
发布 2021-04-21 00:14:28 阅读 9248

module 1 知识小结。


1st first

2nd second

3rd third

5th fifth

8th eighth

9th ninth

2. 频度副词:

never(从不) sometimes(有时) often(经常) usually(通常) always(总是)


春天 spring ; 夏天 summer; 秋天 autumn; 冬天 winter

4.动词:start / begin开始, end结束, drink喝。

5. 短语

at the weekend 在周末go to bed 睡觉go shopping 去逛街。

in the morning 在上午autumn term 秋季的学期 after dinner 晚饭后。

in the afternoon 在下午from…to… 从…到school year 学年。

in the evening 在晚上do some reading 读点书 surf the net 上网。

6.句型。1) would you like to go to school with me ? 你愿意/想要和我一起上学吗?

yes , that would be fun. /no, thanks. 好的,那会很好玩的。/ 不,谢谢。

2) when does school start? at 8:20. 学校几点上课? 8:20

3) how many terms are there in your school year? 你们一学年有多少个学期?

4) when does autumn term start? 秋天的学期几时开始?

it starts in september and ends in december. 9月开始,12月结束。

5) i like summer best. 我最喜欢夏天。

6)what date is it today ?=what’s the date today? 今天几月几号?

7)when is your birthday? 你的生日在什么时候?

8)how often do you surf the net?

i never /sometimes/often/ usually / always surf the net.

i surf the net quite/very often.

i surf the net every day/weekend/ sunday.


写法读法。september 1 stseptember the first

1st septemberthe first of september

8. 节日

new year (元旦january 1

women’s day(妇女节): march 8

may day (劳动节): may 1

children’s day (儿童节): june 1

teachers’ day (教师节): september 10

national day (国庆节) :october 1

christmas (圣诞节) :december 25

mother’s day (母亲节) :the second sunday in may

father’s day (父亲节): the third sunday in june

module 3-4 知识小结。


1.what are you going to do on holiday? i am going to tr**el.


2.where are you going on holiday? i am going to hong kong.


3.that’s super/ nice/ great/ good/ fantastic.

那超级棒 / 很好/ 棒极了/好/ 了不起。

4.how are you going (to get )there? i am going by bus./ by bus.


5.where do you usually go on holiday? i usually go to tianhe park.


6.how do you get there? i get there by bus. /by bus.


7,how do you usually get to school? i usually get to school by bus. /by bus.


8.how would you like to tr**el? i’d like to tr**el by car.

你想乘坐什么交通工具去旅游? 我想坐小汽车去旅游。

9.how can you get to tianhe park ? i can get there by bus. /by bus.

你可以乘坐什么交通工具去天河公园? 我可以坐巴士到那。

10.what time is your train going to le**e for hong kong? at 7:00


11.when will you get there?


12.what place are you going to visit ? i am going to visit hong kong.


13.i am going to stay with my grandmother.


14.she lives near my home. 她住我家附近。

15.what are you going to do with your grandmother on holiday?

你放假准备/ 打算和你的奶奶干什么?

16.i am going to xiangjiang zoo in panyu.


17.we are going to foshan by car for a day trip.


18.how are you going to get home after that?


19.who’s going to drive.? 谁准备开车。

20. can he pick flowers?

yes, he can. /he can’t.

21. must i do the homework now? yes, you must. /no, you mustn’t.

must ….yes, …must. /no, …mustn’t/ needn’t.)

22. everyone likes flowers . 每个人都喜欢花。

二。 短语:

plant trees (种树) grow flowers (种花) water flowers(浇花) after that(之后take a walk(散步ride a bike(骑单车)

sleep on the bench (睡在长登上) climb trees (爬树)


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人教版 rj pep 英语四年级下册unit1知识梳理 重点单词 图书馆操场 重点短语 一楼教师办公室美术教室紧邻 在 近旁浇花二楼计算机房 教室读书踢足球 重点句子 教师办公室紧挨着图书馆。打扰一下,计算机房在哪儿呢?它在二楼。去花园,浇花。在你们班有多少学生?你们 学校 有图书馆吗?它紧挨着美术...