
发布 2021-05-22 00:01:28 阅读 8052

(一)单项选择。1your new friend at school?

nice. i like it very much.

a. how are b. how is c. where are d. where is

2you and your brothers at school?

yesa. are; we are b are; they are c. are; we’re d. is; i am

3your name millie?

a. are; yes, i am b. is; yes, it is c. are; yes, it is d. is; yes, i am

4. -football is on the floor. is it yours?

no. i don’t often play __football.

a. 不填;the b. a; a c. a; the d. a; 不填

5. -your brother today?

he is fine. thanks.

a. how is b. who is c. what is d. how old is

6. –is millie happy at school every day?

___she says school is nice?

a. yes, she does b. no, she doesn’t c. no, she isn’t d. yes, she is.

7. –what __do you like to do?

sometimes i watch films.

a. others b. another c. other d. else

it’s three thirty.

a. when is it b. what day is it c. what’s the date d. what time is it

9. the man __a back coat is d**id’s uncle.

a. with b. in c. for d. on


1. my cousins __from england.

2. there __not any playgrounds there.

3. i am sally. i __born in suqain.

4. tom wants __a teacher when he grow up.


1. reading is one of my业余爱好)

2每人) is good at maths in mr. wu’s class.

3. do you like playing排球)?

4. the young man is one of the best basketball运动员) in the city.

5. there are five成员) in her family.

6. skating使) me feel happy.

7. he can h**e three __碗) of rice for lunch.

8. our chinese teacher asks us to keep __日记) every day.


1. he often gets up at sixthat, he has his breakfast.


1. my father often reads news*****s. (改为否定句)

2. tom’s father works in shanghai. (对画线部分提问)

3. those boys study in nantong no. middle school. (改为单数形式)

4. i love sports. (改为否定句)


1. let himmeet) my teacher, mr. zhang.

2. i often do someread) at the weekend.

3. henot be) always right. sometimes he makes mistakes.

4. they are thosegirl) bags.

5. the teachers in no. 3 middle school h**emeet) every friday afternoon.

6. there are twolibrary) in our town.


1. 有时我们回家晚。

sometimes we

2. 我希望明天下雨。

i hope thattomorrow.

3. 我空闲的时候常和爷爷奶奶聊天。

i often chat with my grandparents

4. –你的新老师长什么样啊?


how __your new teacher __

tall and slim.

5. 我们班许多男孩喜欢踢足球。

in our class like playing football.

6. 你的新教室在底层。

your new classroom is

7. 在这天我们参观了长城。

we visit the great wall


1. –i like dancing. i dance twice a week.

oh2. miss zhang is friendly and alwaysa smile on her face.

3. the beautiful ladysome flowers in her hand.

4. listening to music is great

5. i think this tv play is very


1. a: hi, andy! are your going home now?

b: no. i’m going to p___basketball.

a: basketball? is it your f___sport?

b: yes, it is. i play it many t___a week. w___about you? do you like basketball?

a: yes. but i e___watching basketball games only. i’m not g___at playing basketball.

b: what s___do you often play?

a: i often go s___in summer.

b: r___my mother likes swimming too. when do you often go swimming?

a: i often go swimming a___school.

2. a: hello, daniel. are you free at the w

b: yes. i h**e lots of free time on saturday and sunday.

a: so w___do you often do then?

b: i often play basketball. i e___it very much.

a: who do you often play w___

b: some of my classmates. basketball makes us f___great.

a: boys all like basketball. what e___do you do?

b: i sometimes play football with haitao, too. we think football is f___

a: really? i like football too.

and i h**e a d___playing for our school team. can i go to play with you?

b: of c___you can. maybe you can be a m___of the football club.

3. i am a student of class 6, g___7. i’m tall and slim.

i h**e black hair. i like l___to music very much. i am a m___of the reading club in my school.

i h**e many friends and we o___go to xuanwu lake park to h**e fun.


答案。完形填空。一 100.because 101.explained 102.longer 103.himself 104.along 105.owner 106.got 107.all 108.so 109.personal 二 69.reasons helpful 74.help 75.suc...


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