
发布 2021-05-19 03:14:28 阅读 6541

unit 4 what would you do?

reading: what would you do if… ?学·练案。







二阅读文章, 完成**。


1. 假如你偶然切破自己你将会怎么做?

2. 你应该用一块干净的布块盖住伤口并且使劲按住它。

3. 假如一个朋友在晚会上递给你香烟,你当然应该拒绝。

4. 假如我是你,我将告诉你的朋友关于抽烟的危害性。

5. 你必须把药藏起来,远离孩子。


1. when i saw the accident, i hurried __call) the police.

2. putting the burned area under cold running water ishelp).

3. if i felt some pain, i’d stopexercise).

4. the ground iscover) with snow.

5. ioffer) him a job last year. but herefuse) to accept it.

6. all books must be replaced on thoseshelf ).

7. what would you do if you burnedyou).

8. what would you do if youcut) yourself ?

9. please give me some advice on whatdo) when i meet fire.


1. come下楼) and look at my new dress.

2. there are plenty of book架子) in the library.

3. the river is 5 meters深) .you mustn’t swim in it . it is too dangerous.

4. don’t按) the button. it may cause an accident.

5. she wanted to see the doctor because her back疼痛).

6. we are not supposed to talk loudly在公众场合).

7. i向他提供了一些建议) on how to learn english.

8. i met one of my old friends by alast week.

9. when will sun nan’s new recording (唱片出版,发行).

10. you must h___the medicine from the children.


1. could you please give me some advicestudying english? a. on b. in c. at

2. what would you do if you are hurtaccidenta. on b. by c. to

3. so much work usually makes him___tireda. to feel b. feels c. feel

4. when spring comes, flowers comea. in b. out c. up

5. tim refused __the party because he wasn’t freea. go b. to go c. to go to

6. the book gives us __on how to communicate (交流)with people.

a. some advices b. some advice c. an advice

7. what would you do if you burned yourself whilea. cooking b. cook c. cooked

8. we know that two thirds (三分之二) of the earth surface(表面) is coveredwater .

a. in b. with c. on

9. mr. brown is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience __teenagers/

a. deal with b. dealing with c. deal to

10. you shouldn’t go __to meet your “ internet frienda. along b. lonely c. alone


1. i don’t h**e many good friends at school. (

2. i’m shy and don’t know how to talk to others .

3. i always worry about my study, i’m afraid to fall behind. (

4. i like eating junk food but i’m too he**y now. (

5. i love dogs, but my mum doesn’t allow me to keep a dog at home. (

a. if i were you , i would keep a fish as a pet.

b. if i were you , i would try to help others at school.

c. if i were you , i would go to parties more often and talk to those who look friendly.

d. if i were you , i would stop eating junk food and eat some fruit and vegetables instead.

e. if i were you , i would ask the teachers for some good advice.



以what would you do if you didn’t h**e…? 为题展开想象的翅膀,写一篇小短文。


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