1-5 bdaac 6-10 ccbad 11-15daaab
16-20 bbdda 21-25 cacdb 26-30abdcc
31-35dcbbc 36-40 bdabd 41-45 cbbac
46-50 dacca 51-55cbcbb 56-60 ddcda
1-5 cbabd 6-10cdaba 11-15caccb
16-20 ccdbc 21-25 dbdba 26-30 acaba
31-35 cccdb 36-40 ccaab 41-45 bdbbc
46-50 cdada 51-55 ccdda 56-60 aabcb
虚拟语气:1-5 ddcbb 6-10 cdcca 11-15 cccca
16-20 bddaa 21-25 bcbad 26-30 cabdc
31-35 bcadd 36-40 abccb 41-45 bdccd
46-50 cacbc 51-55 dbcbb 56-60 dcbca
61-65 cbccd 66-70 cbcbb
1-5 abdcb 6-10 ababd 11-15 abdbd
16-20 acbac 21-25 adbcb 26-30 cbcad
31-35 abbca 36-40 aacbc 41-45 aabba
46-50 babad 51-55 abcab 56-60 abcab
61-65 bbdda 66-70 abbcd 71-75 cddcc
76-80 cdaad 81-85 dbcda 86-90 bcaab
91-95 cbabb 96-100 bcdcb
主谓一致:1-5 caadc 6-10 cbadb 11-15 cdbcc
16-20 babdc 21-25 dbaac 26-30 adadd
31-35 cccdc 36-40 adabc 41-45 ddcab
46-50 bbaac
i. vocabulary and structure(45 points,1.5 for each)
1-5 ccbbd 6-10 aaaab 11-15 bbadd 16-20 bcbdd 21-25 acdcd 26-30 bbdbc
ii. cloze test (15 points,1 for each)
31-35 adbad 36-40 bdbad 41-45 adabd
iii. reading comprehension (45 points)
section a (30 points, 2 for each)
46-50 bcddd 51-55 dcdca 56-60 cbcad
section b short answer question (15 points,3 for each)
61. no, they don’t 62. yes, there is 63. it encourages personal thought
64. group goals 65. pass knowledge to students
iv. translation (20 points, 4 for each)
66. 许多美国人对这种婚姻非常满意。但其他的一些美国人对于婚姻和家庭责任有了不同的看法。
67. 许多已婚夫妇共同对家庭事务作出决定,共同承担家庭责任。
68. 登山是一种运动而不是比赛。没有像踢足球或打高尔夫那样人为的规则。
69. 他们也许比年轻人要多花时间,但他们可能多用些技巧,少花些力气,他们能享受到和年轻人一样的乐趣。
v. writing(25 points)
评分标准:0-5 分---条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。
6-10分 --基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。
11-15分 --基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。
16-20分 --切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。
1-5 bbbdb
6-10 badcd
16-20 babbb
21-25 ccbda
26-30 bcaca
31-35 dcacb
36-40 adacb
41-45 cbaba
46-50 dabda
51-55 badbb
56-60 aacad
he needs something.
62. the price.
63. in less than 5 minutes
64. finding something that everyone thinks suits her.
65. chairs
vocabulary and structure
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. d
22. b 23. a 24. d 25. c 26. d 30. c
.cloze test
31. b 32. d 33. c 34. a 35. d
36. a 37. a 38. b 39. d 40. c
41. c 42. a 43. b 44. c 45. d
46. d 47. a 48. b 49. a 50. b
.reading comprehension
51. b 52. c 53. a 54. c 55. b
56 d 57. c 58. a 59. b 60. d
61. b 62. a 63. d 64. c 65. d
iv. translation
s1. 2023年世界杯足球赛早已尘埃落定,但失望的球迷们仍在责骂那些颇有争议的判罚,声称正是那些判罚使他们的球队没能获胜。
s2. 但是穷人在没有**救济的情况下,生活照样过得很好,对很多人来说,这一事实本身就是一个巨大的胜利。
s3. 对于一名**、理发师或是一名侍者而言,还有什么比脱掉**更加便利的方法能让他们失去职业身份呢?
. writing
suggested answer
how to succeed in a job interview?
nowadays, students must seek jobs by themselves. job interview is the only way to h**e access to the doors of the employers. so succeeding in a job interview is very important.
but how can one succeed in a job interview? firstly, you should be very well prepared. bring along as much information about yourself as possible:
your diploma certification, your credit records, certification about your awards, your publications, and the most important of all, an excellently-designed resume, in both chinese and english.
secondly, you must pay much attention to your appearance. in order to prove yourself a well-educated person, you must first of all be dressed properly. while talking with the interviewer, you should look at the one you are talking to with understanding eyes.
while standing, you should stand firm, never ****** big gestures. while sitting, you should never sit cross-legged. always remember to listen attentively to the person talking.
a slight nod of your head is always timely to show your willingness to communicate.
一 选择。二 翻译短文 1 人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有很多相似之处,后来,研究人员设法打断睡眠者的梦,他们得知不让睡眠者做梦,睡眠者反而得不到休息的一处,这些人变得紧张不安,变得烦躁易怒,他们的注意力难以集中,他会暂时在精神上受到损害,要恢复健康就得让他们做梦,如...
大学英语 答案
大学英语 一 作业。第一次 作业。第1题 how do you do,mr.wang 您的答案 a 题目分数 0.5 此题得分 0.5 批注 陌生人初次见面的问候语,也用how do you do 来回答。第2题 what s up 您的答案 c 题目分数 0.5 此题得分 0.5 批注 what ...
part four key to the exercises comprehension of the text i.choose the best answer to the following questions.1.b 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.d translation iii trans...