
发布 2021-05-14 14:22:28 阅读 2248



1. be动词:be动词是最常见的连系动词,它的一般现在时态形式有am,is,are;过去时的形式是was,were。随主语的人称和数的变化而变化。

如:i am a are happy

eg. -there __a lot of meat on the plate. would you like some ?

---just a little, please

a. is b. arec. amd. be

this pair of jeans___tina’s

a. areb. bec. isd. will be

2.其他可以做系动词的词:另外有一些词也可以做系动词用,其后接形容词,名词或介词短语,这类词有become,turn,grow,look,smell,sound, taste等。

如:tom’s mother looks tired

the cake tastes delicious

eg. the english song___very nice. can you guess who is singing?

a. smellsb. looksc. tastesd. sounds

the food in that restaurant___delicious, but it tastes bad

a. looksb. feelsc. becomesd. gets

3. 可做实义动词的系动词:大多数感官动词,都既可以做系动词,也可以做实义动词,此时单独做谓语。如:he felt ill yesterday

eg. i like wearing clothes made of cotton because cotton___nice and soft

a. is feelb. is feelingc. feeld. feels

please___the soup to see whether i h**e put enough salt in it

a. smellb. feelc. eatd. taste


如:i don’t like ithe doesn’t watch tv in the meeting

eg. -lucy, what about going camping if __tomorrow?

---sounds great!

a. didn’t rainb. doesn’t rainc. won’t raind. hasn’t rain

---what __your mother look like?

---she has long hair

a. doesb. doc. is


can, could, may, might, must, need, shall, will, should, would及半情态动词had better, h**e to

1. can , could::can和 could 意为“能,会”表示请求,could的语气比can更委婉。

如:--could i borrow your bike?

---yes, you can

eg. -is john coming by train?

---he should, but he __not. he likes driving his car

a. mustb. canc. mayd. need

people __breathe when they are under water

a. can’tb. mustn’tc. shouldn’td. needn’t

2. may 的用法:may 可以表示许可或推测,表推测时意为“或许,可能”,但只用在陈述句中。如: you may go home.

may i smoke here?take a raincoat with you, it may rain

eg . is mr brown driving here?

---i’m not sure. he __come by train

a. mayb. must

i swim in that river?

---no, you___it is dangerous to swim in it

a. must, can’tb. can, may notc. may, mustn’t

3. must 与 h**e to的用法:(1)must意为“必须”,表示说话人的主**法,h**e to表示客观需要。

如:you must be here before five o’clockit’s too late, i h**e to le**e now

2)must 表“必须”时,其否定式是needn’t

如:--must i finish my homework now?

---no, you needn’t

3)must可表示“猜测”,一般用于肯定句,它的肯定程度比may,might大的多,意为“一定是,准是”,如果要表示否定时,不可用mustn’t;而是 can not。因为mustn’t表示“不准,禁止”。

如:her answer can’t be room is locked. she can’t be in

eg . mike, i can’t stop playing computer games

---for your eyes, my dear friend, i’m afraid you___

a. h**e tob. mayc. cand. must

---must i stay at home and take care of her?

---no, you __

a. mustn’tb. won’tc. can’td. needn’t

4. need 的用法:need既可以做情态动词,也可以做实义动词,need做情态动词主要用在疑问句,否定句中,否定式是needn’t;做实义动词有人称,数,时态的变化,肯定式是need todo sth, 否定式是 needn’t to do sth。

如:need you go now?we needn’t do our homework now

do you need to know it ? he need to go home

eg. -may i do the rest of the work tomorrow?

---yes, of course. you___finish it today

a. mustb. mustn’tc. needn’t

you___do it if you really don’t want to

a. needn’tb. mustn’tc. can’td. couldn’t

5. had better的用法:(1)had better意为“最好“,没有人称的变化,后接不带to的不定式。

如:we had better catch a early busyou had better go there by bus

2) 否定式为had better not,如:you’d better not make any noise

eg . you’d better___smoking, _you will get ill

a. go on, sob. give up, andc. give up, or

you look tired, you’d better___a good sleep

a. h**eb. h**ingc. hadd. to h**e

四、行为动词:行为动词 vt./vi.


按其带不带宾语、分为及物动词(带宾语)和不及物动词(不带宾语)help帮助(vt.) see看见(vt.) go去(vi.

) fly飞(vi.) he often helps me. i can see a bird in the tree.

planes can fly.



例如:he speaks english very well. (vt.) 他英语讲得好。

he spoke at the meeting. (vi.)

另外,动词按其在句中能否作谓语,又可分为谓语动词(finite verb)和非谓语动词(non-finite verb)两大类。




日骋教育教辅讲义。英语中具有使役意义的动词较多,跟人们常常说的使役动词不是一个概念。通常我们说使役动词,指的是make,h e,let这三个动词,它们在后接不定式作宾语补足语时要省去不定式符号to的特定用法。但具有使役意义的动词数量上远不止这些,用法也较灵活,现将其分类叙述如下,以饷读者。注 英语动...


chapter 9 动词 verb 核心考点。1 熟练掌握动词的五种基本形式 动词原形 第三人称单数形式 现在分词 过去式 过去分词。2 熟练掌握系动词be 的用法。3 初步掌握become get look turn等系动词的一般用法。4 掌握常用助动词的一般用法。5 理解及物动词和不及物动词的用...

动词法 时态 讲解与练习

时态和语态是高考的必考题,也是高中语法的重点。由于中文不存在对应的时态概念,因此中国学生常常在学习时态的时候,总是无法很好的理解英语的思维方式。因此,在解答时态题目的时候,必须适当的使用排除法,以增加做题的正确率。时态也是唯一只能用排除法来应对的题目类型 从近年来的出题规律看,单独考时态的题目并不多...