语法7 倒装

发布 2021-05-11 05:59:28 阅读 4387


1) i wish我年轻的时候有你们这样的机会).

2) if only他知道这病是可以治好的)! then he would not h**e killed himself.

3) —would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars?

— i’d rather he漆成蓝色的,而且不带任何装饰).

4) it’s high time that采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题).

5) hugh usually talks仿佛在大会上发表演说似的).

6) we insist that让杰克立刻进医院).

7) it was advised that在居民区设立更多的流动商店).

8) his proposal was that他们成立一个专门委员会来检查这个问题).

9) we are going to discuss his suggestion that取消期中考试).

10) it is ridiculous that我们在一个总是下雨的国家还缺水).


英语的基本句型是主语 + 谓语。如果将主语与谓语调换, 称倒装句。


一、 全倒装: 主语与谓语交换位置不需任何助动词, 叫全倒装。全倒装有以下三种情况:

1、当here, there, out, in, up, down等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒装:

there goes the bell! 铃响了!

there lived an old man.

here comes the bus.

注意:①在这种情况下倒装仅限于不及物动词或be动词, 像go, come, mush等。

主语如果是代词时不需倒装如away he went. 他走远了。

2、方位状语在句首, 如:

in front of the house stopped a police car.

nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.

under the tree sat a boy.

3 、直接引语在句首, 这种情况可倒装也可不倒装。

what does it mean?" asked the boy或the boy asked.

二、半倒装: 主语与谓语的助动词交换位置称半倒装, 有以下数种情况:

1,否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装, 例如: little, never, not, no, hardly, rarely, seldom

never shall i forget you.

at no time was the man aware of what was happening.

little did i understand what he said to me at that time.

2、 几对并列连词如not only…but also, hardly… when等连接两个并列句, 连词在句首, 前句半倒装, 后句不倒装:

not only was everything he had taker away from him, but also his german citizenship was taken away.

no sooner had i got to the bus stop than the bus started.

注意: ①not only…but also连接两个并列主语时不需倒装, 如:not only you but also i like playing chess.

neither…nor在句首时, 前后两句都需倒装,neither do i h**e a sister nor does my husband.

3、only在句首强调状语, 主句半倒装:

only then did i realize that i was wrong. only in this way can i learn from my fault.

only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to get back to work.

注意: only强调主语不倒装:only the teachers can use the room.

4、so…that句型, so在句首时, 主句倒装, that从句不倒装:

so easy is it that a child can learn it. so hard did he work that he finally won the fame.

i saw the film, so did he.


had i been informed earlier, i could h**e done something. were she here, she would support the motion.

mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching tv, but __

a. a little did he hear b. little did he hear c. little heard he d. a little heard he

2.——hello, zhu hua. i’ll h**e to return to canada because i’ve worked here for a year.

a. what time flies b. how time flies c. what does time fly d. how does time fly

the war, _but also he lost his wife and his child.

a. not was his job in the lab taken away b. not only was his job in the lab taken away

c. not merely his job in the lab was taken away d. not just was taken away his job in the lab

4.——we h**e to stop talking here outside. listenhurry up, or we’ll be late.

a. there goes the bell b. there does the bell go c.

there the bell goes d. goes the bell there

5. i think this is the first time that we h**e met.__anywhere.

a. before h**e we never seen each other b. never before we h**e seen each other

c. each other h**e we seen never before d. never before h**e we seen each other

6.__you should take this chance to attend it.

a. how important conference is it b. how an important conference it is

c. what an important conference is it d. what an important conference it is

7. she didn’t come to the party last sunday.__she must h**e made the party more exciting.

a. if she came b. would she come c. had she come d. did she come

finally managed to climb to the top, but __then.

a. went the children down the hill b. down the hill did the children go

c. down the hill went the children d. down the hill the children went

received his mother’s telephone call at eleven.__that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.

a. then did i know b. only then i knew c. only then did i know d. only then knew i

10.——what sport do you like best?

— springboard diving(跳板跳水).

高中语法 倒装

一 完全倒装。完全倒装是把谓语动词完全置于主语前。1.当句首为副词 out in up down off here there 等,且主语为名词时,应用完全倒装。如 in came the doctor.医生进来了。there goes the bell.铃响了。2.当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且...


倒装。一 全倒装。1.放在句首的副词 here,up in now there down,out,than,in this way,away,off,thus 这样 放在句首全倒装主语为名词,若为人称代词则如以下句式 here you are.注倒装中的现在进行时改为一般现在时。二 半倒装。倒装,t...


he has been to beijing,so h e i.注 如果一个句子只是重复前面一句话的意思,对前面所说的事实表示肯定和认可,尽管so用开头,语序也不要倒装,如 it was cold yesterday.so it was tomorrow will be monday.so it w...