
发布 2021-05-19 03:15:28 阅读 7468

unit 4 what would you do?

section a 学 . 练案。

一 find out some important phrases





二 find out some important sentences

1. 假如你有一百万你将做什么?

2. 我将给医疗机构。

3. 他不知道该穿什么?

4. 他不知道是否该带一个礼物。

5. 你不应该担心别人在穿什么。

6. 假如别人带来礼物怎么办?

7. 假如我不认识任何人怎么办?

8. 我不知道该说什么或该做什么?

9. 我应该做什么?

10 那是一个好主意。


1. don’t迟到) the meeting next time!

2如果……怎么办) someone else brings presents ?

3. the old man g**e money to the医学研究).

4. if you don’t know anyone else , you can与……读) tom.

5数百万) chinese people watched the ceremony of the 29th beijing olympic games.


1. what would you do if youh**e) no time to go to your friend’s birthday party ?

2. if i __be) you , i’d put the money in the bank .

3. if itrain) tomorrow, i’ll stay at home.

4. i don’t know whatdo) next .

5. what if everyone elsebuy) snacks?

6. i really don’t know whichbuy)?

7. i would buy a computer if i won a milliondollar).

8. my teacher looks young andfriend).

9. if i were hurt, i would getmedicine) help.

10. ireal) want to learn english well.

11. the small pet looksterrible) ill.

12. don’t beworry) about him. he can do everything well.


1. _the students like playing basketball in china. a.

million of b. millions of c. ten million of

2. you shouldn’t worry about __other people are wearing. a. what b. why c. where

3. –don’t be __for school next time. –sorry, i won’t. a. late b. early c. earlier

4. i don’t know if my aunt __tomorrow. if she___i will go to the concert with her.

a. comes , comes b. will come , comes, c, comes, will come

5. –can you tell me the way to the hospital? -sorry, i’m new here. please ask___

a. anyone else b. someone else c. else someone

6. if she __she’d take a small present to the party. a. is b. was c. were

7. i was __excited __sleep when i heard the exciting news.

a. so, that b. too, to c. very , to

8. we go to the beach __you can’t go with us tomorrow. a. if b. unless c. until

9. lease give the book __alice. a. for b. to c. with

10. i’m really nervous. what if __in the meeting disagrees with me?

a. everyone other b. everyone else c. else everyone

11. what would you do if you __a million dollars in the lottery? a.

had b. h**e c. will h**e

12. eating __fruit and vegetables can keep you healthy. a. much b. a lot c. lots of

13. if you h**e finished your homework, you should __washing and cooking.

a. look through b. help with c. take after

六补全对话从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。

a: could you give me some advice, henryb

a: i’ll h**e a big english test tomorrow. what should i do? b: if i were you

a: and what would you do if you failed the testb: i’d probably be tested again.

a: i’m very nervous . i can’t sleep the night before the exam. b: if i were you

a: but i think i should read the textbook againb: if i were you

a: why notb: i’d study the word list instead.

a: thank you very much for telling me so muchb: you’re welcome.

a: may i ask you some questions, verab: yes , of course.


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