2019中考英语听力 口语考试训练6 含听力材料 答案

发布 2021-05-15 17:36:28 阅读 2450






1. what time does tom usually get up?

2. which is tony’s f**orite sport?

3. what is jim looking for?

4. where is alice going for summer holiday?

5. what does the woman want to buy?



6. a. mother’sb. father’sc. brother’s

7. a. farm house b. happy restaurant c. green park

8. a. june 9thb. june 6thc. july 9th

9. a. 7:00 – 10:00 pm. b. 2:00 – 6:00 pm. c. 9:00 – 12:00 am.

10. a. 024 5329b. 021 6329c. 024 4369



tony and i are brother and sister. we are in the same school. tony works very hard and his f**orite subjects are chinese and math, but i like english best.

i think english is very useful. we both like sports. tony is more outgoing than me.

i’m quieter. i like listening to music and i hope to h**e friends who are like me. tony likes to h**e friends who are different from him.

do you think friends should be different or the same?













17. 话题:学校生活。

要点提示:1. 你喜欢学校生活。

2. 因为在学校…….

3. 而且, …



第一节。1. w: do you usually get up at six in the morning, tom?

m: no, twenty minutes earlier, at about twenty to six.

2. w: what a nice day! tony, shall we play basketball this afternoon?

m: great! i like basketball best.

3. w: jim, what are you doing? you look worried.

m: i’m looking for my dictionary. i want to look up some english words.

4. m: where are you going for your summer holiday, alice?

w: i can speak french. so i’m planning to tr**el to france with my family.

5. m: what can i do for you, madam?

w: i want some apples. an apple a day keeps a doctor away.

第二节:dear helen and d**e, are you free this saturday? jenny and i would like to invite you to a birthday party.

june 9th is our father’s fiftieth birthday. we will invite many of his friends to his party. we want to give him a big surprise.

so we won’t tell him about it until saturday afternoon. please help us to keep it as a secret. we are going to h**e the party at the farm house.

it’s on the fifth **enue, just across from the green park. the party will start at two in the afternoon. and we will h**e dinner together.

you will h**e lots of interesting things to do during the hours, singing, dancing, watching movies and playing games. if you want to know more information about the party, please call us at 024 5329. we will be very happy if you come to the party.

yours, ben.

第四节:12. what did you do yesterday?

13. who did you go with?

14. when did you come back home?

15. what did you buy?

16. what do you think of the bag?



第四节:12. i went shopping yesterday.

13. i went shopping with my friends.

14. we came back home at five in the afternoon.

15. i bought a bag.

16. the bag is very nice and i love it.

第五节:i’m a middle school student. i like school life very much.

because i h**e many good friends and they are all friendly to me. besides, we also h**e lots of interesting things to do in our lesson.


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