七年级英语上1 2单元学案

发布 2021-05-22 08:50:28 阅读 1856

一、 根据要求填空。

1. 上午遇到老师和同学时,应说。

2. 别人见到你向你说how are you? 你说。

3. 表示铅笔硬度、黑度的字母是。

4. 英国广播公司的缩写是。


1. _vening2. wh___r__ler

5. p___n6. or__nge7. qu__lt8. k___y

9. fi__e10. jac__et( )

三、 找出划线部分读音不同的一个或每组字母中不含相同元音的一个,并把序号填写在题前的括号内1. a. daleb. gracec. frank

) 2. a. helen b. ericc. evening

) 3. a. thanks b. alicec. grade

) 4. a. fb. dc. b

) 5. a. cb. hc. g

四、 单项选择。


a. bb b. ff

)2. 当你的朋友bob 向你问好说:“hello” 时,你应该如何回答。

a. i’m ok. b. fine, thank you. c. hello.


a good morning! b. good afternoon! c. good evening! d. good night

)4.下列小写字母占格相同的是 。

a. omnb. hoa c. flkd. ikn

)5.--spell it ,please

e n b. k-e-y c. r-u-l-e-r

) is __pen. it’s __english pen.

a. a…an


1. nice, to , you, meet, helen

2. is, this, english, what, in

3. am, too , i ,fine

4. eric , my ,is ,name

5. spell, please, it

六. 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的在题前打t,错误的打f

helen is an english school girl. she’s eleven years old. now she and her parents are in jinan.

her parents teach english in our school. they are very kind. helen is a good pupil.

she’s good at maths. we are good friends. she’s clever and beautiful .

now she can speak a little chinese.

( )1. helen is from america.

( )2. her parents are english teachers

( )3. helen is in beijing now.

( )4. she isn’t good at maths.

( )5. she can speak a lot of chinese.


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