
发布 2021-05-22 10:25:28 阅读 1761



apart 琛ㄧず鈥滃垎寮鈥濄佲滅浉璺濃濄佲滅寮鈥濈瓑锛屽彲浠ョ敤浜庢椂闂淬佽窛绂汇佸叧绯汇佺姸鍐电瓑;鍙﹀ 浠庢墍琛ㄧず鐨勭姸鎬佹潵鐪嬶紝瀹冩棦鍙 〃绀洪潤鎬佺殑鈥滅浉璺濃濇垨鈥滅浉闅斺?涔熷彲琛ㄧず鍔ㄦ佺殑鈥滃垎寮鈥濇垨鈥滅寮鈥濈瓑銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆the two villages are about two kilometers apart.

杩欎袱涓潙搴勭浉璺濈害涓ゅ叕閲屻?銆銆銆銆their views are wide apart. 浠栦滑鐨勭湅娉曠浉鍘荤敋杩溿?

銆銆銆銆during that time we were never apart. 鍦ㄩ偅娈垫椂闂撮噷浜烘垜浠粠涓嶅垎绂汇?銆銆銆銆i can鈥檛 get the two things apart.

鎴戜笉鑳芥妸杩欎袱鏍蜂笢瑗垮垎寮銆?銆銆銆銆he and his wife are living apart. 浠栦笌濡诲瓙娌℃湁浣忓湪涓璧枫?

銆銆銆銆she keeps herself apart from other people. 濂逛笌鍒汉淇濇寔璺濈銆?銆銆銆銆2.


銆銆銆銆姝o細the two houses are 200 metres apart. 銆銆銆銆璇細the two houses are apart 200 metres. 銆銆銆銆鎴戜滑淇╃殑鐢熸棩鍒氬ソ鐩稿樊涓涓湀銆?

銆銆銆銆姝o細our birthdays are exactly a month apart. 銆銆銆銆璇細our birthdays are exactly apart a month. 銆銆銆銆3.

璇㈤棶鐩搁殧澶氳繙鏃讹紝瑕佺敤 how far apart鈥︹? 銆銆銆銆浣犱滑鐨勪綇澶勭浉璺濆杩滐紵銆銆銆銆姝o細how far apart do you live? 銆銆銆銆璇細how apart do you live?

銆銆銆銆4. 鐢ㄤ簬鐭 apart from.濡傦細銆銆銆銆鈶犺〃绀衡滈櫎鈥︹﹀ 杩樻湁鈥濄傚锛?

銆銆銆銆apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. 闄や簡鑺辫垂澶栵紝瀹冭繕闇瑕佷笉灏戞椂闂淬?銆銆銆銆apart from being too large, the hat doesn鈥檛 suit me.

闄や簡澶 ぇ澶栵紝杩欓《甯藉瓙鎴戞埓涔熶笉鍚堥傘?銆銆銆銆鈶¤〃绀衡滆嫢娌℃湁鈥濄佲滈櫎鈥︹﹀ 鈥濄傚锛?銆銆銆銆the article is good apart from a few spelling mistakes.

闄や簡鏈夊嚑涓嫾鍐欓敊璇锛岃繖绡囨枃绔犲啓寰楁尯濂界殑銆?銆銆銆銆apart from that, all goes well. 闄や簡閭d簨澶栵紝鍏跺畠涓鍒囪繘灞曢『鍒┿?

銆銆銆銆姣旇緝浠ヤ笅鍚屼箟鍙ュ瀷銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆浠栭櫎浜嗛蓟瀛愬锛屽叾瀹冨摢鍎块兘寰堝ソ鐪嬨?銆銆銆銆姝o細apart from his nose, he鈥檚 quite good-looking.

銆銆銆銆姝o細his nose apart, he鈥檚 quite good-looking.


apart 琛ㄧず鈥滃垎寮鈥濄佲滅浉璺濃濄佲滅寮鈥濈瓑锛屽彲浠ョ敤浜庢椂闂淬佽窛绂汇佸叧绯汇佺姸鍐电瓑;鍙﹀ 浠庢墍琛ㄧず鐨勭姸鎬佹潵鐪嬶紝瀹冩棦鍙 〃绀洪潤鎬佺殑鈥滅浉璺濃濇垨鈥滅浉闅斺?涔熷彲琛ㄧず鍔ㄦ佺殑鈥滃垎寮鈥濇垨鈥滅寮鈥濈瓑銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆the two villages are about two kilometers apart.

