
发布 2020-01-03 00:00:28 阅读 9103

aabandon his wife and children/ his hope;抛妻弃子;abandon oneself to 放纵于。

h**e the ability to do sth 有能力做sth

go abroad 出国。

be absent from 缺席。

be absorbed in 全神贯注于。

h**e/ get the access to 有得到sth的机会/享用sth的权利。

by accident 无意的。

according to 根据。

accuse sb of sth= charge sb with sth 控告sb sth, 指责sb sth

be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于。

act as 起着。的作用。

take an active part in;积极参加。

adapt (sb) to 适应sth

add up to 合计达add to 添加,增添。

in addition to 除了。之外。

admit to sb 向sb承认admit (to) doing 承认做sthadmit sb to/ into sth 使sb进入sth be admitted to/ into college

adopt a child/ policy 收养一个孩子/采用政策。

in advance 提前,事先。

take advantate of 利用h**e an advantage (of sth) over sb 有超越sb的sth的优点give sb an advantage over sb 给sb超越sb的优势。

advise sb to do 建议sb去做sth;advise doing 建议做sth

can/ could (not) afford sth / to do **(不)起sth/做sth

be afraid to do/ of 不敢做sth/害怕sth

in the afternoon 在下午。

again and again 再三。

at the age of 在。岁的时候。

agree on 就sth达成一致意见agree with sb;同意sbnot agree with sb 不适应sbagree to sth (plan, suggestion…) 同意计划/建议agree to do/ that 同意去做sth

i can’t agree with you any more. 非常同意。

go ahead 去吧,去做吧ahead of 在。的前面。

first aid 急救。

aim at doing/ sb/ sth 以。为目标aim sth at sb 把sth瞄准sbaim to do 目标去做with the aim of doing 有sth的目标。

at the airport 在机场。

fire alarm 火警set the alarm for..o’clock 把闹钟调在。点钟。

on alert 警觉的。

all over the world/ country 全世界/全国first of all 首先in all 总共not at all/ not…at all 别客气/根本不。

allow sb to do 允许sb去做sth;allow doing允许做sthallow for 考虑到。

be amazed at/ by 对sth惊喜be amazed to do 惊喜的做sth

achieve/ fulfill/ realize one’s ambition 实现sb的志向an ambition to do/ of doing sth 做sth的志向。

a large/ considerable amount of 大量的。

to sb’s amusement 使sb感到开心的是amusement park 游乐场。

and so on 等等

from a ( different/ unusual/ strange…) angle 从。的角度。

be angry with sb 生sb的气be angry about/ over/ at sth 生sth的气。

the answer to(the question)..的回答answer the phone/ the door接**/应门answer for对…负责。

be annoyed at/ with sb 对sb感到恼怒be annoyed about/ by 对sth恼怒。

be anxious about 对sth焦虑be anxious to do 急切的去做sth;be anxious for sb to do 热切希望sb去做5meters apart 相隔5米fall apart 瓦解/崩溃tear sth apart 把sth撕碎tell sth apart 区分sthapart from 除了sth之外。

apologize to sb for sth/ doing 因为sth向sb道歉。

make an apology to sb for;因为sth向sb道歉owe sb an apology 应该向sb道歉。

it is apparent (to sb) that 很明显。

appeal to sb to do 呼吁sb去做sth

appear to do 似乎/好象去做sth;it appears that似乎/好象。

never judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人。never judge a person by his appearance.

lose appetite 失去胃口spoil/ ruin sb’s appetite for 破坏对sth的胃口/欲望h**e an appetite for sth 对sth有胃口。

applaud sb for sth 因为sth为sb鼓掌。

a round of applause 一阵掌声。

an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,保持身体健康。the apple of sb’s eye 是sb的掌上明珠。

electrical appliance电器。

apply to sb for sth 向sb申请sthapply a to b 把a应用与b;apply to 适用于。

appoint sb to sth 指定sb去sth;appoint sb to do 指定sb去做sth;appoint sb as 指定sb为。

h**e/ make an appointment with sb 和sb有预约h**e/ make an appointment to do 预约去做sth;keep an appointment 赴约。

appreciate sth ( music, wine…) 欣赏sth;appreciate doing 感激做sth;i’d appreciate it if you could help me.如果你能帮助我,我将很感激。

the approach to sth/ sp sth/sp的方法/通道the approach of sth sth的靠近/临近。

approve of sth 同意sth

argue with sb about/ over sth 和sb争论sth

arm in arm 手挽手take/ catch sb by the arm 抓住sb的手臂。

join the army 参军in the army

arouse interest/ anger/ hostility 激起兴趣。

arrange for sb to do 安排sb去做sth;arranged marriage 包办婚姻。

make arrangements for/ to do 为sth做安排/安排去做sth

arrest sb for sth 因为sth而逮捕sb;under arrest 在拘留中。

arrive at/ in 到达。

the arrival of sth sth的来临on arrival 一到达。

works of art 艺术品。

as…as 和sth一样not as/ so…as 不如sth一样as soon as possible 尽可能快such as 例如as if/ though 似乎,好象。

be ashamed of/ at/ to do 对sth/做sth很惭愧。

ask sb sth 问sb sth;ask (sb) to do 叫sb去做sth;ask (sb) for 请求得到ask (sb) about 询问ask for le**e/ trouble 请假/自寻烦恼fall asleep 睡着了。

assign sb sth ( a task/ a room…) 布置sb sth;assign sb to sth/ sp 派sb 去sp;assign sb to do 布置sb去做sth

assist sb with/ in sth 帮助sb做sth

associate a with b 把a和b联系起来;associate with sb 和sb结交。

assure sb that 向sb保证assure sb of sth 向sb保证sth

attach a to b 把a附在b上。

the attack on pearl harbor 对珍珠港的袭击。

attempt to do 企图做sth;make an attempt to do

attend school/ college 上学attend a meeting 参加会议attend sb 陪伴sb;attend to 照料,关照。

pay attention to 注意sth

attract sb to sth 把sb吸引到sth

an audience of200;200名观众a large/ small audience 观众多/少。

h**e the authority to do 有权威力量去做sth;under the authority of sb 在sb的权威之下。


a一 个,件,art.一周两次 一天5美元。一两天。总而言之。短时间内,一度。这样 多么 有些 许多。adj 单数可数名词。放弃 抛弃 离弃 遗弃vt.放弃船只 研究。能力n.有才干的人。有能力做某事。高 低 一般能力。竭尽全力做某事。有能力的,能干的adj.有能力做某事 成功做了某事。能力强的教师...


keen 词组对 有强烈兴趣。敏锐的眼光。keep词组遵守诺言kind 词组某人做 真是太好了!knee词组。单膝下跪。know 词组为 所熟悉。认为它无用。late词组迟到latter 词组前者 后者laugh词组嘲笑law 词组违法 lay 词组铺桌子。为 奠定基础认为。重要 储蓄。lead词组...

高考英语词汇手册E F

each adj.pron.every single one of two or more things considered separately每个,各个。词组 each other 互相 one another也是互相的意思,但一般用于三个人以上 例句 they respect each ot...