
发布 2021-05-15 01:24:28 阅读 4709

难点8 亦有规律可循的介词。



1his wife,his daughter also went to see him.

for (nmet1986)

2.(★what are you doing?

—i’m looking___the should be back for lunch now.


3.(★the doctor will be free

a.10 minutes 10 minutes

10 minutes d.10 minutes after (nmet1992)

4.(★we offered him our congratulations___his passing the college entrance exams.


5.(★how long has this bookshop been in business?


6.(★did you h**e trouble___the post office?

h**e found finding

find finding (nmet1992)

7.(★what do you want to do __those old boxes?

—to put things in when i move to the new flat. (北京2002)

8.(★the train le**es at 6:00 p m.

so i h**e to be at the station___5:40pm. at the latest.



1.__production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.






tian an men looks grander than ever with all lights on.在华灯掩映下,天安门显得更加雄伟壮观。

答案:chome improvements h**e taken what little there is __my spare time.



知识依托:little of my spare time.意思是“仅有的业余时间”。

错解分析:b项迷惑性较大,受 in one’s spare time短语影响。


i understand little of his speech.他的讲话我几乎没有听懂。



①because of表示引起结果的直接原因,意义与连词because相同。例如:

he retired last month because of illness/because he was ill.上个月他因病退休了。


例如:he trembled for fear.他怕发抖。

thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

when he was still a young man,he was forced to le**e his homeland for political reasons.他还是青年时就因为政治原因离开了他的祖国。


her body was bent by age.岁月使得他的腰也弯了。

the general died by his own hand.将军自杀了。

she took your umbrella by mistake.她错拿了你的雨伞。


the whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news.听到这个消息,全国人民极为悲痛。

he jumped at the news.听到这个消息,他蹦了起来。


he has given up smoking on medical advice.他遵照医生的劝告已经把烟戒了。

⑥of和from表原因时常与die或类似意义的词连用。die of指因疾病、饥饿、寒冷,或害怕、羞愧等内因或外因造成的死亡结果;die from表示因伤、事故等外因或不明原因造成的死亡。与疾病名词连用时,二者均可。


his son h**ing been killed in the war,the man died of a broken heart.儿子死于战争后,老人也因伤心过度而亡。

in big cities during cold winter months,many old people die from the polluted air.寒冷的冬天,大城市里的许多老人死于污染的空气。

she died of /from cancer. 她死于癌症。

he wasn’t ill;he stayed in bed from laziness.他没病,他躺在床上只是偷懒。

⑦with指生理上或情感上的外界到内心的原因,意为“随着……。例如:gessler turned red with anger.盖斯勒气得脸都红了。

⑧owing to,相当于because of,多表示引起某种不良后果的原因。例如:

owing to the rain they could not come.都是因为那场雨他们才没能来。

owing to his lacking of experience,john failed this time.因为经验不足,这次约翰又失败了。

注:owing to也可表示“欠……钱”之意。how much is he owing to you?他欠你多少钱?

⑨thanks to表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常译为“幸亏……,多亏……”例如:

thanks to the timely rain,the farmer had a good harvest.多亏那场及时雨,农民才有了个好收成。

⑩out of表示动机的起因,常译为“出于……”例如:

he asked the question out of curiosity.出于好奇,他提了这个问题。

he did it out of pity.他做那事是出于同情。


1.(★as soon as he entered the room, he took___his cap and sat down.

2.(★the policeman helped the old woman___the street.

3.(★early___the morning of may 1,we started off___the mountain village.

for to / for

4.(★sports and games can be___great help to us.


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