
发布 2021-05-21 23:08:28 阅读 3138




)1.—_that? —it’s a drawer.

)2. 代表“英国广播公司”的是:__

a. cctv b. bbc c. nba

)3. “is this your pen?” yes, _

a. is b. it’s c. it is


a. what’s this in english b. how do you spell it

c. what’s that

)5. gina___my cousin. we___good firends.

a. is, are b. are, are c. are, is

)6. my mother___reading , but she __sports.

a. likes, don’tlike b. likes, doesn’t like c. like, doesn’t like

) the great photo.

a. tob. ofc. for

)8. laura has five soccer __and one volleyball.

a. ball b. balls c. one ball

)9. —do you like playing computer games?

—no, it’s __

a. relaxing b. boring c. interesting

)10. —mum, where is my backpack?

is it under the bed?

don’t know b. excuse me c. it’s here

)11. what's this english?

a. with b. on c. in

) 12. are __her parents?

a. this b. these c. she

) 13. a ping-pong ball and a tennis under the bed.

a. is b. am c. are

)14 miss fang is __english teacher. is a good teacher.

a. my, he b. a, she c. an, she

)15. doesn't __her homework after lunch.

a. does b. say c. do


nick likes sports. he _1___basketball every afternoon. he has a brother.

_2__name is bob. bob __3_playing sports, but he likes sports show(节目).he _4__tv every evening.

_5__like french fries, and they often eat them. but french fries are _6__healthy. _7__boys and girls like ice cream, but they don’t like __8__.

9__do they like? they like fruit. nick likes apples and bob likes __10__.

)1. a. play b. plays c. to play

)2. a. her b. my c. his

)3. a. doesn’t like b. likes c. don’t like

)4. a. looks b. watches c. looks for

)5. a. bob b. nick c. nick and bob

)6. a. no b. not c. /

)7. a. many b. every c. that

)8. a. them b. itc. these

)9. a. what b. how c. where

)10. a. eggs b. chicken c. strawberries


amy name is nancy. i h**e a brother and a sister, paul and laura. for breakfast, paul likes eggs and bananas.

laura and i like hamburgers and bananas. for lunch paul likes salad and hamburgers. we like vegetables and oranges.

and for dinner paul has fish and potatoes, we h**e french fries and bread(面包). we really like french fries.


)1. paul likes eggs and apples for breakfast.

) are three girls in the family.

)3. paul, laura and nancy all like bananas for breakfast.

)4. paul doesn’t like hamburgers.

)5. nancy and laura like vegetables and oranges for lunch.

blook at this picture. it’s a desk. it’s yellow.

it’s my desk. what’s on the desk? look!

this is an english book. it’s blue. this is a pencil case.

it’s blue. this is an eraser. it’s white.

what’s in the desk? it’s a backpack. it’s green.

6. what color is the desk? it’s .

a. blue b. yellow c. green d. white

7. what’s in the desk?

a. book b. a pencil case c. a backpack d. an eraser

8. what color is the book? it’s

a. blue b. green c. black d. yellow

9. what’s on the desk?

a. an english book b. an english book and a pencil case

c. an english book, a pencil case and an eraser d. a backpack

10. what color is the eraser? it’s

a. green b. white c. red d. black




2. 写出4个有关体育用品的英文单词。


4. 写出4个有关水果的英文单词。



1. do you __hamburgers for lunch?

2. can you __those books to my room?

3. they often __basketball after school.

4. that __good. let’s do it.

5. my brother___apples and bananas.


am miss gao.(改为否定句)

miss gao.

is my father. (改为一般疑问句)

this father?

are rulers. (改为单数形式)

is a .

brother has a computer. (改为一般疑问句)


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