
发布 2021-05-14 16:42:28 阅读 7910

1. a lot of traffic accidents___from carelessness.

a) arouse b) arise c) raised) rise

答案】b 译文】许多的交通事故是由疏忽大意引起的。



2. the teacher___me___for disobedience.

a) called ..down b) called...upon c) called...off d) called...out

答案】a 译文】因我不听话,老师训斥了我


详细解答】call down指挑剔、找麻烦,斥责;call upon指命令;要求;call off指取消;call out指召集使集中;召唤。

3. he criticized everything and everybody, and even __his teachers.

a) ran over b) ran down c) ran against d) ran into

答案】b 译文】他批评所有的事,所有的人,甚至还诋毁自己的老师。


详细解答】run...over指撞到,碾过;run...down指批评,贬低;run...against 指违反,偶遇;run...into 指进入,偶遇。

4. in this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they __

a) had been dreaming b) h**e been dreaming c) are dreaming d) had dreamt

答案】b 译文】在实验期间,他们被叫醒几次,报告他们刚刚梦到了什么。



5. frequent cultural exchange will certainly help __friendly relations between our two universities.

a) foster b) utilize c) cherish d) raise

a) 【答案】a




6. i’m afraid i will h**e to __her invitation to the party.

a) refuse b) refute c) ignore d) decline

a) 【答案】d

b) 【译文】我恐怕不得不谢绝她的晚会邀请。


详细解答】decline 意为“婉谢,谢绝”,指对别人的邀请、帮助等比较委婉地回绝。refuse 意为“拒绝”,指对别人的要求、请求等比较直率的,有时比较不客气的拒绝。refute 意为驳斥,反驳。

ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不。

7. he can’t start the car because the battery has __

a) run up b) run down c) run over d) run off

答案】b 译文】由于电池耗尽了,他的汽车发动不了。


详细解答】run down 意为“(动力等)耗尽;(身体)衰弱,疲乏;(钟表)停了,(使)失灵”。run up 意为“升起(旗帜);欠下(钱财)”。run over意为“撞倒,辗过”。

run off意为“撵走,吓跑”。

8. without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to h**e factual knowledge __our thinking.

a) upon which to base b) which to base upon c) which to be based on d) to base on which

答案】a 【译文】如果没有事实依据,我们就不能形成正确的主张,因为我们要把想法建立在事实的基础上。


【详细解答】此句需要一个后置定语来修饰factual knowledge,根据句意应是base our thinking (upon) on factual knowledge,因此应使用“介词+关系代词+不定式”的结构作后置定语。

9. i’d rather you __so rudely to her.

a) don’t speak b) won’t speak c) should not speak d) didn’t speak

答案】d 【译文】我宁愿你不对她这么无礼。

【试题分析】would rather 后宾语从句的虚拟语气。

【详细解答】would rather 表示愿望,后接的宾语从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的愿望时,用过去时;表示与过去事实相反的愿望时,用过去完成时。

10. today many kinds of electrical __are **ailable, which has made housework much easier than before.

a) facilities b) appliances c) instruments d) equipment

答案】b 【译文】如今可供使用的电器很多,这使得做家务事比以前容易多了。


【详细解答】appliance 意为“器具,器械”,electrical appliance 意为“电器”。facility 意为“设备,设施”。instrument 意为“仪器”,尤指用于精致工作的工具或仪器。

equipment 意为“设备,装备”。

11. i’m afraid i can’t __you __you’ll h**e to go to a hotel.

a) put ..up b) pick ..up c) pull ..up d) wake ..up

答案】a 【译文】恐怕我不能给你提供住处,你得去住旅馆。


【详细解答】put ..up意为“留……住宿;举起;搭建”。pick ..

up 意为“拾起,拿起;学会,学到”。pull ..up意为“使(车子)停下”。

wake ..up意为“叫醒”。

12. we must try our best to lower the cost of our products. otherwise the high cost will __our profit.

a) cut off b) cut in c) cut short d) cut into

答案】d 译文】我们必须全力降低产品的成本,否则高成本将使利润大打折扣。


详细解答】cut into意为“减少,降低;插嘴,打断”。cut off 意为“切断;隔绝,挡住;切下来”。cut in意为“插嘴,夹塞”。

cut short意为“打断(谈话),中断(活动)”。

13. american women were __the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

a) ignored b) neglected c) denied d) refused

答案】c 【译文】美国妇女很长时间都未被赋予选举的权利,经过多年的斗争,直到2024年她们才争取到了这一权利。


【详细解答】deny sb. sth.表示“拒绝给予……”ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不理睬”。neglect 意为“疏忽,忽视”。refuse 意为“拒绝”。

14. the factory has __several workers because of the drop in sales.

a) laid off b) laid out c) laid aside d) laid down

答案】a 【译文】由于销售量下降,这家工厂已经解雇了一些工人。


【详细解答】lay off意为“解雇”。lay out 意为“设计,布局;花费,使用”。lay aside意为”放在一边”。lay down意为“放下;规定,说明”。

15. _so few people in the street was unusual.

a) for there to be b) as there to be c) for there being d) as there being


译文】 街上人这么少,真奇怪。


详细解答】there to be 句型做主语时,通常用for做引导词。所以选择a项。

16. i’m __the impression that you’ve told me about it.

a) into b) on c) of d) under

答案】d 译文】我模糊记得你给我谈过此事。


详细解答】 to be under the impression that 表示有模糊印象发生过什么事情。

17. many of the imported planes h**e been lying __for years because of the restrictions on the foreign spare parts.

a) idle b) vacant c) emptyd) hollow

答案】a 译文】因为对外国零件的限制,许多进口飞机已经闲置了数年。


详细解答】idle 空闲的,无用的,懒散的;vacant 空缺的,未占用的;empty空无一物的;hollow中空的。


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