
发布 2021-05-18 19:41:28 阅读 3210

unit one

world tourism organization

teaching objectives

1. become familiar with world tourism organization

2. become familiar with key benefits of tourism

3. be able to make the conversations at the guests’ arrival

4. understand some sentence structures and patterns

teaching approaches

1. introduce the history of the tourism

2. tell them something about the world tourism organization

3. describe briefly the benefits of tourism

4. let the students read the materials about tourism

5. discuss the process of guests’ arrival at the airport

6. homework

focus on

1.world tourism organization & key benefits of tourism

2. guests’ arrival

time allocations

world tourism organization

a conceptual framework:

world tourism organization & key benefits of tourism (3 periods)

guests’ arrival (3 periods)

teaching difficulties

the new words


some useful expressions


teaching methods

teacher’s explanations




teaching procedures

world tourism organization & key benefits of tourism

4) 创新能力薄弱。



tr**eling - ticket booking


请求对方﹞ 再说一次。

could you please repeat that?


i'd like to make a reservation for a flight to new york on september 15th.

4、“体验化” 消费408 次班机何时抵达?

what time does flight 408 arrive?


how much is airfare?

5) 资金问题我想要确认我预订的机位。

i'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation please.

朋友推荐□ 宣传广告□ 逛街时发现的□ 上网□基础词汇。

国际班机 international flight

班机号码 flight number

来回机票 round-trip ticket

商务客舱 business class

国内班机 domestic flight

单程机票 one-way ticket

头等舱 first class

经济舱 economy class

tr**eling - at airport

常用语句 我该到**办联合航空 706 次班机登机手续?

where may i check in for united flight number 706?


what time will boarding start?

我要转法国航空 123 号班机。

i'm connecting with af123.



where can i get information on a connecting flight?


护照 passport

签证 visa

入境记录卡 embarkation card

出境记录卡 disembarkation card

入境大厅 arrival lobby

出境大厅 departure lobby

登机门号码 gate number

登机证 boarding card

机场税 airport tax

商务签证 business visa

旅客登机报到处 check in counter

观光签证 tourist visa


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