中考专题 听力

发布 2021-05-15 17:39:28 阅读 3499









11. what would they like to do?

a. to go to a match. b. to go to a meeting. c. to go to a party.

12. when is it?

a. on friday evening. b. on saturday morning. c. on monday afternoon.

13. where is it?

a. at the hall. b. in art room

c. on the playground.


14. the book feifei's reading is

a. in german b. in chinesec. in english

15. whose f**ourite book is "a thousand and one nights"?

a. feifei' s. b. tony' s. c. mary' s.

16. what does mary enjoy doing?

a. watching tv. b. listening to music. c. reading books.


17. how is betty feeling?

a. good. b. excited. c. worried.

18. has betty talked to peter about his problem?

a. yes. b. no. c. we don't know.

19. what will betty try to do next?

a. to talk to peter.

b. to talk to peter's parents.

c. to talk to her parents.

20. what's the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

a. classmates. b. sister and brother. c. father and daughter.



第i卷(共85分) 听力部分(一至四题)





is the girl?

a. linda. b. mary. c. alice.

class is the boy in?

a. class one. b. class two. c. class three.

are the boy and the girl talking?

a. on the bus. b. at school. c. in the park.


s special about today?

a. it's the girl's birthdayb. it's the boy's birthday.

c. it's dad's birthday.

10 what has the girl bought for dad?

a. a cd. b. a card. c. a cd and a card.

11. what's dad's f**ourite music?

a. country music. b. pop music. c. rock music.


does the talk take place?

a. in the morning. b. in the afternoon.

c. in the evening.

kind of books does the boy like?

a books about chinese history.

b. books about sports.

c. books about computers.

many days can the boy keep the book?

a. two days. b. seven days. c. fourteen days.

will the boy h**e to do if he loses the book?

a pay for the book. b. buv a new one. c. return another one.



did tan mei get her lucky money?

a. from her parents. b. from her relatives. c. from her school.

did she hear about the homeless children in yushu?

a. last week. b. last month. c. last term.

18. how much money did she give to the children in yushu?

a. 100 yuan. b. 200 yuan. c. 300 yuan.

19. what do we know about tan mei?

a. she's from no. 14 middle school.

b. she did well in exams.

c. she spent most pocket money on food.

20. what's the passage mainly about?

a. ways of getting pocket money.

b. ways of spending pocket money.

c. ways of getting and spending pocket money.




一、听句子,选画面(每小题 1分,共 5分)




) 6. a. that's a good idea. b. you're welcomec. thank you.

) 7. a. that's all rightb. thanks a lot. c. sorry, !don't know.

)8. a. thank you. i'd like just a glass of water.

b. it doesn't matter. it's not important.

c. that's a good idea. why not? let's go.

) 9. a. for about eight weeksb. by train. c. that's a nice plane.

)10. a. they're used for keeping warm.

b. they're used for sending letters.

c. they're made of *****.



)12. a, 9 :50b. 10:00c. 9 :55.

) 13. a. at the party. b at the bus stc. on the bus.

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