
发布 2021-05-04 17:29:28 阅读 9586


高考英语常用同近义词词汇辨析5 高考英语常用同近义词词汇辨析5

r raise; keep; support; feed 这四个词都有“抚养”、“养家”、“赡养”的意思,但也有区别。


he raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.


he raised those goats from new-born kids.那些羊从小羊羔时就是他喂养的。


john has his wife and six children to keep(support).约翰要养活妻子和六个孩子。

they kept some hens and pigs.他们养了一些鸡和猪。


she supports her old mother.她赡养老母亲。

he has a large family to support.他要养活一大家子。

feed意为“喂养 ;饲养;以……为食”。如

h**e you fed the baby/coyet?婴儿/牛喂了吗?

she fed meat to her dog =she fed her dog with/on meat.她用肉喂狗。

foxes feed on small animals.狐狸以小动物为食。

rather than/would rather(…than)◇ rather than是连词,前后两端所连的词性是一致的,通常译为“而不是”或“与其说是……不如说是”,有时可用短语介词instead of替代。例如 he was writing a letter rather than=(instead of)reading the news*****.他那时正在写信而不在看报纸。 john should go rather than=(instead of)jean.应该去的是约翰,而不是简。

these shoes are fortable rather than pretty.这些鞋子谈不上漂亮,但穿起倒很舒服。 evans is a doctor rather than a teacher.与其说埃斯是个老师,不如说是个医生。◇ would rather表示选择或主观上的愿望,其中的would亦可理解为had。

它表示“宁愿、宁可”的意思。如果要把取舍的双方都表达出,则应该用would(orhad)rather…than,表示“宁愿……也不……”的意思。例如 my aunt invited me to the film, but i said i’d rather go on a piic with the girls. 我的姑妈邀请我去看电影,可是我说我倒愿意跟女孩子们一起去野餐。

i am sure they would(orhad)rather die than give up.我深信他们一定会宁死不屈。

refer to; refer…to ◇ refer to意为①“谈及”,“提到”;②查阅”,“参考”。如

you are the very person i referred to just now.你正是我刚才所指的人。

please refer to the map of the city when you first drive here. 当你第一次在这儿驾驶时,请参看市政地图。


the dispute was referred to the united nations.争端被提交联合国解决。

he referred me to the notes.他建议我参看一下注释。

we referred our great development to the correct leadership of the party.



二者均可表示“回答”,可作名词和动词。answer 为一般用语,主要用于对问题、指责等的回答;reply的用法较正式,多用于对问题作出解释、辩论或陈述性回答。二者作名词时都指“……的答案或答复”,均与 to 连用。

例如。answer this question. 回答这个问题。

i asked her the reason, but she didn’t reply. 我问她为什么,她却不回答。

i received no reply / answer to my request. 我的要求没有收到任何答复。

answer 后面可直接跟宾语,而reply 跟宾语时须与 to 连用;answer 可表示对**、敲门等作出的“应答”,reply 则不能。例如。

you must reply to/answer this letter right away. 你应当马上回复这封信。

who answered the telephone? 谁接的**?

如果是指练习题的“答案”,一般用 answer。例如。

the answer to 6×10 is 60. 6乘以10 的答案是60。

reporter; journalist ◇ reporter=news reporter“新闻记者”,特指外出采访的记者。◇ journalist“记者”泛指新闻工,如报纸的编辑、采访记者、摄影记者都可以叫journalist。

road/street/way/path◇ road意为“路”,“道路”,指供车辆或人通过的广阔平坦的大道,常指“路”,“马路”等,两侧一般没有建筑物。例如 jim and li lei meet on the road.吉姆和李雷在路上相遇。 the car is running along the road.汽车沿着这条路行驶。

◇ street指城镇、乡村两旁有建筑物的“街道”。“在街上”可以说on the street,也可以说in the street,前者是美国英语,后者是英国英语。例如 go along the street,and take the third turning on the right.沿着大街走,在第三个路口往右拐。

there are many shops in the street. 街上有许多商店。◇ way意为“道路”,指street,road或任何可以通行的路,含义较抽象。口语中问路时常用way。

way还可指路程距离。例如 hocan i get there? i don’t knothe way. 我怎么能到达那里?

我不知道路。 i asked the way to the station.我打听去车站的路。 it was a long way from here. 它离这儿很远。

◇ path通常指“小路、小径”,只供人行走的路,可以是人们践踏而成的路,如中、林间的羊肠小道;也可以指园、田间的小路,还可以指供人或事物移动的“路线”等。例如 they walked along the path across the field.他们沿着穿越田野的路走去。


room有两层含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二表示人或物体所占的“空间或场所”、处事的“余地”等意思,是不可数名词,可用little,much,no,plenty等词修饰。可构成make room for给……让出地方;take up room占地方;le**e room for留出空间给……等短语。

place指人们从事各种活动的“地方,场所,位置”,是可数名词,常用的短语有take one’s place就坐,入席;in place在适当的位置。



1.there isn’t __in the classroom for thirty desks.

2.wuhan’s a hot __in summer.

3.there is __in improvement in your work.

answer 1.space/room 2.place 3.room

run away/run after/ run through◇ run away意为“逃走;逃跑;溜掉”等。◇ run after意为“追赶;追逐;寻找;搜寻”等。◇ run through意为“穿过;流过”等。


the dog the hare(野兔)now. ②the river the village. ③when the policeman arrived,the thief . keys①is running after ②runs through ③had run away)

run out; run out of ◇ run out of表示“某人用完某物”,相当于及物动词,后面可接宾语,并可用于进行时。如 we are running out of fuel.我们的燃料快用完了。 ◇2run out指“某物用完了”,为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。

如 the fuel was rapidly running out.燃料很快就要用完了。 time is running out.时间快到了。

q quiet; silent; still ◇ quiet意为“安静的、寂静的”。用于自然环境,指没有活动、喧闹的寂静状态;指人时,表示生性安静、不易激动。如

be quiet.your father is sleeping now.安静点,你爸爸正在睡觉呢。

jane was a quiet girl.简是个天性好静的女孩。


he always keeps silent when the teacher questions him. 老师向他提问时,他总是保持沉默。

the class was silent as the teacher explained the exam rules. 当老师解释考规时教室里寂静无声。


stand still while i take your photo.站着别动,我给你拍照。

p particular; especial; special ◇ particular着重指同类事物中某一个具有独特性质的事例,是相当“一般”而言的“特殊”、“特定”。如 on that particular day the stores are closed. 在特定的那一天店铺都关了门。(平时没有这种现象) ◇special和especial都有“特殊的,特别的”之意。

如 what are your special interests? 你有些什么特别的爱好? collecting stamps is a matter of especial interest. 集邮是特别有趣的事。

◇不同的是,special还有“专门的,额外的”的意思。如 you need a special tool to do that.干那个活儿要用专用工具。 take special care of it.对这东西要特别细心。

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