九年级英语近义词辨析 全

发布 2021-05-04 17:09:28 阅读 3649

(1) this film is so good_ that many people want too see it.

2) –hi! how are you? –fine_, thanks. and you?

3) they sing very nice__.

4) that’s very nice of you to say so.

5) don’t worry! our parents are very fine/ well .





1) –which book do you want to choose?

– i don’t like this_ one. i like that _ one over there.

2) –come and see. these _ are your coats, aren’t they?

- no, they aren’t. those_ coats over there are mine.




this,these通常是近指(相对来说);that, those通常是远指。

1) excuse me_, may i borrow your dictionary, please?

2) –could you go shopping with me?

-sorry _,i h**e a lot of housework to do.

3) excuse me_, which is the way to the bus stop?

4) i’m sorry_ ,i broke your glasses.

5) i’m sorry_ _about your illness.

excuse me主要用于下列场合:

a) 问路、借东西等打扰或麻烦别人时:

b) 和人交谈过程中,突然要离开一会儿或做点儿别的事时;

c) 表示异议,客气地纠正别人的话时;

d) 打喷嚏、打嗝等给别人带来不便时。

sorry/ i’m sorry常用于下列场合:

a) 自己做错了事或不能满足对方的要求时,表示歉意;

b) 对别人的不幸遭遇或坏消息表示同情;

c) 代替no,表示委婉的否定。

1) look at the hat. it look like a cat.

2) they look the same. are they twins.

look like表示“看起来像…,看上去像…”,其后跟宾语,look the same表示“…和…看起来相同;看上去像”,后面不能跟宾语。

1) tom, put on your shoes quickly. it’s time for class.

2) the girl in red is my friend kate.

3) my aunt often wears that blue dress.

4) the baby is too young to dress herself.

5) they dressed up and went to the party.

6) may i try on this jacket? i can’t decide.


put on“穿上”,强调“穿,戴”的动作,是短暂性动词;

wear/ in +颜色(服装鞋帽)则强调“穿着,戴着”的状态,wear是动词,作谓语;


dress作及物动词“给…穿衣”,后接人的名词或反身代词,不能接服装名词。如:she is dressing her son.

dress还可以构成be/ get dressed in +服装鞋帽(颜色)。如:he gets well dressed. /she is dressed in red.

dress up意为“化装,打扮”。

1) i also spent some time in washington.

2) his father is a teacher and his mother is a teacher, too .

3) my father likes sports news as well.

4) peter can’t go and i can’t, either .

also也,而且。比as well和正式,通常置于主要动词之前或be动词之后。


as well也,还。在英式英语中与too相同,在美式英语中,显得正式,通常用在句末。


1) would you like some more rice?

2) i want to buy an mp4, but i don’t h**e any money.

3) -when shall i go to your home? -any day is ok.

4) there are some holes in the wall.

两词都表示“一些”。some 常用于肯定句中, any 常用于否定句和疑问句中。

但注意:在表示请求的疑问句中要用some, any用于肯定句中表示“任何的”。

1) -sorry, i’m late. -that’s all right.

2) -i think english is useful . that’s right.

3) -let’s go for a walk. -all right .

that’s all right.是回答道歉用语,意思是“没关系”。 有时可用来回答感谢,表示“不客气”。

all right 表示赞同,同意对方的建议或主张,表示“好吧”,相当于ok。 另外,可以表示身体健康,相当于fine。

that’s right 表示同意对方观点,意思是“正确”,有时用you are right 或right。

1) don’t put the box here. take it there.

2) don’t forget to bring your homework to our class tomorrow.

bring意为“带来,拿来”。 take意为“带走,拿走”

1) the woman is talking to the headmaster.

2) the radio says it will rain tomorrow.

3) uncle wang is speaking at the meeting now.

4) father often tells stories to the children.

5) can she speak japanese?

tell作为“讲述,告诉”,常见用法有:tell sb. sth.\ tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事。

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事。 tell sb about sth.把某事告诉某人。

tell a story 讲故事, tell jokes 讲笑话, tell a lie 撒谎。

say 有“说,讲”的含义,侧重于说讲的内容,后面常接直接引语或间接引语,引出说话的具体内容。

speak也有“说,讲”之意,但它侧重于说讲的动作,不强调内容。speak to “与---通话”. 如:

may i speak to mary? speak后也可接表示语言的词,表示“会说---语言”

talk 作不及物动词,侧重于说讲的对象。常与介词构成短语talk about---谈论关于---的内容。

talk to \with 与---交谈 (注重谈话的对象)

1) both my parents are teachers.

2) he has lost all his money.

3) he has worked hard all year.

二者都位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。both 表示“两者都”. all “三者及以上都”后接复数名词或不可数名词。


1) we see some trees near the river.

2) look . there is a bird in the tree.

3) she is watching a football match.


中考英语近义词辨析。instead instead of 1.instead是副词,意为 代替 常放在句首或句尾,放在句首时,后面常用逗号隔开。如 if you are busy,you may come another day instead.如果你忙的话,你可以改天再来。he never stu...


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