英语1 基础模块 期中考试试题

发布 2021-05-18 19:02:28 阅读 4054




听录音,回答问题,part a和part b两部分的答案填涂在答题卡上,part c部分的答案写在答卷纸上。

part a.根据所听对话回答问题,每个对话只听一遍(6 points)。

1. 听对话,判断jack来自什么地方,并选择相应的**。

abc. 2. 听对话, 判断sara是做什么工作的。

ab. c.

3. 听对话, 判断男士能够做什么。

ab. c.

4. 听对话,判断mary想买什么。

abc.5. 听对话, 判断天气。

a. bc.

6. 听对话,判断tang hua的爱好。

ab. c.

part b. 听对话,将左右栏匹配,判断他们在做什么。 (4 points)

part c. 此部分请在卷二上做。


根据要求完成所给阅读任务,将part a-c各题答案填涂在答题卡上。part d 在卷二,答案做在答题纸上。

part a.

阅读个人介绍,帮助招聘方做判断(4 points)。

hi, i am jack. i come from london. i like playing basketball.

i can drive cars and use the computer.

hi, i am sara. i come from japan. i enjoy seeing english movies.

i can speak good english. i can’t drive cars. i can only ride bikes.

hello, i am daming. i am from beijing, china. i like sports.

table tennis is my f**orite. i can serve the customers. they all like me.

11. who can be the driver of the company?

a. jackb. sarac. daming

12. who can be a waiter?

a. jackb. sarac. daming

再读上面的介绍,判断他们都可能属于那个俱乐部,将姓名与其俱乐部匹配(6 points)。

13. jack

14. sara

15. daming

part b.

阅读sally的求职表,将所给选项填入**,帮助sally完成求职表。(8 points)

a. address b. abilities c. position applied d. phone number

application form

part c. 阅读海报,判断什么时间购物最便宜,将所给日期填到备忘录相应的位置,把答案涂到答题卡上(8 points)。

memo for shopping

a. monday b. thursday c. saturday d. sunday

再读海报,帮助购物者判断商品打折日期是否正确(6 points)。

a.正确 b.不正确 c. 海报没有提供信息。

24.__cds are on sale on tuesday.

25. _jeans are on sale on saturday.

26.__orange juice are on sale on friday.

27.__potatoes are on sale on monday.

28. _basketballs are on sale on sunday.

29. _coke is on sale on thursday.

part d. 本部分在卷二。


part a – c的答案填涂在答题卡上,part d – f 部分见卷二。

part a. 阅读所给句子,从所给选项中选择正确答案(5 points)。

30. —may i h**e your name, please?

a. welcome. what’s your name?

b. us, and you?

c. sara, sara smith. what about you?

—paris. what about you?

a. where are you from b. what’s your phone number

c. are you a doctor

32send emails?

—yes, and i can repair the computer.

a. do you b. can you c. would you like to

33are these oranges?

—two yuan one kilo, but they are on sale tomorrow.

a. what colorb. how much c. what time

—i enjoy playing basketball.

a. what’s your job b. what’s your address

c. what’s your hobby

part b. 阅读在宴会上的对话,选择适当的词语补全对话(3 points)。

a. welcome tob. help yourself to c. here is your

sara: _35___my party, jane.

jane: thank you sara.

sara: take a seat please. would you like something to drink?

jane: yes, tea please. without milk.

sara: _36___tea.

jane: thank you.

sara: _37___some food please.

jane: thank you. i like the cakes. really delicious.


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