
发布 2021-05-19 03:16:28 阅读 3409



unit one

1、 我喜欢通过大声朗读来练习发音。(like to do sth & by)

2、 他经常向他的父母要钱。(ask…for….)

3、 和朋友进行对话一点也帮不上忙。(not…. at all)

4、 我害怕在课堂上说英语。(be afraid to do sth或 be afraid of doing sth.)

5、 她在嘲笑谁?(laugh at )

6、 我决定在每一堂英语课上做大量的语法笔记。(decide to do sth.)

7、 我们于2023年开始在这所学校念书。(start to do sth.或start doing sth)

8、 学习英语对我们很重要。(句型it’s +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.)

9、 你通常怎样解决你的烦恼?(deal with)

10. 我们应该尽力理解父母。(try one’s best)

unit two

1、他无法支付这栋房子的费用,因为他没有足够的钱。 (can/can’t afford fo do sth & pay for)

2、令他惊讶的是,这个**改变了他的生活。(to one’s surprise)

3、我总是以我的父母而骄傲。(take pride in)

4、他想要他妈妈更多地注意他。(pay attention to)

5、即使你不再爱我,我也会一直关心你。(even though , no longer & care about)

6、不要放弃帮助他。(give up)

7、她每天花很多时间和朋友玩游戏。(spend time doing sth.)

8、你应该尽可能地照顾好你的爷爷。(look after 或take care of0

9、我过去常常走路上学。(used to do sth.,)

10、我们过去不常上网。(didn’t use to do sth.)

参***)keys to the exercises:

unit one

1. i like to read aloud to practice pronunciation.

i like reading aloud to proctice pronunciation.

2 he often asks his parents for money.

3. h**ing conversations with friends isn’t helpful at all.

h**ing conversations with friends doesn’t help at all.

4. i am afraid to speak english in class.

i am afraid of speaking english in class.

5. who is she laughing at?

6. i decided to take lots of grammar notes in every englishclass..

i decided to take a lot of grammar notes in every english class.

7. .we started to study at this school in 2006.

we started studying at this school in 2006.

8. it’s very important for us to learn english.

9. how do you usually deal with your problems?=how do you usually solve your problems?

10. we should try our best to understand our parents.

unit 2

can’t afford to pay for the house, because he doesn’t h**e enough money.

或。he couldn’t afford to pay for the house, because he didn’t h**e enough money.

his surprise, this phone call changed his life.

always take pride in my parents.

4. he wanted his mother to pay more attention to him.

though you no longer love me, i will care about you all the time.

give up helping him.

7. she spends a lot of time playing games with friends every day.

should look after your grandfather as well as you can.

或 you should take good care of your grandfater as possible as you can.

used to walk to school. 或i used to go to school on foot.

didn’t use to surf the internet.


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