
发布 2021-05-04 17:08:28 阅读 7226

so do i so i do so can i so did i so(neither) shall i so was i

1. i like fish

2. you like fish

3. if you go there tomorrow

4. if you don’t go there tomorrow

5. you watched tv last night

6. he can work out this math problem21*cnjy*com

7. you was late for class

答案: do i; i do; shall i; shall i; did i; can i; was i

解析:so + 情态动词/ be动词/ 助动词(do/ does/ did) +人称代词,表示“某人也是(这样),这是倒装句,具体用法——前面句子中的动词为行为动词,后面倒装句要用助动词来代替前面的动词,要注意助动词跟前面的行为动词时态要一致,例如句1和句5;如果前面句子中的动词是情态动词或be动词,后面倒装句也要用同样的情态动词或be动词,例如句6和句7;如果倒装句要表示“某人也不(这样)”,即否定的含义,只要把so改成neither即可;so + 人称代词 + 情态动词/ be动词/ 助动词, 该句型为强调句,表示“某人确实如此”;句3和句4因为是条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句要用一般将来时,shall“将会(要)”用于第一人称。

sleep asleep sleeping bed sleepy

1. the __baby is about ten months old.

2. it’s time forit’s time to go to bed.

3. last night i went to __at 11:30 and went to __very soon.

4. when he came to see me, i was __in bed.

5. he was very tired and needed some __

6. as soon as fall __i always dreams that i do my homework.

7. i feel __now because i went to bed after midnight.

8. you look __what were you doing last night?

答案: bed; sleep;

解析:sleep“睡觉”,可作名词也可作动词,常见搭配——go to sleep“入睡,睡着(表示刚进入睡眠);asleep“睡着的”,是形容词,但不能用在名词前,常见搭配——fall asleep“睡着”;sleeping“睡着的”,也是形容词,用于名词前修饰该名词或用在be动词后表状态,例如句1和句4;bed“床”,常和go组成固定搭配——go to bed“**睡觉”,仅仅表示这个动作,睡没睡着不知道;sleepy“困倦的,昏昏欲睡的”,常用于feel,look等感官动词或be动词后。【出处:


stop (doing) stop (to do)

1. after a long walk, he had toa rest. 走了很长一段路,他不得不停下休息一会。

2. hethe stick, he fell behind. 他停下来去接棒,(结果)他被落在了后面。

3. i turned on the radio andit. 我打开收音机,停下来听。

4. when the baby listened to the radio, she当这个婴儿听收音机时,她停止了哭泣。

5. there goes the belland keep quiet. 铃响了,停止说话,保持安静。

答案: to h**e; to get; to listen to; crying; talking

解析:stop doing sth.“停止正在做的事情”;stop to do sth.“停下一件事去做另一件事”。

remember (doing) remember (to do)

1. pleasethe door when you le**e. 当你离开时,请记得把门关上。

2. do you __your __the money back to him? 你记得你已经把钱还给他了吗?

3. h**e you returned the book to the library? -ito the library.


4. will youjim to call me when he comes back? 当吉姆回来时,你记得叫他打**给我吗?

5. ithe door when i left. who has opened it again?我记得我离开时关了门,是谁又把它打开了?

答案: to close; giving(returning); returning; to ask; closing.

解析:remember doing sth.表示记得做过了某事;remember to do sth表示记得要去做某事。

try (doing) try (to do)

1get) up early, for we’re going to start our trip at six o’clock tomorrow.

2. if nobody hears you on the front doorknock) at the back door.

3. sometimes hewrite) letters in english.

4. the dogcatch) the rabbit, but the rabbit ran into a hole quickly.

答案: to get; knocking; writing; catching

解析:try to do sth. 尽量(力)去做某事;try doing sth. 尝试着去做某事。

forget (doing) forget (to do)

1. i will never forgetmeet) the famous pop star for the first time.

2. don’t forgetturn) off the light when you le**e.

3. i forgotpost) the letter. it is still in my pocket.

答案: turn; post

解析:forget doing sth. 忘记做过了某事; forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事。

mean (doing) mean (to do)

1. i didn’t meanwith you.(argue)

2. love means __give)

3. i really mean __it. it is important for me.(do)

4. being lazy means __behind others. (fall)

答案: argue; do;

解析:mean (doing) sth 意味着(做)某事;mean to do sth. 打算去做某事 21*cnjy*com

take spend pay cost

1. it often __me a quarter of an hour to go to school by bike.21·cn·jy·com

2. i often __a quarter of an hour going to school by

3. it __them three hours to hike to the top of the mountains.


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完形填空专项训练一 词类辨析 1.tell,talk,say,speak 1 tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb.sth.tell sth.to sb.告诉某人某事 2 talk 交谈talk to with sb.和某人交谈 talk about sth.谈论某事。3 say 说,强调说的内容 ...