高考英语词汇手册E F

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each adj. pron. every single one of two or more things considered separately每个,各个。

词组 each other 互相 (one another也是互相的意思,但一般用于三个人以上)

例句 they respect each other. 他们互相尊重。

we each h**e a book.

they came in, each holding a book. =each of us has a book.

eager adj. strongly interested; impatiently desiring渴望。

词组 eager be**er 热心工作的人; be eager to do something; be too eager to do something;

例句 he is eager for success. 他非常渴望成功。

joan is eager for you to come to the party. 乔安非常期望你来参加晚会。

the children are listening to his story with eager attention. 孩子们热切倾听他讲故事。

he is very eager in acting. 他非常热衷于表演。

展开 eagerly adv. 殷切地,渴望地 eagerness n. 热心,渴望。

he is longing for the admission with great eagerness. 他殷切地盼望着录取通知。

she is in her eagerness to adopt the doggie. 她急于要收养那条小狗。

early adj. adv. (earlier, earliest) happening before the usual time早的,初期的。

词组 early or late = sooner or later 迟早,早晚 early bird 早起的人 as early as possible 尽早。

例句 the early bird catches the worm. 早起三分利;捷足先登。

earn vt. get money by working; get because of one’s qualities赚,挣得。

词组 earn one’s living 维持生计。

例句 he earned respect by rescuing a drowning man. 他拯救了落水的人,赢得了大家的尊重。

that show earned him great fame. 那个节目使他名声大噪。

he earns his living by teaching in a language school. 他在一所语言学校教书谋生。

展开 earnings n. 所得,收入,收益。

earnest adj. determined and serious认真的,迫切的,诚恳的。

词组 be earnest about 热心于……

例句 parents are earnest about their children’s education. 父母对孩子的教育非常热心。

earth n. the planet on which we live; soil in which plants grow地球,土地。

词组 the earth 地球 down to earth 实事求是的;实际的 on earth 在地上的;到底,究竟。

he thought himself to be the happiest man on earth.

what on earth did you want?

who on earth told you the news?

ease n. the ability to do something without difficulty; the state without worries容易,不费力。

v. make or become less severe; make less anxious; become less difficult放轻松。

词组 feel at ease 心定气闲at (one’s) ease 轻松的,安心地。

例句 he answered the question with great ease. 他轻易地答复那些问题。

the news that her son passed the exam eased her mind.她听到儿子通过考试的消息便安心了。

his words eased me of my anxiety. 他的话解除了我的忧虑。

set your mind at ease. 请你放心。

展开 easy adj. 容易的。

the question is easy (for me) to answer.

it is easy (for me) to answer the question. 这问题很容易回答。

easier said than done. 说比做容易。 easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。

take it easy 从容不迫,放心 easily adv. =without difficulty

east n. the direction from which the sun rises东方。

adj. facing or in the direction from which the sun rises在东方。

adv. 朝东方 towards the direction from which the sun rises

词组 the east 东方the east coast 东海岸。

例句 the sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

the park is located in the east of the city. 公园坐落在城市的东部。(在东部,用介词in)

the park is located to the east of the museum. 公园坐落于博物馆的东面。(在东面,用介词to)

the ship will tr**el east. (adv.) 船向动航行。

展开 eastern adj. 东方的,东部的 eastward adv. 朝东方。

eat v. (ate, eaten) take food through mouth吃。

词组 eat up 吃完,大量消耗 eat one’s word(承认错误而)收回前言,为所说的话道歉。

economy n. the system by which wealth is produced; the careful use of money经济;节约。

词组 economy class 经济舱 cheap class of seats on a plane

辨析 economic adj. 经济上的,经济学的 economical adj. 节约的,节俭的。

辨析下列句子:to buy cheap things is not always economical. 买便宜货不一定合算。

he left school for economic reason. 他因为经济原因而辍学。

the world’s economic situation 世界经济形势

the economic growth 经济增长。

展开 economically adv. 节约地,省钱地 economics n. 经济学。

economics is the most difficult course that i h**e ever taken.

educate v. teach or train through formal instruction at a school or college教育。

例句 she is a well-educated lady. 她是位有良好教育的女士。

展开 education n. 教育。

receive / obtain education 接受教育 college / university education 大学教育。

elementary / primary education 小学教育 higher education 高等教育。

effect n. a result or condition produced by a cause效果,结果,影响。

词组 h**e / produce an effect on… 对……有影响。

bring … into effect 实行……,施行(法律等) come into effect 开始实施,开始生效。


a一 个,件,art.一周两次 一天5美元。一两天。总而言之。短时间内,一度。这样 多么 有些 许多。adj 单数可数名词。放弃 抛弃 离弃 遗弃vt.放弃船只 研究。能力n.有才干的人。有能力做某事。高 低 一般能力。竭尽全力做某事。有能力的,能干的adj.有能力做某事 成功做了某事。能力强的教师...


keen 词组对 有强烈兴趣。敏锐的眼光。keep词组遵守诺言kind 词组某人做 真是太好了!knee词组。单膝下跪。know 词组为 所熟悉。认为它无用。late词组迟到latter 词组前者 后者laugh词组嘲笑law 词组违法 lay 词组铺桌子。为 奠定基础认为。重要 储蓄。lead词组...


aabandon his wife and children his hope 抛妻弃子 abandon oneself to 放纵于。h e the ability to do sth 有能力做sth go abroad 出国。be absent from 缺席。be absorbed in 全神...