
发布 2021-05-13 01:00:28 阅读 1308

一、课题:carmela's adverture[第一节]围绕 "carmela's adverture" 的故事情节分层展开教学,即第一次阅读:以简图preview整个故事,并提取故事主角"carmela" ,继而提出 "what do you think of carmela?

" 展开主人公的描述,即hello, i'm 'm a chick. i'm . i like .

i like to read very 第二次阅读:由 "what does he read? "引出 "fruit garden" ,mountain" ,firelight" 三个分主题。

通过对三个场景的描述,引出并操练句型 "i want to " 于此同时各主题下分别实现对单词pick (the apples), climb (the mountain), climb the) rock, firelight (light fire)的学习。

过渡:由对 "i want to句型的操练,引出carmela的"i want to h**e an advendure." 并通过语音语调的练习落实(it's) dangerous的单词教学。

第三次阅读:由"on the way...再次引出三个分主题,多元化教学方式深入学习。

主题 "mountain":先听,再听并勾简图,让学生根据简图,回答 "what does he see?" 了解内容之后,完成提供首字母的短文填空题,由此再次引出主题 "fruit garden"。

进而引出文本 "i‘m thirsty. i want to ."no.

don't ."通过整理suggestions巩固句型"don't ."通过场景"river"的文本学习,再次巩固 "don't " 句型。

地图路线回顾,引出夜晚的 "firelight"。

通过简单的 "chant" ,再次学习 "dangerous" 。




二、课题:follw the signs[第三节] what can you see?signs2.

see & follow:don't ..3.

由mr. sign has many baby signs亮出涵盖重点词汇don't ..的标牌,并通过match来一一对座入号。

4. 通过替换don't ..进而学习you mustn't ..

由"in the life, we must follow the signs."过渡引出文本再构的主人公d**id,以及文本一mother: you mustn't play with why mustn't i play with food?

mother: because it spoils the no!再由学生pair work完成文本spoils the water,spoils the cake的对话。

由d**id is does he do now? 逐步呈现**,让学生猜会发生什么,强化"dangerous" 的感受。

接着呈现文本二mother: you mustn't climb!d**id:

why mustn't i climb?mother: because it's what can i do?

mr. sign: you can wait for your mother.

引申三个场景on the roadon the stairsin the kitchen操练。

mother: you mustn't !d**id:

why mustn't?mother: because it's what can i do?

you can .由不能in the room打棒球,引出go to the country park and play,整合本节重点语言点。




三、课题:clubs[第五节] let's sing: read, read, i can read a little draw, i can draw a little sing, i can sing a little brain-storm:

sing a song...2.1.

read2.2. say & act:

i say, you act; you say, i act.2.3.

guess: miss xia can . miss xia can't .

2.4. t:

i can sing. i like singing. what about you?

过渡say: i can . i like ing.

3. club3.1.

引出主人公ben,t: who is he? what's he like?

3.2. listen & answer:

what does ben like doing?3.3.

read & fill in the blank: .jumping...

football...i like ..join in sport ..

3.4. listen & guess:

i like sports...join in sport club...tip:

听学单词发音3.5. guess meaning:

a. 社团,俱乐部 b.体育 tip:

根据上下文猜测词义,文中找依据4. reason 1: "like"4.

1. listen & guess & match: 通过对 club与房间**的配对,学习词汇gardening, drama 4.

2. brain-storm:what clubs do you know?

club激发ss用已有的词汇表达自己认识的club基于此给予更多的词汇english club, science club, chinese club...4.3.

setences practice:t: which club do you want to join?

i want to join the club.4.4.

discuss the reason:i want to join the club. because i like .

两处提供相应词汇4.5. conclusion:

if you like doing something, you can join a club. 强调原因"like"5. reason 2:

"improve"5.1. read & judge:..

i can't sing well...i want to join the music club...i want to improve my singing.

5.2. guess meaning:

通过直接使用该词来构句实现语义教学t: i can't sing well. i want to improve my singing .

蜡笔小新: i can't dance well. i want to improve my dancing .

樱桃丸子: i can't write well. i want to improve my writing .

5.3. practice:

youi can't well. i want to improve my .提供词汇draw, cook, read, run, swim...

强调原因"improve" applicationhow to join in the clubs?6.1.

let's read: club, i want to join.6.

2. 过渡:how can i join these two clubs?

here is application oh, my god! i can't fill in the form. can you help me?

6.3. ben's application formt问ss答,假设你就是benq1:

what's your name?q2: what club do you want to join?

q3: why do you want to join the clubs?6.

4. miss xia's application formss问t答,再次呈现qs6.5.

application form for yout问s答,再次呈现qs,s1问s2答pair work7. posterhow to set up clubs?7.

1. read: i'm sad.

i want to join cartoon club...but there is no...过渡:

why not set up a cartoon club? 引出 poster of cartoon club7.2.

group work: design a club is the you like , please join us!if you want to improve , please join us!

in the club, you can .come on. boys and girls!


对词汇"improve" 的学习很巧妙地跨过了对母语的依赖,通过构句操练实现词汇的语义教学。


优质课听课心得体会。临沭双语实验学校王步军。本大周学校组织各科老师进行了优质课比赛,我尽量和别人调课换课认真。听取了11节课,下面是我对听取了本组英语老师们的讲课后的一些心得体会和自己的一些想法。一 教师上课节奏紧凑,思路清晰,整个课堂驾驭能力非常强,整个课堂有张有弛。在这两天的听课中我发现老师们都...



