
发布 2021-05-21 23:58:28 阅读 8205

初二上册units 1~10


重点词汇:1. wait:翻译句子:他们正在等公共汽车。

they arethe bus.

点拨:wait意思是“等待、等候”,是不及物动词,常与介词for搭配。如:he is waiting for his sister there.

2. talk 选词填空:they are talking __with /about)the chinese exam.

点拨:talk作“谈话、讲话”讲,是不及物动词。talk to /with意思是“和……讲话(交谈)”,talk about意思是“谈论(关于)……如:

let’s talk about the question now!

3. thanks 翻译句子:谢谢你寄来的卡片。

your cards.

点拨:thanks for意为“因……而感谢”,这里thank作名词,介词for表示原因。如:many thanks for your help.

拓展:thank sb /thanks for doing sth意思为“感谢某人做某事”,是一个非常有用的句型,for后接动词的-ing形式。如:

thank you for sending me so many photos.

4. family 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

today my __family)are all at home.


如:my family is a large one. 我们家是个大家庭。

又如:his family are all teachers. 他的家人都是教师。

5. with 翻译句子:他喜欢和哥哥呆在一起。

he likeshis brother.

点拨:with sb表示“与某人呆在一起”,可置于系动词之后,作表语。如:

the boy is with his father.也可置于实义动词之后作状语,表示伴随状况。如:

i go to school with my sister every day.

完成对话:the weather in taiyuan?

— it’s cloudy.

点拨:询问“天气怎么样?”时,可用how’s the weather? 回答可以用it’s…或直接答出天气状况。

拓展:what’s the weather like? 也是用来询问天气状况的常用句型。如:what’s the weather like in beijing?

7. how 完成对话:

__it going?

pretty good!

点拨:how’s it going? 意思是“近来怎么样?

”,这是口语中较常用的问候语,多用于朋友之间互相问候或打招呼;回答时可根据不同的情况选择相应的答语。如pretty good. /great.

/not bad. /terrible.等。

拓展:在口语中还可以说:how is everything going? 或does everything go well?

8. look 翻译句子:看那个男孩子。他看起来好酷!

the boy. hecool.

点拨:look作“看”讲时,是不及物动词,后面跟宾语时,要与介词at连用,构成短语动词look at。look还可用作系动词,意思是“看起来”, 后面往往跟形容词作表语。

如:she doesn’t look very well today.

9. surprised 翻译句子:这么冷的天气他们还游泳,我很吃惊。

i amswim in the cold weather.


拓展:be surprised at sth表示“对……感到吃惊”。如:are you surprised at the news?

10. everyone 翻译句子:大家在公园里玩得很高兴。

everyonein the park.

点拨:everyone是不定代词,意为“每人,人人”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。h**e a good time是一个固定短语,意思是“玩得高兴、过得愉快”。

11. cold/ cool

cold意为“寒冷的”,一般用来形容冬天的天气,它的反义词是hot。如:it’s very cold in winter here.

cold还可以用作名词,意为“寒冷”、“感冒”。如:don’t stay outside in the cold.

cool意为“凉快的”、“凉爽的”,一般用来形容秋天的天气,指的是既不太热也不太冷,其反义词是warm。如:let’s h**e a rest under the tree.

it’s so nice and cool.

cool还有“酷的”、“另类的”之意。如:how cool he is!


1)it isin autumn.

2)the weather here is veryin winter.

3)my sister has athese days.

4)young people all looknowadays(现今).

12. other /the other/ others /the others

other与the other可作代词,也可作形容词,后面跟名词。

others与the others通常作代词,一般单独使用。

other与others 表示“别的人或物”,表示泛指。如:

sorry, i’m new here. you can ask other people.

there are many boys in the classroom. some are reading. others are writing.

the other与the others 表示一定范围内“其余的人或物”。如:

one of the two boys is tom, and the other is jack.

this hat is a little small, and the others are pretty good.

小练习]用other, the other, others或the others填空。

1)—what do you think of these books?

this one is more interesting than

2)do you knowthings about the old man?

3)—where are the students?

some are on the playgroundare in the classroom.

4)i don’t like this pen. show meone.

13. build 翻译句子:我哥哥中等身材。

my brothermedium build.

点拨:be of medium build意思是“中等身材”,build意为“体格,体形”。

拓展:build也可以换成height“高度”,即be of medium height,表示“中等身高”。如:that girl is of medium height.

14. stop 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

it’s time for class. please stop __talk).

点拨:stop doing sth表示“停止做某事(正在做的事情)”。

拓展:stop to do sth表示“停下来去做某事(事情还没有做)”。比较:

they feel tired and stop to relax. /the work starts and they h**e to stop relaxing.

15. a bit 翻译句子:这条街道有点儿拥挤。

this street iscrowded.

点拨:a little bit意思是“有点儿”,相当于a little或a bit,三者都可以直接修饰形容词。修饰名词时,a bit后面要加介词of。

如:there is a little /a bit of bread in the box.

16. nobody 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

nobody __know)the little boy.

点拨:nobody是不定代词,意思是“没有人”,与no one同义,表示否定意义。作主语时,谓语动词应该用单数形式。

如:nobody in my family likes pop music.

17. think 翻译句子:我认为你的答案不对。

iyour answer __right.


i don’t think she is a quiet girl. 我认为她不是一个安静的女孩。


u4提纲。一 短语。my homework做我的家庭作业。to the cinema去电影院。boating去划船。by the lake在湖边露营。to the beach去海滩。badminton打羽毛球。weekend上周末。saturday morning在周六上午。some sheep喂一...


u2提纲。一 词组。like sth想要某物。like to do sth want to do sth想要做某事。like sb to do sth want sb to do sth想让某人做某事。large bowl of beef noodles一大碗牛肉面。medium bowl of b...


unit 1 sitcom n.situation comedy 情境喜剧 p.1newsn.新闻节目 新闻 p.1 soap opera 肥皂剧 p.1 educational adj.教育的 有教育意义的 p.2 plan v.n.打算 计划 p.2hope v.n.希望 p.2 find ou...