过这部电影,但是据说很不错)

14. winning an olympic gold medal was, i suppose, themoment of my life. (是我一生中最重要的时刻)

15. she is not perfect, to bebut she is pretty. (她固然不是十全十美,但很漂亮)

16. to some, happiness is beingby family and friends. (对有些人来说,幸福是一直有家人和朋友陪伴在身旁)

17. how do youon such a low salary? (你是如何靠这么低的工资维持生计的)

18. the smogthe whole city. (雾霾笼罩着整个城市)

19. a rare snowstormacross the region yesterday. (昨天一场罕见的暴风雨袭击了该地区)

20. success was not __and rowling might h**e given up. (成功并非一蹴而就,罗琳可能也曾经放弃过)

21. i had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers __before my eyes. (眼前全是数字在晃动)

22. at that moment, the doorupon, and roy walked in. (正在这时,门开了,罗伊走了进来)

23. hethe conversation from one subject to another. (他把话题换来换去)

24. mother teresa came to be a livingof selfless devotion to the sick and poor. (活生生的象征)

25. they felt greatfor the victims. (他们十分同情遇难者)

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 7 (substitute---system)


1. you canvegetable oil for butter in this recipe. (在这份食谱中,你可以用植物油代替黄油)

2. i tried to discuss it with her but onlyin ****** her angry.(我试图跟她商量,却反倒把她惹火了)

3. always bear in mind that your own resolution to __is more important than any one thing. (成功的决心比任何一件事情都重要)

4. the pain in my foot wasn’tstop my walking.(我脚疼,但还不至于不能行走)

5was eintein, a ****** man of great achievements. (这就是爱因斯坦,一个简谱而又取得伟大成就的人)

6. we were about to le**e there when it began to rain he**ily and就在我们要离开的时候,突然下起了大雨)

7. he slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his他睡在柴火和稻草上,提醒自己不要忘记所遭受的苦难)

8. the handful of foreign coins is often notto buy much from the duty-free shop.(一把外国硬币在免税店往往不够买太多东西)

9. there was aof anger in her face. (她面带怒色)

10. tofor a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking. (总之, 想要心脏健康,你必须经常运动并戒烟)

11. her smile brought a ray ofinto the room. (她的微笑给这个房间带来了一丝欢乐)

12. these measures are stronglyby environmental groups. (这些措施得到环保组织的大力支持)

13. i h**en’t seen it myself, but it isto be a great movie. (我还没有看过这部电影,但是据说很不错)

14. winning an olympic gold medal was, i suppose, themoment of my life. (是我一生中最重要的时刻)

15. she is not perfect, to bebut she is pretty. (她固然不是十全十美,但很漂亮)

16. to some, happiness is beingby family and friends. (对有些人来说,幸福是一直有家人和朋友陪伴在身旁)

17. how do youon such a low salary? (你是如何靠这么低的工资维持生计的)

18. the smogthe whole city. (雾霾笼罩着整个城市)

19. a rare snowstormacross the region yesterday. (昨天一场罕见的暴风雨袭击了该地区)

20. success was not __and rowling might h**e given up. (成功并非一蹴而就,罗琳可能也曾经放弃过)

21. i had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers __before my eyes. (眼前全是数字在晃动)

22. at that moment, the doorupon, and roy walked in. (正在这时,门开了,罗伊走了进来)

23. hethe conversation from one subject to another. (他把话题换来换去)

24. mother teresa came to be a livingof selfless devotion to the sick and poor. (活生生的象征)


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be about to 即将 according to 按照,根据 by accident 偶然 by chance in accordance with 一致 按照 根据。account for 解释,说明。on account of 因为,由于。accustomed to 习惯于。take in...


1 prefer to do rather than do 比起 更愿做。2 prefer n.doing to n.doing 比起 更愿做。3 prefer to do sth情愿做 4 prepare sb.for sth.使某人为 作好准备。5 present sth to sb prese...