
发布 2021-05-14 17:54:28 阅读 4151



.听力测试 (20分)



)⒍a. king kong. b. cats. c. the sound of music.

)⒎a. yesterday. b. this afternoon. c. this morning.

)⒏a. indian food. b. fried rice. c. italian pizza.

)⒐a. her mother. b. her father. c. her uncle.

)⒑a. at 7:00 b. at 7:30 c. at 7:30


)⒒what’s the time now?

a. it’s 7:30 b. it’s 7:15 c. it’s 7:30

)⒓where is tom at the moment?

a. in the classroom. b. in his bedroom. c. in his study.

)⒔what’s wrong with tom?

a. he has a toothache. b. he has a stomachache. c. he has a headache.

)⒕what is tom going to do?

a. he’s going to school. b. to see a doctor. c. to h**e breakfast.

)⒖where are the talking?

a. at home. b. at school. c. in the hospital.

d.根据所听短文内容,判断下列句子的正( r )与误( w )。

)⒗the guide is telling the students something about beijing.

)⒘there are about 15 million people in beijing.

)⒙the people in beijing are in a hurry all the time.

)⒚visiting the forbidden city, you can learn many interesting stories.

)⒛there are a lot of places of interest in beijing.

.选择填空 (20分)


)⒈the he**y rain stopped us __out on time.

a. start b. starting c. from starting d. to start

)⒉he fell __as soon as he went to bed

a. sleep b. sleeping c. sleepy d. asleep

)⒊i don’t know __he’ll come or not this evening.

a. that b. whether c. if d. when

)⒋guizhou is __the southwest of china.

a. at b. in c. on d. to

)⒌if i __free tomorrow, i __for the picnic with you.

a. am; will go b. will be; go c. am; go d. will be; shall go

)⒍don’t forget __off the lights when you le**e the classroom.

a. turn b. turned c. turning d. to turn

)⒎i think the __you are, the __you’ll make.

a. busier; more b. busiest; most c. busier; most d. busiest; more

)⒏our english teacher __in class every day.

a. cheer up us b. cheer us up c. cheers up us d. cheers us up

)⒐his parents are worried __his health.

a. of b. with c. about d. at

)⒑mr king began to work __my age.

a. in b. at c. on d. to

)⒒she’s looking forward to __you again.

a. meet b. meeting c. met d. meets

)⒓there are many trees __of the road.

a. in both side b. in both sides c. on both side d. on both sides

)⒔we must try our best __our lessons well.

a. learn b. learning c. to learn d. learnt

)⒕you can’t go anywhere until you finish __your homework.

a. do b. doing c. to do d. done

)⒖he got up early __he could catch the first bus.

a. so that b. so c. because d. when


)⒗how long h**e you been like this?

a. feel b. felt c. fell d. fallen

)⒘you should take the doctor’s advice.

a. follow b. hear c. listen to d. use

)⒙the teacher was satisfied with what the students did.

a. surprised b. excited c. pleased d. moved

)⒚i got a letter from my pen-pal yesterday.

a. heard b. heard from c. heard of d. listened to

)⒛john is taller than any other boy in his class.

a. taller b. the taller c. tallest d. the tallest

.情景交际 (10分)


)⒈how are you doing? a. it’s very kind of you.

)⒉let me help you with your math. b. it looks very nice.

)⒊what’s the matter? c. you bet!

)⒋what do you think of the jacket? d. my feet hurt.

)⒌would you like to go shopping with me? e. very well, thanks.


a:mary, look! sam and jack are over there.

b:oh, everybody is preparing for our fashion show.

a:hi, sam! _

c:i want to buy the t-shirt and the pants. _

a:it looks very nice. what about you, jack?

d:i’d like a windbreaker so that i will look more handsome.

b:__d:size m. how about this gray one? it’s made of natural materials.

b:perfect! you’re thin and tall. _

c:what would you like to buy, kate and mary?

a:__b:and i’d like to buy a silk dress and a purple hat.

a. i’d like a leather jacket. b. you must look handsome in it.

c. what size would you like? d. what would you like to buy?

e. what do you think of it? f. what can i do for you?

.完形填空 (10分)


hello, everyone! my name is wang hai. i come 1 liaogao, songtao.

liaogao is a nice town. the songjiang river goes through the town. the river is very clear.

we often go 2 in the river in summer. there are six bridges over the river. the songjiang bridge is 3 of the six.

the shuitanghe bridge is the nicest of the six. there are 4 large squares in the town of liaogao. they are shichang square and qixing square.

after supper some young women often dance on shichang square. and many people like taking a walk on the squares. both of the squares are worth 5 when you come to liaogao.

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