
发布 2021-05-18 19:39:28 阅读 3271

chapter 1

bacterium(bacteria)细菌 yeast 酵母 fungus(fungi 真菌 alga(algae)藻类 cultured mammalian cells 哺乳动物培养细胞 fermentation processes 发酵工程 biomass 菌体 biocatalyst 生物催化剂 antibiotics 抗生素 amino acids氨基酸 enzyme steroid 甾体,类固醇 polysaccharides 多糖 vaccines 疫苗 biochemical engineering生物化学工程 immobilization 固定化 genetic engineering 基因工程 genome 基因组 mutation 突变 gene 基因。


1. what is biotechnology?what are its characteristics points?

2. name four developmental phases of biotechnology,denoting their chronological time,main products and techniques evolved?

sentence analysis and translation

3. biotechnology appears to be an area of expansion。。。will become increasingly more expensive and in short supply.(翻译文章最后一段)

中文译文:生物工程就如一个不断扩张和充满机遇的领域,它涉及了许多产业,包括农业、食品与饲料加工业、医药业 、能源与水处理工业。生物工程在新药、激素、疫苗和抗体生产方面,提供廉价可靠的能源以及(从长远来看)在化学饲料方面、环境控制体系的改进提高与废物管理方面都将扮演重要的角色。


chapter 2

biochemistry of growth and metabolism生长与代谢的生物化学 microorganism 微生物 protein 蛋白质 nucleic acids 核酸 lipids 脂质 carbohydrates碳水化合物


2.what does the two main pathways of sugar metabolism? describe their relation to anabolic processes and how their interactions are controlled。

chapter 3

breeding 育种 strain (菌)株 screen,screening 筛选 protoplast fusion 原生质体融合 gene cloning 基因克隆 shake-flask culture 摇瓶培养 culture maintenance 菌种保藏 site-directed mutation 定点突变 signal peptide 信号肽


1. define the terms “selection”and “screening”.

is the method commonly used in isolation and separation of plasmid in becteria?

can microorganism recognize and destroy foreign dna but does not harm its own dna?



the isoelectric point of the enzyme is higher,so the positively charged,is condutive to the adsorption in the matrix with negative charge.

chapter 4

generation time 传代时间 lag phase 滞后期 stationary phase 稳定期 death phase 死亡期


2.what,according to the author,do the research activities about bioreactors aim at?

are the three kinds of cultivation on the basis of the mode of operation?

h**e the continuous culture systems not been widely used in industry?

are the main factors in choosing a medium for fermentation?



application of microorganism in the biological engineering is mostly aerobic microorganisms, and thus when designing bioreactors,the oxygen transfer is an important issue that should be considered.

chapter 5


8.for which reason does an enzyme need to be immolbilized?

are the advantages and disadvantages of cell immobilization compared with enzyme immobilization?

chapter 6

filtration 过滤 centrifugation 离心 extractcion methods 萃取 membrane filtration 膜过滤 adsorption 吸附 ion exchange 离子交换 gel filtration 凝胶过滤 hydrophobic 疏水的 affinity 亲和的


3.what parameter is usually used in comparing performance between different kinds of centrifuges?


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