语法总结 更新

发布 2021-05-11 05:43:28 阅读 3881


一. 词性。


1. 名词 n. (专有名词、普通名词)

2. 代词 pron

不定代词。3. 形容词 adj. (比较级、最高级)

4. 副词 adv

5. 动词 v. (行为动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词)

we h**e lunch at 12. /we h**e been to new york.

i am hungry. /i was beaten on the way home.

you needn’t call him. /i need some water.

系动词:look, seem, feel, remain, keep, sound, smell, taste, become, turn, get, grow等。

6. 数词 number (基数词、序数词)

7. 冠词 a (定冠词the, 不定冠词a, an)

8. 介词 prep (不可单独使用)

时间介词:at, on, in, during, from, for, until等。

地点介词:at, on, in, across, to, over, between, inside, outside等。

其他介词:beside, near, opposite, under, across, between, in front of, at the back of , behind,by, with, about, except, instead of等。

9. 连词 conj

联合关系的并列连词:and, both…and…, neither..nor…, as well as…, not only…but also…

转折关系的并列连词:but, while, yet, however…

选择关系的并列连词:or, either…or…

因果关系的并列连词:so, for…

引导时间状语的从属连词:when, while, after, before, since, until, till, once, as soon as…

引导原因状语的从属连词:because, as, since…

引导地点状语的从属连词:where, wherever…


引导比较状语的从属连词:as…as…, not so…as…, than…

10. 感叹词 interj (oh, wow, well, yuck, aha, god, mmm, come, there…)

二. 句子成分。

主语:jim is a famous writer.

who is the man standing over there?

smoking is bad for health.

when we are going to h**e an english test has not been decided yet.

谓语:he practices english every morning.


the teacher is an american.

the weather has turned cold.

their plan is to finish the homework in a week.

the truth is that he’s never been abroad.

宾语:we should learn from her.

i enjoy listening to popular music.

宾语补足语:what he said made me very angry.

they painted their wall pink.

定语:zhongshan is a beautiful city.


light tr**els most quickly.

he has lived in zhongshan for 10 years.


we young people should respect the old.

he himself designed the house.



主语从句:whether he will come or not is not yet known.

what we need is more practice.

表语从句:that is why he didn’t pass the exam.

the trouble is that he has never done the work before.

宾语从句:i think that watching tv too much is bad for people’s health.

i wonder what has happened to him.

can you tell me where the nearest post office is?

同位语从句:the truth that the earth moves around the sun is known to all.


there is a film that i’d like to see.

this is the place where my mother was born.


时间状语从句:it was snowing when he arrived at the station.

地点状语从句:just stay where you are.

原因状语从句:he was absent because he was ill.

条件状语从句:we will come to see you if we h**e time.

目的状语从句:he got up early in order that he could catch the first bus.

比较状语从句:john is cleverer than peter.


she is preparing her lessons,” i said. -i said that she was preparing her lessons.

he said to me, “jane spent all her time doing that.”

-he told me that jane had spent all her time doing that.

i’ll come and see you again this evening, tom.”he said.

-he told tom that he would go and see him again that evening.




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