7 12阅读讲解unit

发布 2021-05-14 11:10:28 阅读 3413


单选:call up使想起···call on 号召 call for 要求 call in 召集。

in particular 尤其,特别是 come up with 提出(意见,建议等)

如何处理···how to deal with what to do with give in 屈服 give up 放弃 give away 泄密,分发···

show off 炫耀,卖弄 show sb around 带领某人参观···

break down 抛锚,身体垮掉。

break up (关系)破裂,折断,断裂化学分解

break out (战争,火灾等)爆发 break into 破门而入。

完形填空。add to 增加,添加 add sth to do away with干掉,杀掉 get away with 携某物潜逃 turn away from 拒之门外 check up 检查,核对。

keep away with 远离·· pick up 拾起,捡起来 swallow up 吃掉/吞掉 threw up 呕吐pray for 祈求/祷。

seek one’s fortune 找机会,干事业 lean against 靠在···

阅读a resemblance 相似 incredible 难以置信的 handle 处理。

took off (事业等)起飞,腾飞 make up for 弥补···

the moment+句子 “一···就···

类似的用法: the second/minute等。hardly···when

no sooner···than···

regardless of 不管,不顾···at least 至少···

get into the habit of 形成··习惯 pursue v. 追求/寻(after)

h**e nothing to do with 与···无关 it seems that···看起来似乎 deliver sth to···配送,发送 cover the cost of···包含···的费用

完成句子:71. 从“ever since”可知永完成时态 he has lived in

注意 “and”连接2个句子,所以不要忘了主语“he”

72.考察“too···to···句型。 “太怎么样而不能”

答案为“is too long to understand”

will be fined “fine 当动词使用为罚款的含义”



主动ving;被动就ved。完成“h**ing done”; 否定加“not”。

]有些词本身就是动词的过去分词充当形容词表示状态,如“lost,seated, devoted, absorbed, accustomed等”。

determined to train


technology is changing”

76.考察以否定副词开头的部分倒装。nor do i think, ,


如:hardly···when···no sooner···than···

联想:全部倒装呢? (lie,stand等)

on the top of the mountain lies/stands a temple.

77. 让步状语从句 no matter how difficult it was

78. 考察动词“persuade”用法。

persuade sb (not)to do

persuade sb into/out of doing

79. so···that···置于句首时部分倒装。

结构同76题 did she go to

80. 考察原因状语同74题。

not knowing how to work out···

71. it remains to be seen whether···or not.

此句中it 用作形式主语真正地主语是后面由“whether”引导的主语从句。 可以改写成:

whether jim will be fit enough to play in the finals remains to be seen.

72. 考察固定句型“there is no doubt that-”毫无疑问的是···

汉语中“会,将,将会,将要” 等字眼我们对应的用“will/would”

that he will be published

73. “本应该做而未作” 考察情态动词的的特殊用法

should / ought to h**e done ought to h**e carried an umbrella


could h**e done 与couldn’t h**e done

should h**e done与 shouldn’t h**e done (本不应该做而做了)

must h**e done “表示对过去的肯定猜测”

思考:那么对过去的否定猜测呢? couldn’t h**e done

74. 考察主语从句 what life will be like


75. 考察定语从句 where they play to stay

76. 考察句型 it’s believed/said/reported that-··

sb. /sth. is believed/reported to h**e(been) done.


77.考察非限定性定语从句 sth. of which = whose sth.

most of which can not be found

78. 考察句型“it’s a long time since···自从···已经有很长时间了。

it will be + 时间段 before ··做···还要好长时间”

it will be a time before we see each other.

79. 考察部分倒装 nor has he been to

80. 考察强调句型 it was by design that- 此句中对状语进行强调。


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