年高考英语语法专题复习分类汇编 情态动词与虚拟语气

发布 2021-05-20 03:22:28 阅读 9772

1. —no one __be pared with yao ming in playing basketball.

oh, you are really his big fan. (xx·湖南卷28)

a. can b. needc. mustd. might


2. —i don't really like james. why did you invite him?

don't worry. he __e. he said he wasn't certain what his plans were. (xx·北京卷24)

a. must not b. need not c. would not d. might not

解析】选d。根据句意,james可能不会来的。因为他自己不确信他的计划是什么。might not 表可能性,“可能不”。

情态动词。考点1. could与was/were able to的区别。

although the fire in the hotel was very big, they __escape from it.

a. can b. could c. was able to d. were able to

解析】选d。a的时态不对, c选项主谓不一致。could和was / were able to虽都表过去的能力,但后者还表达“付诸了行动”的意思。

could一般只表过去的能力;若表示过去的能力得到了实施,一般用was / were able to, 不用could。

考点2.表示“可能性”的can, may, must

liza___well not want to go on the trip — she hates tr**eling.

a. willb. can

c. mustd. may

解析】选d。句意: liza极有可能不想去旅行——她讨厌旅行。may well not很可能不,表示否定猜测。

例2:it __be the postman at the door. it's only six o'clock. (xx·江西卷23)

a. mustn'tb. can't

c. won'td. needn't

解析】选b。 can't 表“不可能”,否定推测。根据前后句意思只能用can't。needn't“不必要”;mustn't表“禁止,不许”,won't表将来。

肯定推测一般用must, should, may/might或could(一般不用can), 其中, must的语气最强,意为“肯定”, should次之,意为“很可能,应该”, may/might语气最弱,意为“也许”。否定推测语气不很肯定时常用may/might not或could not, 意为“可能不,也许不”;否定语气较强时则用can't, 意为“根本不可能,想必不会”;用于疑问句表示惊异、怀疑的感**彩时用can。

考点3. “情态动词+h**e done”的用法。

例1:they __h**e arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. (xx·新课标卷32)

a. willb. can

c. mustd. should

解析】选d。 should h**e done表“过去本应该做而未做的”。句意:

他们本应该在午饭时候到达的,但是他们的航班误点了。must h**e done过去一定干过某事,表肯定推测。can h**e done表过去可能性,“过去本有可能干”。

例2:— i left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone g**e it to a railway official.

how unbelievable to get it back! i mean, someone __it. (xx·江苏卷34)

a. will h**e stolenb. might h**e stolen

c. should h**e stolend. must h**e stolen

解析】选b。might h**e done表过去很有可能已做某事。而must h**e done 则表示过去一定有人做过某事。

如果被别人偷走了,那么就不可能把东西弄回。will h**e done 是将来完成时;should h**e done 过去本该做而未做。

must h**e done表示对过去事情的肯定推测。

can't / couldn't h**e done表示对过去所发生的事情所做的否定推测。

may h**e done表示过去所发生的事情作可能性推测。

might / could h**e done表示对过去所发生的事情作可能性推测,或者表示本来可以做而事实上未做的事情。

should / ought to h**e done表示本应该做的事情而事实上未做,含有对对方的责备。

needn't h**e done表示做了本不应该做的事情。


john promised his doctor he___not smoke, and he has never smoked ever since.

a. mightb. should

c. couldd. would


might 用作may的过去式,表示“可以,可能”;should 作情态动词,表示“应当”, 相当于ought to; could可用来代替can说明现在的情况,提出请求、想法、建议等;would 用于过去情况,表示“愿意”, 肯”, 会”等。

john, look at the time. _you play the piano at such a late hour?

a. mustb. can

c. mayd. need


1. can的几个习语。

“can but +动词原形”表示“只能,大不了”。

“can't but +动词原形”表示“不得不”。

“can't help +动词ing形式”表示“不得不,禁不住”。

“can't …too…”表示“无论怎样都不为过,越……越……”

2. must有时表示 “偏要,偏偏”, 也可作名词,意为“必须做的事情”。

3. should可作“竟然、万一”解。

考点5. shall的3种用法





will you read me a story, mummy?

ok. you __h**e one if you go to bed as soon as possible. (xx·陕西卷24)

a. mightb. must

c. couldd. shall


虚拟语气 考点1.虚拟条件句的三种基本类型。

i __through that bitter period without your generous help. (xx·陕西卷22)

a. couldn't h**e goneb. didn't go

c. wouldn't god. hadn't gone


此句为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。without your generous help=if i hadn't had your generous help。从句用过去完成时,主句则用情态动词+完成时。

couldn't h**e gone through表“过去不可能经历”。

1. 若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用一般过去时(be通常用were), 主句谓语用“would (should, could, might)+动词原形”。

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