
发布 2021-05-17 03:48:28 阅读 7879

neuron / neuronal overload(神经过载)

a typical office visit(典型的诊所就诊)

dexa scan(dexa扫描)

medical practice(行医)

mammogram report(乳房x-线检查报告)

physical examination(体检)

side-effects of a medication(药物的***)

blood pressure control(血压控制)

health maintenance(健康保持)

perpetual panic(永久的恐慌)

practicing physicians(执业医生)

transplant field(移植领域)

medical budget(医疗预算)

paracetamol tablet(扑热息痛药片)

childproof cap(防孩子打开的盖子)

randomized clinical trial(随机临床试验)

random allocation(随机分配)

patient prognosis(病人的预后)

control group(对照组)

a 10-year follow-up study(10年的跟踪研究)

a medical ward(内科病房)

infectious hepatitis(传染性肝炎)

severe malaise(身体严重不适)

bilirubin metabolism(胆红素代谢)

permanent liver damage(永久的肝损伤)

exacerbate pathophysiology(加重病理生理状况)

medical literature(医学文献)

clinical investigation(临床调查)

metabolism of relapse(**率)

clinical epidemiology(临床流行病学)

strict bed rest(严格的卧床休息)

hospital stay(住院)

recurrent jaundice(反**作的黄疸)

clinical course(临床病程)

intr**enous morphine(静脉注射吗啡)

diastolic blood pressure(舒张压)

brain perfusion(大脑血灌注)

primary care(初级保健)

aorto-coronary arterial bypass(主动脉冠状动脉旁路)

informed treatment decision(知情**决定)

a health crisis (健康危机)

physical symptoms(身体症状)

energy and vitality(能量和活力)

be completely immune from sth.(完全免疫)

virus of falseness(虚假的病毒)

stressful lifestyle(有压力的生活方式)

robust emotion(健全的感情)

fragile health(脆弱的健康)

to balance our mind, body, and spirit(平衡心理,身体和精神)

spiritual life(精神生活)

the blockages to wellness(通向身心健康的“路障”)

repressed emotions(被压抑的感情)

genuine feelings and emotions(真情实感)

physiological influences(心理影响)

fully integrated human beings(十全十美的人)

decaying teeth(蛀牙)

nutrition professor(营养教授)

burgeoning waistline(迅速膨胀的腰围)

bottled water(瓶装水)

caloric intake(热量摄入)

to curb appetite(节制食欲)

grains and protein (谷物和蛋白质)

childhood obesity (儿童肥胖症)

lean protein (精益蛋白质)

dietary habits (饮食习惯)

quality of life (生活质量)

diary category (乳制品类)

prevention of diabetes (糖尿病的预防)

sodium content (钠的含量)


withdraw life-support machines and medications / treatment

a nursing station (**站)

life-support machines (生命维持系统)

comfort measures(舒适护理措施)

to withdraw treatment (停止**)

paternalistic decision-****** process(家长式决策程序)

patient empowerment (给病人授权)

medical ethicists (医学伦理学家)

ethical principles (伦理准则)

clinical ideal (临床理念)

patient-centered care (以病人为中心的护理)

patient autonomy (病人自主权)

treatment options (**选择)

exclusive purview(专属领域)

emergency decisions (紧急情况下做的决定)

physician restraint (对医生的限制)

anxiety and confusion (焦虑与困惑)

ethical transgression (违背伦理)

family practice (家庭医疗)

widespread metastases (广泛转移)

aggressive treatment (积极**)

primary lesion (原发病灶)

to recommend follow-up (建议随访)

electronic record (电子病历)

pulmonary emboli (肺栓塞)

computerized tomography (ct, 计算机断层扫描)

bilateral infiltrates (双侧浸润)

a(n)chest x-ray (x线胸片)

left lower-lobe pneumonia (左下叶肺炎)

labored breathing (呼吸困难)

the hospice team (临终关怀团队)

chronic illness (慢性病)

psychosocial aspects (社会心理学领域)

evidence-based guidelines (询证临床指南)

to implement a plan of care(实施**方案)

the surge of adrenaline (肾上腺素激增)

a(n) autoimmune disease(自体免疫)

transient weakness(短暂的虚弱)

a building block(基本构件)

to slow neurodegeneration(减缓神经退化)

to optimize nutrition(优化营养)

the risk of relapse(**危险)

a clinical trial(临床试验)

physical therapist(理疗师)

brain function(脑功能)

coordination of emotions(情绪协调)

feelings of rapport(亲密感觉)

emotional contagion(情绪传染)

a(n) psychobiological unit(生物心理单元)

funcitional magnetic resonance imaging(功能性磁共振成像)

to make it mandatory(使之成为强制性)

medical background(医学背景)

dose regimen(剂量方案)

anti-tumor agents(抗肿瘤的药剂)

pharmacological properties(药理学药性)

in vivo pharmacology(体内药理学)

an internal medicine residency(内科实习期)

loss of stamina(丧失持久力)

becoming bedridden(卧床不起)

an animal model(动物模型)

to excrete toxins(排除毒素)

toxic load(毒素载量)

physician self-experimentation(医生自我试验)

neuromuscular electrical stimulation(神经肌肉电刺激)

the impact of micronutrient(微量营养素的影响)

track the emotional flow(跟踪情绪波动)

cardiovascular reactions(心血管反应)

rapid synchronization(迅速同步)

to mutually regulate(互相调节)

emotional solace(情感慰藉)

to activate brain zones(激活该脑部区域)

a(n)dubious project(无把握的项目)

proof of concept(概念验证)

complication or concomitant conditions(并发症与合并症)

standard therapy(标准**)

poor solubility(溶解性差)

that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down.如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然崩塌一样。


dys dis 坏的,有病的。dysfunction机能不良。dysphonia发声困难。dysgraphia书写困难。anti 相反,反对,抵抗。antioxidant抗氧化剂。antibody抗体。antiallergic抗变应性。homeo homo 相同的。homeostasis体内平衡。h...


医学英语。p17 疾病 ia 缺血贫血 anemia出血。pathy ism 甲状腺功能亢进hyperthroidism p27 多 multi poly 多尿polyuria 表示血液病相关单词 emia 贫血缺血。p28 a an 无菌 aspetic 痛觉缺失analgesia anti 抗硬...


病。viral infection病毒感染chest infection胸部感染。tb pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核pneumonia肺炎。bronchitis支气管炎。secondary chest infection胸部继发 染症状常用语。i h e a fever h ...