
发布 2021-05-22 10:28:28 阅读 8323

1. he放弃) his research由于缺乏) fund.

2. tom solved the problems in study尽最大努力).

3. he正准备) le**e when it began to rain.

4. i received his invitation yesterday but i没有接受).

5. soon he被接受为) british citizenship.

6. only a few people可以获取) the full facts of the case.

7. he sang a folk song伴奏) by his wife at the piano.

8. this is her惯常的) hour to get up.

9. we must learn how to讲清楚我们的观点).

10果断的措施) must be taken to prevent such an accident from happening again.

11加起来) all these figures and see what the total is.

12. his wages足够) support the family.

13. the body quickly自行调节以适应) changes in temperature.

14. only important personages可以参加) the opening ceremony.

15. the lawyer’s letter said she would hear something对她有利).

16. the boy害怕) being scolded by his father for he failed in the final exam.

17. we are all服药防御) the disease.

18病人和老人) need our help.

19. their story与事实相符).

20. they began to推行) with their new policy.

21. this education目的是) combining brain work with manual labor.

22. the driver was still活着) after the accident.

23几乎没有人) believes her.

24只有人类) has the gift of speech.

25. i对……感到惊奇) find her there.

26. new york is是……中之一) the largest cities in the world.

27大量的废水) h**e been poured into the river without being cleaned.

28. we急切) know the result of the entrance examination.

29一个人在家), i felt nothing but lonely.

30. the police正呼吁) the public for information about this crime.

31. he被任命为) mayor of the city.

32. i理解) your problem, but i don’t think i can help you.

33. mary measured地板的面积) before ordering the new carpet.

34. many problems由…引起) the lack of communication.

35. he对…感到羞愧) his shameful beh**ior.

36. i don’t like you与…混在一起) such people.

37. he保证) me that he would help me.

38. this ticket is通用) in all parks.

39. if找不到我), you can ask him for help.

40. i从…中醒来) a deep sleep.

41. he (被授予诺贝尔物理学奖) for his great discovery.

42. i saw the boy running光着脚).

43. the rain was拍打着) against the window.

44. it was过了好一会儿才) he realized what had happened.

45. this company受益于) her ingenuity

46. i受到…的约束) my promise.

47. he应该为…负责) the accident. so he受到责备) it.

48. his lazy son is really使…伤脑筋) him.

49. if you fill too many in your bag, it会破掉).

50. a bird in hand is worth two in the丛林).

51. after the storm, the sea was rather平静的).

52. we捉住) him alive.

53. put down my address以防万一) you forget.

54. he may be late如果那样的话) we’d better wait.

55. heat is the原因) of the expansion of matter.

56. he停止) breathing.

57. i never miss a机会) of playing basketball.

58. he is a man性格坚强).

59. in the new store, there are several models可供选择).

60. a canadian doctor声称) to h**e found a cure for sars.

61. the island has a warm气候).

62. (有了热情,再加上努力), and we will succeed.

63. snow is常见) in north china.

64. he stayed at home to陪伴他的妻子).

65. she is pretty无与伦比).


67. the hard work难住) me.

68. we正在考虑) how we should get him out of trouble.

69. this set of books主要由…主城) six illustrated comic series.

70. she is经常) changing her mind.

71. thank you for your建设性的建议).

72. i’ve been trying to与你取得联系) since yesterday.

73. this box is perfect to装下) the child’s toys.

74. the sugar含量) of juice is no less than normally considered.

75. we thought the test would be difficult恰恰相反), it’s so easy.

76与…比起来) maggie’s marks, tom’s marks were excellent.

77. a proper amount of exercise有助于) good health.

78. the teacher管不住) over the student.

79. he发火了).

80. more stores h**e a delivery service为了方便顾客).

81. marco is difficult to与其合作), because he takes ages to做决定).

82. she is waiting在街角).

83. careless driving will让你付出生命代价).

84. we were a party of twenty算上) our teacher.

85. i h**e几个) questions to ask.

86. he is一个有勇气的男人).

87. during在…的过程中) the day, we visited a lot of places.

88. this report涵盖) all aspects of the problem.

89. all the passengers were killed in the空难).

90. quite a lot of girls对…着迷) the singer.

91. the机组成员) of the airplane are preparing for the next flight now.

92. he is always批评他的朋友自私).

93. the bus was挤满了学生).

94你真是残忍) to bully your friend like that.

95. he is trying to陶冶心性) by reading.

96**癌症的有效方法) has not yet been found.

97. children are naturally对…感到好奇) everything.

98. it is的习俗) the japanese to take off their shoes when getting into a hall.

99. the path穿过) the forest.

100. the bridge被…严重损毁) the flood.

101. he was sick and有…的危险) losing his life.

102. we are unable to确定化石的年代).

103. he knows well how to应付小孩).

104. i’m欠他的情) him for all his help.

105. the stone castle蒙骗了他,使他…) thinking it was an ancient town.


词汇配套练习。根据语境及所给汉语写出英语,注意形式变化。1.he is an能干的 man.will you能够 come tomorrow?2.i know nothing关于 the matter.they walked四处 and took some photos.he left here 大...


1 人们把放大镜叫作凸透镜 边沿薄 中间厚 透明 它能把物体的图像放大,早在一千多年前,人们就发明了放大镜。放大镜在我们的生活 工作 学习中被广泛使用。19 细胞也是生物最基本的功能单位,生物的呼吸 消化 排泄 生长 发育 繁殖 遗传等生命活动都是通过细胞进行的。答 烧饭时米变成了饭 写字时纸上留下...


中考词汇表对照表。中考必备词汇。文章 于百度文库,作者不详。别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。成功不是只有将来才有,而是从决定做的那一刻起,持续积累而成!人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人,人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。成功就是每天进步一点点!如果要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚...