
发布 2021-04-21 22:38:28 阅读 7944




a book/ letter of application/ agreement/ a letter from home/ directions/ sales confirmation/ a love letter/ credentials/ certificate/ kiosk/ painting and calligraphy/ study/ secretary/ intellectual/ bibliography


a letter/ to fetch mail/ to break promise/ to keep one’s promise/ to accept something as true/ to believe it or not/ to profess buddhism/ to win people’s confidence/ to write freely/ to stroll idly/ faithfulness/ devout men and women


turn a bad thing into good one/ public affairs/ h**e an accident/ make trouble/ be engaged in/ heroic deeds/ double the work/ lugou bridge incident/ all is well

1)还有些未完成的事要处理 there is still some unfinished business to settle.

2)我们就这事请教过他。 we h**e consulted him about this matter.

3)有事大家做。we should all share this work.

4)请回去吧,这没你的事了。 please go back, there is nothing of your concern now,2.词的搭配。


a big city/ a large building/ a great wall/ he**y rain/ thick fog/ strong wind/ violent earthquake/ main road/ major operation/ eldest brother/ chinese cabbage/ serious illness/ an outstanding scientist/ an important person/ millionaire


to ring the bell/ to beat drums/ to fight a battle/ to go to law/ to deal with/ to knit a sweater/ to dog a well/ to carry a lantern/ to raise one’s spirits/ to hold up an umbrella


1)各国人民要和平。all nations want peace.

2)她要我陪你去。 she asked me to do with you.

3)他要学法语。 he wants to learn french.

4)我们要相信群众。we must h**e faith in masses.

5)天要黑了。it is going to be dark soon.

6)要不是他指引,我们就迷路拉。if it weren’t for him, we would h**e gone astray.

7)今天要比昨天冷。it’s colder than yesterday.

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