
发布 2021-05-14 21:07:28 阅读 7777

8b unit 1 past and present

grammar 现在完成时

一、现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。其构成: h**e (has) +过去分词。

规则变化的过去分词与过去式的变化一样,在动词词尾加ed; 不规则变化的过去分词见不规则动词表,需要同学记忆。

现以see the film为例将现在完成时的肯定句, 否定句和疑问句列表如下:

肯定句:i/you/we/they h**e seen the film. he/she /it has seen the film.

否定句:i/you/we/they h**e not/ h**en’t seen the film.

he/ she/it has not/hasn’t seen the film.

疑问句:h**e i/you/they seen the film? yes, you/ we/i/they h**e. no, you/ we/i/they h**en’t.

has he/she/it seen the film? yes, he/ she/ it has. no, he/ she/ it hasn’t.


表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与just(刚刚),already(已经),never(从来没有),ever(曾经),before(以前),yet(仍然),once(一次),twice(两次),many times(很多次),how many times(多少次),so far(迄今为止),during the past(last)three years(最近三年来)等连用。

副词的位置:①just常用于肯定句中,放在h**e / has后,he has just come .

never表示否定, 放在h**e / has后, he has never visited the great wall.

ever用于疑问句中,句型为: h**e / has+主语+ever +过去分词?“…曾经……过吗?

”用于询问某人过去的经历。h**e you ever been to the farm?

before用于句末,the woman has never heard of that before.

yet 用于句末或not 之后。has the train arrived yet? no, not yet.

already用于肯定句, h**e / has 之后或句末。we h**e already finished it.

so far用于句首或句末。 so far, we h**e visited the moon.


for+表示一段时间的词语i h**e taught english for 19 years。

since+表示过去时间点的词语he has been at this school since 1986.

since+表示过去的时间状语从句i h**e lived here since i was born.

since+一段时间+ago. i h**e known him since 20 years ago.

三、现在完成时态中可以和表示一段时间状语(for,since,how long, all one’s life)连用的动词必须是表示延续的情况或动作的动词,即延续性动词。如:be,h**e,know,live,work,study,learn,teach,keep,speak,talk,draw,wait,wear,walk,sleep,drive,write,do,clean等。

i h**e been a teacher for nearly 20 years. how long has he lived here?

四、延续性动词的现在完成时可和包括“现在”在内的(到说话时仍未结束)表示一段时间的状语连用。如this morning,today,this week,these days

he has been to beijing three times this year. he has written two letters this morning.(说话时间在上午)he wrote two letters this morning.



就结束的动作,这类动词叫做“非延续性动词”,常见的有:come,go,arrive,reach,see,hear,close,open,le**e,begin,start,lose,buy,fall,join,die,get up,become,borrow,lend,find,finish,receive等。这些动词可用于现在完成时,说明某个动作的结果还存在,但不能和表示一段时间的状语(how long,for,since)连用。

he has come back.(√he has come back for two hours.(×


i h**en’t heard from my father for a long time. we h**en’t seen him since 1999.

六、当终止性动词(非延续性动词)与表示一段时间的状语(how long,since,for, all one’s life)相矛盾时,改正错句的方法有如下几种:


he has come back for two weeks.(错)改为:he came back two weeks ago.(正)

i h**e lost my bike for ten days. (错)改为:i lost my bike ten days ago. (正)

2)用“it is / has been+时间+since+一般过去时态”句型来改写。

he has joined the league for 3 years. (错)it is 3 years since he joined the league.

i h**e bought the book for 5 days. (错)it is 5 days since i bought the book. (正)

he has died for 20 years. (错)it is 20 years since he died. (正)

3)用“时间+has passed+since+一般过去时态”句型来改写。

he has left home for 20 years. 改为:twenty years has passed since he left home.

he has lost his pen for 2 days. 改为:two days has passed since he lost his pen.


he has died for 20 years. 改为: he has been dead for 20 years.

the factory has opened since 1999. 改为:the factory has been open since 1999.

how long has he left? 改为:how long has he been away?


he has bought the book for two weeks. 改为:he has had the book for two weeks.


borrow / lend→keep, buy→h**e, finish / end→be over,

arrive /come / go / move / reach /get to→be in /at / be here /be there,begin / start→be on , open→be open , close→be closed, die→be dead ,

le**e→be away(from), go to school→be in school / be a student,

get up→be up, fall asleep→be asleep , fall ill→be ill, get to know→know,

lose→be lost, become→be, return / come back / get back→be back,

join→be in / be a…member, join the army→be in the army /be a soldier,receive / get a letter→h**e a letter , catch / get a cold→h**e a cold,begin to study→study,

他参军已有三年。he has joined the army for three years.(错)改为:

he has been in the army for three years / since three years ago.

英语语法 现在完成时讲解

学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。第六讲现在完成时。1.概念 1 表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还要持续下去,常和for,since,连用,表示持续的动作或状态多为延续性动词。eg we h e lived here since 2000.自从2000年以来我们一直住在这里。说明一直住在...


现在完成时 i 第八单元语法知识。定义 1 表示过去发生或已经发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,这个影响和结果对现在还必须存在。常与already 已经 yet 已经,还 just 刚刚 ever 曾经 never等词连用。常用于肯定句或疑问句 均表示 已经 常用于否定句 表示 还 尚 疑问句末尾 ...


如何使用现在完成时 同学们我们已经学习了现在进行时 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时这4种时态的用法,但这4种时态还不能满足我们表达的需要。比如 表示 某人过去曾经做过某事 或者 某人做某事多久 以上五种时态就派不上用场了。这时,我们可以用一种新的时态 现在完成时表示。一 现在完成时的构成 一 肯...