杩欎袱涓潙搴勭浉璺濈害涓ゅ叕閲屻?銆銆銆銆their views are wide apart. 浠栦滑鐨勭湅娉曠浉鍘荤敋杩溿?

銆銆銆銆during that time we were never apart. 鍦ㄩ偅娈垫椂闂撮噷浜烘垜浠粠涓嶅垎绂汇?銆銆銆銆i can鈥檛 get the two things apart.

鎴戜笉鑳芥妸杩欎袱鏍蜂笢瑗垮垎寮銆?銆銆銆銆he and his wife are living apart. 浠栦笌濡诲瓙娌℃湁浣忓湪涓璧枫?

銆銆銆銆she keeps herself apart from other people. 濂逛笌鍒汉淇濇寔璺濈銆?銆銆銆銆2.


銆銆銆銆姝o細the two houses are 200 metres apart. 銆銆銆銆璇細the two houses are apart 200 metres. 銆銆銆銆鎴戜滑淇╃殑鐢熸棩鍒氬ソ鐩稿樊涓涓湀銆?

銆銆銆銆姝o細our birthdays are exactly a month apart. 銆銆銆銆璇細our birthdays are exactly apart a month. 銆銆銆銆3.

璇㈤棶鐩搁殧澶氳繙鏃讹紝瑕佺敤 how far apart鈥︹? 銆銆銆銆浣犱滑鐨勪綇澶勭浉璺濆杩滐紵銆銆銆銆姝o細how far apart do you live? 銆銆銆銆璇細how apart do you live?

銆銆銆銆4. 鐢ㄤ簬鐭 apart from.濡傦細銆銆銆銆鈶犺〃绀衡滈櫎鈥︹﹀ 杩樻湁鈥濄傚锛?

銆銆銆銆apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. 闄や簡鑺辫垂澶栵紝瀹冭繕闇瑕佷笉灏戞椂闂淬?銆銆銆銆apart from being too large, the hat doesn鈥檛 suit me.

闄や簡澶 ぇ澶栵紝杩欓《甯藉瓙鎴戞埓涔熶笉鍚堥傘?銆銆銆銆鈶¤〃绀衡滆嫢娌℃湁鈥濄佲滈櫎鈥︹﹀ 鈥濄傚锛?銆銆銆銆the article is good apart from a few spelling mistakes.

闄や簡鏈夊嚑涓嫾鍐欓敊璇锛岃繖绡囨枃绔犲啓寰楁尯濂界殑銆?銆銆銆銆apart from that, all goes well. 闄や簡閭d簨澶栵紝鍏跺畠涓鍒囪繘灞曢『鍒┿?

銆銆銆銆姣旇緝浠ヤ笅鍚屼箟鍙ュ瀷銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆浠栭櫎浜嗛蓟瀛愬锛屽叾瀹冨摢鍎块兘寰堝ソ鐪嬨?銆銆銆銆姝o細apart from his nose, he鈥檚 quite good-looking.

銆銆銆銆姝o細his nose apart, he鈥檚 quite good-looking. 銆銆。

楂樿冭嫳璇瘝姹囪в鏋愶細behind鐨勯噸瑕佺煭璇?銆銆銆銆behind鐨勯噸瑕佺煭璇?銆銆銆銆1 .

be behind with [in ] 鎷栨瑺锛屾嫋寤讹紝涓嶈兘濡傛湡瀹屾垚銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆he is never behind with [in] his work. 浠栧伐浣滀粠涓嶆嫋鎷夈?

銆銆銆銆he was behind in [with] his rent. 浠栨嫋娆犱簡鎴跨銆?銆銆銆銆he helped a classmate who was behind with his homework.

