高考英语词汇总复习3 add aft

发布 2021-05-22 17:00:28 阅读 8499

address n.地址 vt.写地址/向…讲话(尤指演讲)

address the letter to sb. 给某人寄信

the letter was wrongly addressed.

the president addressed the public.

adequate adj.足够的/充分的/胜任的。

adequate food

be adequate to the job

adjust vt. 调整/调节/适应。

adjust your speed /the volume/ the camera

adjust to the dark/ the single life

adjust yourself to the weather there

adjustment n.调整/调节。

seasonal adjustment 季节性调整。

price adjustment **调整。

structural adjustment 结构调整。

make some adjustments

administration n.管理/行政 administrationstaff管理人员。

administration department行政部门。

business administration企业管理。

admirable a.令人钦佩的

admire v钦佩/羡慕。

admire sb for sth i admire john for his courage.

admission n.承认/进入

admission examination 入学考试。

admit vt.承认(错误、罪行等)/准许进入

admit one’s mistakes

admit doing sth.= admit to doing sth.

admit sb. to/into sp --sb. be admitted to/into sp

be admitted to beijing university被北京大学录取。

adolescence n.青春期。

adolescence education青春期教育。

adolescent adj. 青春期的。

adolescent health青少年健康。

adopt v. 收养/采取/接受。

adopt an orphan the adopted child

adopt a new policy/ a suggestion

adopt measures采取措施。

adult n. 成年人。

developfrom achildinto anadult长大**。

advance n.前进/预付金vi推进/促进/前进。

in advance= ahead of time 预先/事先

pay the rent in advance

advance greatly in … 在…方面大有长进

advanced adj.先进的/高级的。

an advanced worker先进工作者。

advanced experience先进的经验。

advantage n.优点/有利条件/优势/好处(可数)

h**e/gain/get/win an advantage over 胜于/优于。

take advantage of sth.利用……

to the advantage of sb./to sb.’s advantage对某人有利。

hear something to sb.’s advantage听到对某人有利的消息。

adventure n.冒险/奇遇。

a spirit ofadventure一种冒险精神。

advertise vt.为…做广告/登广告征求/寻找…

advertise a product

advertise for a new sales manager

advertisement n.广告。

put anadvertisementin the local *****在当地报纸登一则广告。

advice n.建议

ask sb for advice 向某人寻求建议

take/follow/ accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议。

a piece of advice 一条建议

give sb some advice on sth

advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议

advise sb (not) to do; advise doing;

advise that …(should)+do

our teacher advised that we should study hard.

adviser n.顾问

a specialadviser特别顾问。

advocate vt.提倡/拥护。

advocate the policy of…拥护…的政策。

affair n.事务/事情。

affairs of state国家事务


affect vt.影响/对…有坏影响/(疾病)侵袭/喜欢。

affectblood pressure对血压有影响

be affected by

affection n.慈爱/挚爱

gain sb’s affection得到某人的爱。

afford vt.负担得起/抽得出(时间)

afford sth/to do sth

afraid a.害怕的/担心的。

be afraid to do 因为害怕不敢做…

be afraid of doing 害怕…

she was afraid to go out alone at night.

she was afraid of waking him up.

i'm afraid so/not. 恐怕是这样/不是这样。

africa n. 非洲

in centralafrica在非洲中部。

african a. 非洲的/非洲人的n. 非洲人。


theafricancontinent 非洲大陆。

a typicalafricancountry典型的非洲国家。

after prep./ conj. 在…之后

shut the door after you随手关门

after all毕竟,要知道。


高考英语单词测验1 1.n.活动 activity2.vt.影响 affect 3.adj.一样的 相似的alike4.n.广告 advertisement ad 5.adj.心不在焉的 absent minded absent 6.adv.事实上 actually 7.认 使 适应 改编 adap...


hh share h 股 国企股。hang seng china enterprise index 恒生中国企业指数 香港 hang seng index 恒生指数 香港 hedge accounting 对冲会计法。通过对冲会计法,金融市场对冲的收益和损失的会计认可被推延至基础风险暴露的相应收益和...


301.profit prft n.利润,益处 v.有益于,有利于。302.profitable a.有利可图的。303.slope slp n.斜坡,斜面。304.reinforce ri n f s vt.增强,加强。305.reject r dekt vt.拒绝。306.fatal fetl ...