
发布 2021-04-28 02:27:28 阅读 6182

试卷总分:100 测试时间试卷得分:100

单选题 包括本科在内的各科复习资料及详细解析,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者”

一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。) 得分:100v 1. 第一次作业问题5a. it’s worse than 30

years ago.

b. it remains almost the same as before.

c. there are more extremes in the weather.

d. there has been a significant rise in temperature.

满分:10 分得分:10

2. 第一次作业问题7a. the man can stay in her brother’s apartment.

b. her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel.

c. her brother can find an apartment for the man.

d. the man should h**e booked a less expensive hotel.

满分:10 分得分:10

3. 第一次作业问题6a. at a publishing house.

b. at a bookstore.

c. in a reading room

d. in prof. jordan’s office

满分:10 分得分:10

4. 第一次作业问题11a. it has been proven to be the best pain-killer.

b. it is a possible cure for heart disease.

c. it can help lower high body temperature effectively.

d. it reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

满分:10 分得分:10

5. 第一次作业问题3a. she has been longing to attend harvard university.

b. she’ll consider the man’s suggestion carefully.

c. she has finished her project with dr. garcia’s help.

d. she’ll consult dr. garcia about entering graduate school.

满分:10 分得分:10

6. 第一次作业问题12a. it keeps blood vessels from being blocked.

b. it speeds up their recovery after surgery.

c. it increases the blood flow to the heart.

d. it adjusts their blood pressure.

满分:10 分得分:10

7. 第一次作业问题16a. they usually don’t follow family rules.

b. they don’t like to take chances in their lives.

c. they are less likely to be successful in life.

d. they tend to believe in their parent’s ideas.

满分:10 分得分:10

8. 第一次作业问题2a. the 2:00 train will arrive earlier.

b. the 2:30 train has a dining car.

c. the woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.

d. they are going to h**e some fast food on the train.

满分:10 分得分:10

9. 第一次作业问题4a. alice didn’t seem to be nervous during her speech.

b. alice needs more training in ****** public speeches.

c. the man can hardly understand alice’s presentation.

d. the man didn’t think highly of alice’s presentation.

满分:10 分得分:10

10. 第一次作业问题17a. they wanted to follow his example.

b. they fully supported his undertaking.

c. they were puzzled by his decision.

d. they were afraid he wasn’t fully prepared.

满分:10 分得分:10


试卷总分:100 测试时间试卷得分:0

单选题 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。) 得分:0v 1. 第二次作业问题15a. at a clinic.

b. at a restaurant.

c. in a supermarket.

d. in an ice cream shop.

满分:10 分得分:0

2. 第二次作业问题22a. she's worried about the seminar.

b. the man keeps interrupting her.

c. she finds it too hard.

d. she lacks interest in it.

满分:10 分得分:0

3. 第二次作业问题17a. the man has never seen the woman before.

b. the two speakers work for the same company.

c. the two speakers work in the same floor.

d. the woman is interested in market research.

满分:10 分得分:0

4. 第二次作业问题11a. the girls got on well with each other.

b. it's understandable that girls don't get along.

c. she was angry with the other young stars.

d. the girls lacked the courage to fight.

满分:10 分得分:0

5. 第二次作业问题18a. the woman can't tolerate any noise.

b. the man is looking for an apartment.

c. the man has missed his appointment.

d. the woman is going to take a train trip.

满分:10 分得分:0

6. 第二次作业问题26a. rent a gr**e.

b. burn the body.

c. bury the dead near a church.

d. buy a piece of land for a gr**e.

满分:10 分得分:0

7. 第二次作业问题28a. they should be buried lying down .

b. they should be buried standing up.

c. they should be buried after being washed.

d. they should be buried when partially decayed.


试卷总分 100 测试时间试卷得分 100 单选题多选题判断题 包括本科在内的各科复习资料及详细解析,可以联系屏幕右上的 文档贡献者 一 单选题 共 10 道试题,共 40 分。得分 40v 1.下列项目中,属于负债的是 a.预付账款。b.预收账款。c.存货。d.应收账款。满分 4 分得分 4 2....


一 单选题 共20道试题,共100分。v 1.美国第一台电子数字计算机采用的逻辑元件是 a.大规模集成电路。b.集成电路。c.晶体管。d.电子管。满分 5分。操作系统的特点包括 a.图形界面。b.多任务。c.即插即用。d.以上都对。满分 5分。3.下列文件命名方式中不符合windows2000命名规...


14秋 美学 作业4 一,单选题。1.格式塔原则,又称作 原则。a.形式变形。b.形式完成。c.完形内容。d.完形形式。正确答案 d 2.艺术品的 过程,是一个创造性的意义生成过程。a.创造。b.接受。c.表现。d.呈现。正确答案 b 3.活动就是人依据自身的生命活力对自身和世界所进行直接的交流。a...