
发布 2021-05-11 05:50:28 阅读 8204


冠词:不定冠词:a/ an (a, e, i, o, u) +名词: an apple, an orange,定冠词:the+名词:特指,唯一。

work for:为。。。工作。

work with: 与某人工作。

work at: 在地方工作。

work in: 在地方工作。

代词:我 i am 我的 my

你 you are 你的 your

他 he is 他的 his

她 she is 她的 her

它 it is 它的 its

我们 we are 我们的 our

你们 you are 你们的 your

他们 they are 他们的 their

be: am is are:是。

i am are:多个人 (复数)


肯定句 she is four.

how old is she?

否定句she is not four. 直接be动词后面加not

一般疑问句:is she four? be动词提前。

特殊疑问句:what (什么), where(哪儿), when(什么时候), who (谁) why:为什么how old(多大), how much(多少钱), how many(多少东西)


how old is she?

his job is a manager.

what is his job?

i am a student.

i am not a student.

am i a student?

what is your job?

名词单数复数 there is/are



o, s, x, ch, sh---es




动词。ta: (他她它)

xiao ming, jiang jieshi, jiang zeming,

三单:动词+s/es (o, s, x, sh, ch)




like: like doing喜欢做事情。

i like reading.

watch tv:

they like watching tv.

she likes watching tv.

unit 2:

i always work on sunday.

she always works on sunday.


from ….to….:从。。。到。。。

from 9 to 12

would you like something?你想要点什么吗?

would you like an apple?

would you like a coffee/ a cake?

would you like to do something?你想要做什么事吗?

would you like to h**e an apple?

yes, please.

yes, i would, thanks.

no, thanks.

no, i wouldn’t, thanks.

unit 3

this 这个是 these 这些是。

that 那个是 those 那些是。

this/that + is

these/those + are

this is my friend mary.

these are my friends.

there is/are:有。

there is a dog.

there are four dogs.

is there a dog?

are there four dogs?


some any:一些。



there are some apples.

are there any apples?

there are not any apples.


be +doing

am /is/are+ doing

e: 去e: write—writing)




肯定he is writing.

否定he is not writing.

一般疑问句:is he writing?(is提前)

yes, he is.

no, he is not.


what is he doing?

what are you doing?

eg:they are in the classroom.

they are not in the classroom.

are they in the classroom?

where are they?

she is eight.

she is not eight.

is she eight?

how old is she?

unit 5:

what about+ doing

how about+ doing


how much:多少钱?


why don’t you do

she likes apples.

they like apples.

助动词:疑do(主语复数) does(三单)

否don’t doesn’t

否:they don’t/ do not like apples.

一般疑:do they like apples?

特殊疑:what do they like?

you run in the morning.

you do not run in the morning.

do you run in the morning?

when do you run?

she runs in the morning.

she does not run in the morning.

does she run in the morning?

when does she run?

unit 6:练习。


it takes +时间+to do

it takes two hours(小时) to wash the coat.

how long does it take to wash the coat?


the coat is too big/small.


the coat is not big enough.

unit 8:

情态动词:can do:能够做。。。事。


i can wash my coat.

i can not wash my coat.

can i wash my coat?

can’t(缩写)=cannot = can not


现在进行时:be doing



what’s the weather like?

what’s hangzhou like?

what’s london like?

how’s london?

unit 9:

人:what’s he like?

what does he look like?

unit 10:



some, any, a lot of, lots of+名词。

many+可数:many apples

how many:多少的。

much+不可数: much water

how much:多少的(量/**)

there are 8 apples.

how many apples are there?

they want 4 oranges.

how many oranges do they want?

they want some water.

how much water do they want?

she wants some rice.

how much rice does she want?

a cup of milk.

two cups of milk.

unit 11:



倒装句:so am i/ so do i 我也。。。

he is four. so am i.

he likes coffee. so do i.

neither am i / neither do i.我也不。。。

he is not four. neither am i.

he does not like coffee. neither do i.

例外:h**e got:得到有。

they h**e got a book. so h**e i.

she has got a book. so h**e i.

like doing: like watching tv.

enjoy doing: enjoy watching tv.

be good at:擅长于。

be good at football.

be interested in: 对。。。感兴趣。

be interested in football

be responsible for: 对。。。负责任。

be responsible for my family

get to:到达 get to the school

get on:上车。

get off:下车。

unit 13:

介词:at+时间: at one o’clock

on+星期:on saturday/monday



动词不定式。一。定义 动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语,但它仍保持动词的特点,既可以有自己的宾语和状语。同时动词不定式又具有名词 形容词 副词的特征,在句中可以作主语 表语 宾语 宾语补足语 定语和状语。二。动词不定式的构成 to 动词原形 三。动词不定式作...


1.按条件读取字段,定义某个字段只取规定的几个值,或一个值。select os.from blis order o,blis orderservice os where and not in 4,8,10,11 and in new accepted pending approval pending...


一。形声字。1.定义 由两部分组成,一部分表字的意义。另一部分表字的读音。2.类型 左形右声 材铜证。右形左声 攻功故。上形下声 管露宵。下形上声 架案贡。外形内声 固病裹。内形外声 闷问闻。二 名词。1.定义 表人或事物名称的词。2.类型 表人名 孔子父亲。表处所 三味书屋。表时间 正午晚上。表方...