《听力词汇及听力过程的推断技巧》进阶练习 三

发布 2021-05-16 10:42:28 阅读 3156



1. a. two b. three c. four

2. a. at 5:00 b. at 4:30 c. at 5:30

3. a. near the door b. next to the window c. by the flower table



参***。一、1. b 2. c 3. b

二、4. because i like to watch it best. /because it is my f**ourite tv programme.

5. i often watch it with my parents.

解析。1. 根据录音内容do you h**e a table for three?可知。故选b。

2. 根据录音内容er, it’s five o’clock now. we’ll arrive in half an hour.可知。故选c。

3. 根据录音内容by the way, we’d like to sit by the window.可知。故选b。

4. 根据所听到的问题why do you watch voice of china?以及中文提示可知。

故答案是because i like to watch it best. /because it is my f**ourite tv programme.

5. 根据所听到的问题who do you often watch it with? 可知是问和谁一起看。

根据中文提示可知是和父母一起看的。故答案是i often watch it with my parents.



m: hello, is that garden restaurant?

w: yes, what can i do for you?

m: i want to book a table this evening. do you h**e a table for three?

w: certainly. what time will you arrive?

m: er, it’s five o’clock now. we’ll arrive in half an hour.

by the way, we’d like to sit by the window.

w: ok. is that all?

m: yes.

w: looking forward to your coming! bye-bye!

二、 根据中文提示,回答所听到的两个问题。将答案用英文写在横线上。

q4: why do you watch voice of china?

q5:who do you often watch it with?

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