
发布 2021-05-06 13:22:28 阅读 4446

listen read learn (dad and mom walk to the cinema to see ghost.) dad: ghost will be on at 6:

30. it’s already 6:15 now.

hurry up. (mom feels a little angry.) mom:

you’d been hanging around before left home. well, now, you are urging me for the movie. this has been fun!

dad: don’t be upset. i am just afraid of missing the movie.

it is your f**orite. mom: in short, you become more and more impatient with me after wedding.

dad: why do you think so? mom:

every time i complain about the domestic chores with you, you just don’t listen. dad: nothing of the sort!

mom: don’t interrupt me! in addition, every time i need your advice, you just say, “it’s up to you.

” dad: maybe i was busy with my work at that time, so i felt a little bored. mom:

you mean, i am not busy with my work? dad: honey, don’t get me wrong.

(don’t misunderstand me.) i don’t know how to explain. but i really h**e eyes only for you and our children.

mom: do you still love me? dad:

honey, maybe sometimes i seem careless, but i take great care to cooking breakfast every morning. that shows how much i love you. (mom drops into silence.

) mom: oh, honey, that’s enough. our love story is more touching than the ghost.

dad: let’s go to see the movie. it’s time to begin.

听看学 (爸爸和妈妈一起走着去电影院看《人鬼情未了》。)爸爸:《人鬼情未了》将在六点半开演。

现在已经六点十五了,快点啊。 (妈妈感到有点生气。) 妈妈:



这可是你最喜欢的电影。 妈妈:简而言之,结婚后你对我越来越不耐烦了。

爸爸:你为什么这样认为? 妈妈:

每次我对你抱怨家务事时,你总是不听。 爸爸:哪有这回事!


”你说了算。” 爸爸:可能是那个时候我忙于工作,感觉有些烦吧。

妈妈:你的意思是说,我工作不忙吗? 爸爸:


妈妈:那你还爱我吗? 爸爸:

亲爱的,可能有时候我显得很粗心大意,但是每天早晨我都会很用心的做饭。这代表了我有多爱你。 (妈妈沉默了片刻。

) 妈妈:哦,亲爱的,这足够了。我们的爱情故事比《人鬼情未了》还要动人。


经典背诵 recitation dad: my wife often complains that i’ve become more and more impatient after the wedding. you know, i am always very busy and my carelessness just makes it worse.

but i do care a lot about my family. i am a very responsible person to my family. so to make it up for her, i’d take her to movies from time to time.

it works! 生词小结 walk vi. 走 urge vt.

催促 upset adj. 心烦意乱的 impatient adj. 不耐烦的 interrupt vt.

打断 bored adj. 烦躁的 explain vt. 解释 careless adj.

粗心的 touching adj. 感动的注释 hurry up 快点! hang around 闲荡 complain about 抱怨…… domestic chores 家务琐事 in addition 另外,……be busy with 忙于…… cook breakfast 做早餐 take great care 用心…… drop into silence 陷入沉思 nothing of the sort!

没有这回事! it’s up to you. 由你决定!

i really h**e eyes only for you and our children. 我真的非常在乎你和孩子们。从字面上看,这句话是说我的眼睛放在你和孩子们的身上。

言下之意是说非常在乎你和孩子们。 语法小结 grammar 用在时间和地点前的介词 1.连接时间的介词 (1)at表示时间概念的某一个点(在某时刻、时间、阶段等) at 6:

40 在六点四十 (2)on 表示具体日期 they arrived in beijing on february. 他们二月份到达北京。 (3)in 作为连接时间的介词,有如下两重意思 ①表示时段、时期。

in 1983 在2023年 ②表示以说话时间为基点的”(若干时间)以后”。 i will be back in 10 minutes. 我十分钟后回来。

the job will be finished in a week. 这工作在一星期内完成。 (4)after 表示”在(某具体时间)以后” after supper 晚饭后; after the war 战后 (5)for 表示”(动作延续)若干时间” i stayed in beijing for two days.

我在北京待了两天。 (6)since 表示”自(某具体时间)以来),常用于完成时态 he has worked here since 1965.(指一段时间,强调时间段)自从2023年以来,他一直在这儿工作。

he began to work here after 1965.(指一点时间,强调时间点)从2023年以后,他开始在这儿工作。 2.

连接地点的介绍 (1)in (表地点、场所、部位等)在……里,在……中 in class two grade three 在三年级二班 in beijing 在北京 (2)on (表示接触)在……上 on the wall 在墙上 on the floor 在地上 (3)under 在……正下方,在……下面,底下 under the chair 在椅子下 under the tree 在树下 (4)behind 在……后面 behind the sofa 在沙发后面 behind the tree 在树后家庭总动员 do it together 两人一组,一方朗诵下面的中文句子,另一方挑选出合适的翻译。 1.阿美把电影票放到桌子上。

2.爸爸喜欢饭后散步。 3.

叔叔星期二将带丹尼尔去电影院。 4.妈妈下班后忙于准备晚饭。

5.电影五分钟后开演。 is busy with supper after work.

likes h**ing a walk after supper. film will begin in five minutes. put the movie tickets on the desk.

will take daniel to the cinema on tuesday.


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