
发布 2021-05-18 05:13:28 阅读 2891




2)以s, sh, ch, x, o 结尾的有生命名词,变成复数加es photo

3)以辅音字母(除了a, e, i, o, u 以外的字母)加y结尾的名词,变成复数要把y变成i, 再加es

4)特殊的有: knife man woman mouse child

mouse(鼠标)的复数mouses mouse(老鼠)变成复数mice〔mais〕

二、how many, a lot of, lots of, like, two, three, four…后要用可数名词的复数 some, any后可加可数名词复数,也可加不可数名词 fruit, people是集体名词,常作复数用,但不加s, noodles常作复数用


1)把is改成are; 把a/an改成some/any;把名词变成复数

2)特殊:i’m a student

(3)练习: there is an apple. is there a pencil in your pencil box

he’s a student. there isn’t an umbrella.

they h**e some english books

四、前用an 的名词有。



1)表示: (2)构成: (3)现在分词变化规则:

一般情况下在动词后加 ②有些动词要 ③有些动词要 ,它们是。



1)有be动词和can的句子:把be动词、can 调到句首;把some 改成any;

把i, we改成you;把my, our改成your

2)有动词的句子:句首引进do;把some 改成any;把i, we改成you;把my, our改成your

3)有动词且主语是第三人称单数的句子:句首引进does;动词改成原形;把some 改成any;把i, we改成you;把my, our改成your

4) 练习:改成一般疑问句 he is d**id. there are some english books

she can dance. they like catsmike has a tin-openeri h**e a pencil. the elephant has big earssu hai&su yang h**e some nice apples.


(1)有be动词和can的句子:在be动词和can后加not, 把some 改成any



there be 肯定否定一般问句。

can肯定否定一般问句 ~+动词原形。

like+名词复数 +动词。

be +现在分词现在进行时的一般。

h**e has

动词、介词后的人称要使用宾格him her them

一.特殊疑问句单词意思用法 when 什么时间问时间 who 谁问人 whose 谁的问主人 where 在**问地点 which 哪一个问选择 why 为什么问原因 what 什么问东西 what time 什么时间问时间 what colour 什么颜色问颜色 what about …怎么样问意见 what day 星期几问星期 what date 什么日期问具体日期 what for 为何目的问目的 how …怎么样问情况 how old 多大问年龄 how many 多少问数量how much 多少问价钱 how about …怎么样问意见 how far 多远问路程练一练 1、ais the boy in blue? b:he’s mike.

2、awallet is itb:it’s mine. 3、ais the diaryb:

it’s under the chair. 4、ais the chirstmas day? b:

it’s on the 25th of december. 5、aare the earphones? b:

they are 25 yuan. 6、ais the hairdryerb:it’s blue.

7、ais it todayb:it’s sunday. 8、awas it yesterdayb:

it was the 13th of october. 9、athis red oneb:it’s beautiful.

10、ais it from hereb:it’s about two kilometre away.

1、a: can i h**e some ***** and some crayons? ba:

i want to make a kite. 12、a:__one is fatter, the blue one or the red one?

b: the blue one. 13、a:

__is your cousin? b: he’s 15 years old.

14、a:__do you h**e dinner? b:

at 6 o’clock

2 对划线部分提问。(把各句变为特殊疑问句) 1、 对主语(人)提问:

the boy is running now. who is running now? 2、 对表语(人)提问: he is

lily’s father. who is he ? 3、 对介宾(人)提问:

she is looking for the little boy. who is she looking for ? 4、 对动宾(人)提问:

i often help wei hua with english. who do you often help with english? 5、 对间宾(人)提问:

kate lent tom a ball yesterday. who did kate lend a ball yesterday? 6、 对主语(东西)提问:

the books are on the desk.. what are on the desk ? 7、 对表语(东西)提问:

these are boats. what are these? 8、 对动宾(东西)提问:

i want a cup of tea. what do you want? 9对职业(提问)提问:

the man is a farmer. what is the man ? what does the man do?


he is looking for his pen. what is he looking for? 11、对是什么提问: it’s

a chinese car. what is it? 12、对计算结果提问:

six and nine is fifteen. what is six and nine? 13、对年级提问:

i’m in grade three. what grade are you in? 14、对班级提问:

li lei is in class five. what class is li lei in? 15、对年级和班级提问:

wei hua is in class three grade one, what class and grade is wei hua in ? 16、对排提问:

we are in row one. what row are you in? 注:

1、对年级、班级、排提问时,问句中的in 不能去掉. 2what 后的grade ,class ,row用小写形式. 3,what根据实际译为汉语. 17、对学号提问:

lucy is number six. what number is lucy? what is lucy’s number? 18、对后置定语提问。

this is a map of china. what map is this ? 19、对颜色提问:

the flowers are red. what color are the flowers? 20、对几点几分提问:

it’s six. what time is it ? what’s the time? 21、对名字提问。


翻译下列词组 1 第一天。2 所有的学生3 多少间教室4 去看一看5 新学期6 在学校。7 许多 大量的8 在街道上9 她的父母10 居住11 在墙上12 在厨房里13 在花园中。14 在她的住宅附近15 在建筑物的后面16 一张中国地图17 一张世界地图18 十分 非常19 在冰箱的后面20 在桌...


牛津英语5a知识点梳理期末复习。module1 unit1 1 缩写。can t can not there s there is don t do not 2 短语。the road过马路 light交通灯 out出去 television看电视 for等待 station地铁站 rubbish丢...


unit 1 单词 day 一 天 白天all所有的 全部。any任何的 一些 room房间,室。house房子 住宅flower花。at school 在学校 在上课。a lot of 许多 大量。句型。1.a is there a swing in the garden?花园里有个秋千吗?b y...