
发布 2022-09-07 09:45:28 阅读 7928

dear george,it's been a week after we left your family and we are now 76.__

back home. thank you very much for showing them around 77.__

your city and providing us for the wonderful meals. after 78.__

we said goodbye to you, we went to washington 79.__

where we stayed for three days. my brother was so much fond 80.__

of the museums there that he begged my parents to staying 81.__

another couple of day. however, my father had to return to 82.__

work on monday so we fly back last saturday afternoon. it 83.__

was really a nice experience. if you'd like to make trip to 84.__

our city some day, i will be better than happy to be your guide. 85

79.正确 80.去掉much 前a

my f**orite sport is football. i was a member of 1. _

our school football team. we practise for three times 2. _

every week and often watch football match on tv 3. _

together. play football not only makes us grow 4. _

tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and 5. _

team spirit. we must keep in mind that we play6. _

for the team instead ourselves. also, the sport 7. _

teaches us the important of obedience (服从). each8. _

player must obey captain, who is the leader of 9. _

the team. and they must not break the rules too 10. _

often if we want to win the game.

1. was 改为 am。综观全篇时态可知。

2.删去 for。time 表示次数时, 之前一般无介词, 直接用作状语。

如: we h**e meals three times a day。 3.

match 改为 matches。 4. play 改为 playing。

此处应用动名词作主语, 表示经常性、 习惯性动作, 而动词不定式作主语则表示一两次的动作。 5. give 改为 gives。

此处和上文 makes 一起作谓语, 属平行结构。 6. 此行无错。

7. instead 后加 of。instead 为副词, instead of 为介词短语。

此处接宾语 ourselves, 需用介词短语。 8. important 改为 importance。

9. captain 前后 the。像 chairman, captain, monitor, mayor 这类词表示职务时, 前面用零冠词。

但如这类职务用于指某人时, 前面用定冠词。 10. they 改为 we。

now i can’t watch much television but a few years 1. _

ago i was used to watch it every night. i was often 2. _

a little tired after a day’s work and watch tv 3. _

demands very little effort. unfortunate, there are 4. _

too many people among my family. some wanted 5. _

to see the programme while others preferred 6. _

another. i am happy with any programme but 7. _

the others spent a lot time arguing and there 8. _

was no way of settling the matter except by 9. _

selling the tv set. now someone at home reads instead. 10. _

1. 删去 much。“i can’t watch much television”意为“我不能看许多电视”, 上下文逻辑不通。

much 属于多余。2. 删去 was。

由上文句意可知“我现在不看电视, 而过去每晚都看电视”, 因此应用 used to do。3. watch 改为 watching。

作句子主语需用动名词。4. unfortunate 改为 unfortunately。


5. among 改为 in。“in my family”为习惯搭配, 意为“在我家中”。

6. the 改为 one。由下文的another可知, 上文用one。

7. am 改为 was。综观全文时态可知。

8. a lot 后加 of。9.

此行无错。10. someone 改为 everyone 或 everybody。

someone 意为“某个人”; everyone/ everybody 意为“每个人”。根据上下文逻辑可知。

dear peter,thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday 1. _

party on sunday. i’d like very much come but 2. _

had an examination on monday morning. it is 3. _

a very important exam but i can’t afford to 4. _

fail it. i’ll spend all the whole weekend reading 5. _

and prepare for it. so i’m really sorry that i 6. _

won’t be able to come in this time. hope you7. _

can understand. i’ll take this chance to wish 8. _

you wonderful time on your birthday. happy 9. _

birthday, peter, and many happy return of the day!10. _

1. on 改为 for。动词 thank 与名词 thanks 通常与介词 for 搭配。

2. much 后加 to。 i’d like to do something 为固定结构 3.

had 改为 h**e。综观全文时态可知。 4.

but 改为 so。根据上下文逻辑, 此处应为因果关系。 5.

删去 all。all 与 the whole 重复, 只能保留一处, 由于在此题型中, 只有多一个单词的可能, 故此处只能删去 all。 6.

prepare 改为 preparing。与上文的 reading 形成平行结构, 以满足“spend some time on sth./in doing sth.

这一句型的需要。 7. 删去 in。

含有 this, that, last, next 等的时间状语前不加任何介词。 8. 此行无错。

9. wonderful 前加 a。

10. return 改为 returns。return 此处为名词, many happy returns of the day 意为“祝你健康长寿”。

the day before the speech contest (比赛) english teacher1. _

talked to me. she said that she and my schoolmate all 2. _

wished me success, but it didn’t matter that i would 3. _

win or not. when i was on the stage the next day, i felt 4. _

so nervous as i shook like a leaf. there were so many 5. _

people present! suddenly, i caught a sight of my english 6. _

teacher in the crowd. she was smiling but nodding at 7. _

me. i remembered her words and calm down. 8. _

i did a good job and won the first prize.

now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.9

whenever i see them i will often think of my english teacher. 10. _

1. teacher 前加 my。根据下行 she said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success, 可判断 english teacher 应是特指。

2. schoolmate 改为 schoolmates。因本句中有 all 一词, 所以 schoolmate 一词应为复数形式。

3. that 改为 whether。根据上下文, 可判断本句意为“我是否成功没有关系”, 所以这里用 whether。

4. 此行无错。 5.

as 改为 that。根据句子结构, so 应与 that 构成复合句, that 引导结果状语从句, 在此不能用 as 引导。6.

删去a。catch sight of 为固定搭配, sight 前不加任何冠词。


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