浠栧府鍔╀竴浣嶆病鏈夋寜鏃跺畬鎴愪綔涓氱殑鍚岀彮鍚屽銆?銆銆銆銆2 . be behind in doing sth 鍋氭煇浜嬩笉钀藉湪鍚庨潰銆傚锛?

銆銆銆銆the boy is behind in handing in homework. 杩欏瀛愭病鑳芥寜鏃朵氦瀹跺涵浣滀笟銆?銆銆銆銆he was never behind in offering suggestions.

浠栨彁寤鸿浠庢潵涓嶈惤鍦ㄥ埆浜哄悗闈 ?銆銆銆銆3 . from behind 浠庡悗闈傚锛?

銆銆銆銆he held her from behind. 浠栦粠鍚庨潰鎶变綇濂广?銆銆銆銆they attacked us from behind.

浠栦滑浠庡悗闈㈡敾鍑绘垜浠 ?銆銆銆銆娉細鏈夋椂 behind 鏄粙璇嶏紝鍏跺悗鍙帴瀹捐銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆he came out from behind the door.

浠栦粠闂ㄥ悗鍑烘潵銆?銆銆銆銆4 . fall [drop ] behind 钀藉湪鍚庨潰銆傚锛?

銆銆銆銆i鈥檝e fallen behind in work. 鎴戝伐浣滆惤鍚庝簡銆?銆銆銆銆some students dropped behind in their studies.

鏈夌殑瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ 涔犱笂钀藉湪鍚庨潰銆?銆銆銆銆5 . le**e sth behind 璧板悗鐣欎笅鏌愮墿銆傚锛?

銆銆銆銆what h**e we left behind? 鎴戜滑璧板悗鐣欎笅浠涔堜簡锛?銆銆銆銆he left his umbrella behind.

浠栫寮鏃舵病鏈夋妸闆ㄤ紴甯﹁蛋銆?銆銆銆銆6 . stay [remain ] behind 鐣欎笅锛屽湪鍒汉鍚庨潰鐣欎笅銆傚锛?

銆銆銆銆he alone remained behind. 鍙湁浠栦竴涓汉鐣欎笅娌¤蛋銆?銆銆銆銆i had to stay behind after school.


楂樿冭嫳璇瘝姹囪в鏋愶細believe in鐨勭敤娉?銆銆銆銆believe in鐨勭敤娉?銆銆銆銆涓銆?

鐢ㄤ簬believe in sb [sth ]锛岃〃绀虹浉淇℃垨淇′换鏌愪汉鎴栨煇鐗╋紝鍏辨湁浠ヤ笅鍥涚鐢ㄦ硶锛?銆銆銆銆淇′话銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆he believes in god.

浠栦俊浠颁笂甯濄?銆銆銆銆鐩镐俊鈥︹︾殑瀛樺湪銆傚锛?銆銆銆銆do you believe in ghosts?

浣犵浉淇℃湁楝煎悧锛?銆銆銆銆淇′换锛屼俊璧栥傚锛?銆銆銆銆nobody believes in him.

娌℃湁浜轰俊浠讳粬銆?銆銆銆銆姣旇緝锛欼 can believe him, but i cannot believe in him. 鎴戠浉淇′粬璇寸殑璇濇槸鐪熺殑锛屼絾鏄笉鐩镐俊浠栫殑涓轰汉銆?

銆銆銆銆鐩镐俊鈥︹︾殑鐪熷疄鎬с傚锛?銆銆銆銆do you believe in everything the bible says? 浣犵浉淇°婂湥缁忋嬩腑鐨勬瘡鍙ヨ瘽锛?

銆銆銆銆浜屻?鐢ㄤ簬believe in doing sth 锛?琛ㄧず鐩镐俊鍋氭煇浜嬫湁濂藉銆傚锛?

銆銆銆銆he believes in getting plenty of exercise. 浠栫浉淇″ 鍋氳繍鍔ㄥ繀鏈夊ソ澶勩?銆銆銆銆they believe in letting children make their own mistakes.

浠栦滑鐩镐俊璁╁ 瀛愪滑鑷繁鍑洪敊鏈夊ソ澶勩?


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