单项选择 动词语态

发布 2021-05-15 11:37:28 阅读 4667


2011泸州市】5. the radio says a wild animal zoo is going to __in our city.

a. be built b. built c. build d. be building

答案:a 解析】被动语态的用法。 根据主语和谓语动词的关系可以看出是被动形式;be gong to 后面跟动词原形,故选a。

2011四川成都】39. because of the support from all over the country, beautiful new buildingshere and there in the earthquake - hit areas in sichuan.

a. can see b. can be seen c. will be seen

答案:b 解析】考查被动语态。四川灾后建设已经是事实。故说“在四川**灾区漂亮的新大楼到处都能(被)看到。can be seen 为含有情态动词的被动语态。

2011盐城】15. —how soon all the work ?

— in a week.

a. will… finishb. is…going to finish

c. will…be finished d. are…going to be finished

答案:c解析】考查被动语态。问句的主语是all the work,所以应该用被动语态。排除a和b.又因为work时不可数名词,故排除d,选a。

2011安徽芜湖】42. these days students in some schools __not to use mobile phones.

a. askb. askedc. are asked d. were asked

答案:c 解析】被动语态。主语students是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态;根据these days可知用一般现在时。

2011广西南宁市】28. treesevery year to make our city greener.

a. plant b. are planted c. were plantedd. will be planted

28. 答案:b

解析】被动语态的用法。根据句意“每年种很多树来使我们的城市更绿”,可知用被动语态,时间状语为every year,因此用一般现在时。故选b。

2011贵州贵阳】37. we're very glad to know that a great sports meetingin guiyang this september.

a. will hold b. will be held c. will be hold

答案:b 解析】 这里考查的是将来时的被动语态的结构:will be + 动词的过去分词。故选b。

2011雅安】20. a lot of trees __on the hill yesterday.

a. are planted b. will be planted c. h**e been planted d. were planted

答案: d


2011山东枣庄】18. in the past the children were made __15 hours a day.

a. to lockb. workc. to work d. lock

答案:c解析】c be made to do sth被迫做某事,make的被动语态要带to, 故选c。

2011山东滨州】34. the taiwan spotted deer, fan xing and dian dianto the chinese mainland on april 16, 2011.

a.h**e sentb.were sendingc.were sent d.had sent

答案:c解析】考查被动语态的用法。由句意“台湾梅花鹿“繁星”和“点点” 在2024年4月16日被送到中国大陆”可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选c。

2011重庆】32. i’m glad to find that many trees___in our city last year.

a. plantb. plantedc. were planted d. are planted

答案:c解析】考查被动语态的用法。由last year可推断用一般过去时。



2011四川宜宾】 _widely in our daily life.

a . use b. used c. were used d. are used

答案:d 解析】d考查一般现在时的被动语态,根据句意:计算机在日常生活中得到广泛应用。故选d。

2011天津】39. today a lot of information can __online.

a. receive b. be received c. is received d. receiving

答案:b 解析】 被动语态。 今天有很多信息能在网上收到,信息被收到要用被动语态。含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词+be +过去分词。

44. 【2011广西柳州】half of the work __by now.

a. has finishedb. has been finished c. h**e been finished

答案b解析】考查动词的被动语态。 句意:一半的工作已经被完成。可知要用被动语态结构,work是不可数名词,所以用单数has been finished,故选b。

(2011湖南岳阳中考) year lots of trees to make our country more beautiful.

a. is planter b. are plantedc. plant


2011湖南益阳】24. his car was by the police because he drove too fast

a. stopping b. stopped c. stop

答案:b解析】语态的考查。从后面的by判断,应该是被动语态,be +动词的过去分词。

2011贵州毕节)29.he likes reading very much.most of his moneyon books.

a.is spent b.spend c.spends d.are spent


2011浙江宁波】27. there was a big earthquake in japan, but luckily many people

a. s**eb. s**edc. are s**edd. were s**ed

答案:d 解析】动词语态。从前半句可以看出是一般过去时,根据后半句句意,有许多人被救出。

一般过去时态的被动语态结构为was\were + 动词的过去分词。主语many people是复数,故用were+ 过去分词。

2011贵州安顺】25. —look at the sign on the right.

oh, parking __here.

a. doesn’t allow b. isn’t allowed c. didn’t allowed d. wasn’t allowed


2011山东】34. it’s true that shakespeare’s play __by so many people every year.

a. seeb. will seec. are seeing d. are seen

34. 答案:d


根据题意:莎士比亚的戏每年被许多人**是真的。句中主语为shakespeare’s play,使用被动语态。


2011湖北黄石】37. —who’s the little baby in the photo, li ying?

—it’s me. this photo __fourteen years ago.

a. is taken b. took c. takes d. was taken

答案:d 解析】被动语态。根据题意可知应用过去时态,而一般过去时态的被动语态结构为was\were + 动词的过去分词。

主语this photo 是单数,故用was+ 过去分词。


第9讲被动语态 nameclassteacher mr liu period 2 h 语态分为 主动和被动。考点1.一般现在时 am is are 过去分词 例1.at present,one of the best ways to study is working in groups.2013湖北...


动词语态。一 主动语态 主语是谓语动作的使动方。也就是说谓语的动作源自主语,而施加于宾语。相反,被动语态中,主语是谓语动作的受动方,如果有宾语的,宾语往往是谓语动作的使动方。在语法机构上,主动语态和被动语态的区别主要在于,主动语态直接使用动词原形作为谓语,然后再在该动词原形的基础上施加时态和其他语法...


第 卷第 期湖南科技学院学报。年 月。肖志红。长沙医学院外语系,湖南长沙 摘要 英语动词语态历来是语言学家和语法学家们研究的主要对象之一,图形一背景理论是认知语言学中的一个重要理论。从图形一背景这一认知结构的基本思想出发,对动词语态的选择从认知语言学的角度作了初步 关键词 英语动词 认知分析 动词语...