
发布 2021-05-17 03:39:28 阅读 7008

protein filaments caught in the act


grant j. jensen*

cells can be thought of as little chemical processing plants, but they also


accomplish some marvelous physical and mechanical tasks such as


shaping themselves into characteristic forms, moving toward nutrients,


organizing their complex interiors, replicating and then segregating their dna, and dividing (1it has long been understood how in


eukaryotes most of this work is done by cytoskeletal filaments –long


protein polymers that are used like cables, tracks, and bea ms in the machinery of the cellbut until about a decade ago, it was a


mystery as to how bacterial cells did the same tasks. none of the


existing technologies, including "traditional" electronmicroscopy


methods, had convincingly revealed analogou cytoskeletal filaments in bacteria. as a result, the lack of a cytoskeleton became widely


regarded as a distinguishing characteristic of prokaryotic cells. now, on page 509 of this issue (2), salje et direct images of


an important bacterial cytoskeletal filament responsible for dna segregation 丝的图像。

the findings of salje et al. add to a series of discoveries that h**e firmly


debunked the idea that prokaryotes lack a cytoskeleton (3). first, improvements in light and immunoelectron microscopy led to


the identification of several bacterial proteins whose elongated location

的聚合物的细菌蛋白质的存在patterns suggested that they were polymerizing into filaments (4next, a series of stunning crystal structures showed that many of these其次,一系列惊人的晶状结构的存在表明了这些细丝形蛋白质中的

proteins had the same structures as known eukaryoticytoskeletal 许多与已知的真核状态的细胞骨架蛋白质有着相同的结构。


in vitro biochemistry then demonstrated how some of these proteins did体外生物化学展示了其中一些蛋白质的确形成了具有完成所有。

in fact form dynamic filaments with all the properties required to 细胞骨架功能特性的动态细丝。

perform cytoskeletal functions (6but seeing is believing,

眼见为实,接下来的几年中,低温电子显微学(cryo-em)方法的发 development of cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-em) methods has in just


the past few years allowed a number of bacterial cytoskeletal filaments to be imaged directly, inside cells, doing their jobs.

the key was that the development of cryo-em methods allowed samples 低温电子显微学方法的关键在于把要成像的样本冻结在一个它在与to be imaged frozen in a near-native, lifelike state, thus bypassing the


harsh preparative procedures of chemical fixation, dehydration, plastic 些传统电子显微镜所苛求的准备性工作。

embedment, and staining required by traditional electron microscopy. because cytoskeletal filaments h**e now been seen frequently within 因为现在通过低温微电子显微法能够经常看到细菌中的细胞骨架细丝,看 bacteria through cryo-em techniques, it appears that the harsher 来更加苛刻的“传统”技术仅仅是没能较好的保存住这种结构。 "traditional" techniques simply failed to preserve such fine structuresas a second major recent advance, electron tomographic methods h**e 近年来另一个主要的进步是x线体层照相术的发展,它使得整个小细 been developed that allow entire small cells, not just sections of cells, to胞,而不是细胞的部分区域,能够在三维中成像。

be imaged in three dimensions (7this allows filaments that 这使得在二维中由于弯曲或卷曲而不能成像的细丝也可被发现和跟踪。 bend and curve, and therefore might be missed in a single planar section, to be recognized and followed.

unfortunately, although these advances h**e opened a completely new 不幸地是,这些对某些种类细菌的超微结构打开了全新窗口的技术发 window into the ultrastructure of several bacterial species (8), they 展并不能直接适用于大肠埃希氏菌。因为低温微电子显微技术使用的高能量电。

were not immediately applicable to the bacterium escherichia coli 子只能穿透生物材料的0.5m,而大肠埃希氏菌自外部约大于0.5m以内是because the high-energy electrons typically used in cryo-em can only 无弹性分散的结构(这会导致图像丢失),因此它属于过厚而无法正确成像。

penetrate about 0.5 m of biological material before being inelastically

scattered (and thus lost to the image). e. coli cells are, unfortunately, just larger than this, and are therefore problematically thickthis is a major disappointment, because e.

coli is by far the most studied 这对研究是一个很大的不利方面,因为大肠埃希氏菌是被研究最多的细菌 bacterium (and possibly the most studied cell of any type), and images of (可能还是所有类型细胞中研究最多的),而且由于它的很多复杂的生its putative cytoskeleton are in high demand, as so much is already 物学特征已被人所知,所以对它的细胞骨架成像要求很高。


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