大学英语Unit4 6翻译

发布 2021-05-08 11:53:28 阅读 2505

unit 4


i reserved a double room on monday, and i’d like to confirm it.


the couple cut their household expenses to the minimum...

3. 总的来说,这个规则很容易懂。

in general, the rule is very easy to understand.

4. 她试**决这个难题,但是她失败了。

she attempted to solve the problem, but failed.


most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.

unit 5

1. 今年我们决定去海南度假。

we decided on hainan for our holiday this year.

2. 我们已无力解决这个问题。

we are at our wits’ end in solving the problem.

3. 这门课结束后,你就有资格开业当律师。

at the end of the course, you will be qualified to practise law.

4. 我们希望他不会再问那么令人尴尬的问题。

we wish he wouldn’t ask such embarrassing questions any more.

5. 公司采用了各种测试步骤来选拔合适的候选人。

companies use a variety of testing procedures to select appropriate candidates.

unit 6

1. **们还没有想出解决金融危机的新主意。(come up with)

the officials h**en’t come up with a new idea for solving the financial crisis.

2. 我认为你原先的计划比这个好。(original)

i prefer your original plan to this one.

3. 图书馆的书是根据科目分类的。(classify)

the books in the library are classified according to subject.

4. 这则广告极大地促进了公司销售量的增加。(contribute to)

this advertisement has contributed greatly to the company’s increase of sales

5. **正竭尽全力提高农民的年收入。(annual)

the government is ****** efforts to increase the annual income of farmers.

unit 4

1. to stay out of 不要卷入。


stay out of this; it’s tom’s problem, not yours!

2. to slow down 慢下来,减速。


they slowed the film down to see if they could identify any of the faces.

3. to run red lights 闯红灯。


it may be very dangerous to run red lights when driving in the city.

4. law-abiding citizens 守法公民。


we need more law-abiding citizens to observe rules and regulations in our community.

5. brake in a hurry 急刹车。


if a driver brakes in a hurry on the road, an accident may probably occur.

unit 5

1. call me when you get there, no matter what the time is.

无论什么时间,你到了那儿就给我打**。(no matter what无论什么)

2. he promised to help us and he stuck to his word.

他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。(stick to遵守;信守;坚持 )

3. the president is deeply concerned about this issue.

**对这个问题深感担忧。(be concerned about焦急,担忧)

4. support coming from family and friends is helpful for you to regain confidence.

来自家人和朋友的支持对你重拾信心是有帮助的。 (regain confidence重拾信心)

5. the book shows a somewhat superficial understanding of the historical context.

这部书表现出作者对历史背景的理解略显肤浅。(superficial / shallow肤浅)

unit 6

1. 由于好奇,小女孩穿着她父亲的鞋。

out of curiosity, the little girl wore her father's shoes.

2. 如果你想有一个健康的身体,你必须改变你的生活方式。

if you want to h**e a healthy body, you must change your lifestyles.

3. 杰克对他刚才说的话感到内疚。

jack is guilty about the words he just said.

4. 我们确实相信,这是一条可行的办法。

we truly believe that this is a viable approach.

5. 这些社会变革须在全国范围内进行。

these social changes should be taken at a national level.


英语unit4 unit6词汇复习。答题人1 百万2 医学的,医疗的 并写出名词 3 研究 调查4 小脓包,丘疹5 自信的 有把握的 并写出名词 6 允许 许可 准许 并写出动词 7 知识渊博的,有见识的8 附近的 近处的9 有帮助的10 正确的,对的,准确的11 顺楼而下,在楼下 副词,并写出反义...


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