
发布 2021-04-19 20:58:28 阅读 1131


2. numbers数字one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八。

3. abilities能力dance跳舞read读jump跳sing唱draw画。


5. fruits水果lemon柠檬。


6. festival节日moon月亮mooncake月饼autumn秋天leaf树叶taro芋头。


7. family家庭father爸爸mother妈妈brother哥哥弟弟sister姐姐妹妹me我。


二.句子。1. stand up, please.

请起立。2. sit down, please.

请坐下。3. open your book.

打开书。4. close your book.


5. how are you?你好吗?

6. fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。7. good morning.早上好。

8. give me a rubber, please.请给我一块橡皮。

9. give me a ruler, please.请给我一个格尺。

10. hi,may, this is tim.你好,may,这是tim.

11. hello, i’m may.你好,我是may。

12. raise your hand.举手。

13. put it down.放下。

14. show me your book.展示你的书。

15. how old are you?你几岁了?

16. i am five years old.我五岁。

17. touch your toes.摸摸脚趾头。

18. touch your arms.摸摸胳膊。

19. w**e your hand.摆摆手。

20. look! this is my hand.

看,这是我的手。21. this is my arm.

这是我的胳膊。22. smell the melon.


23. feel the apple.摸摸苹果。

24. taste the peach.尝尝桃。

25. this is an apple.这是一个苹果。

26. that’s a pear.那是一个梨。

27. what is this?这是什么?

28. it is an apple.它是一个苹果。

29. look at your hands.看看你的手。

30. wash your hands.洗洗手。

31. eat a cake.吃蛋糕。

32. what do you like to eat?你喜欢吃什么?

33. i like to eat mooncakes.我喜欢吃月饼。

34. you h**e got a cake.你有一块月饼。

35. yes. i h**e got a cake.

是的,我有一块月饼。36. this is my brother.

这是我的弟弟。37. h**e you got a brother?

你有弟弟吗?38. no.

i h**e got a sister.不,我有一个姐姐。39.

go to the slide.去滑梯那。40.

pick up the doll.捡起娃娃。

41. he has goot a bicycle.他有一辆自行车。

42. she has got a balloon.她有一个气球。

43. i h**e got an apple.我有一个苹果。

44. what h**e you got?你有什么?

45. what has he got?他有什么?

46. what has she got?她有什么?

三,对话。—how are you?——fine, thank you.

and you?——i’m fine, too.——good morning.

——good morning.——how old are you?——i am five years old.

—hi, may. this is tim.——hello, i’m may.——hello may.——what is this?——it is a pear.

—what do you like to eat?——i like to eat mooncakes.——is this an apple?

——yes, it is.——is this a banana?——no, it is not!

—you h**e got a cake.——yes. i h**e got a cake.

——you h**e got a taro.——no. i h**e got a leaf.

—this is my brother. h**e you got a brother?——no. i h**e got asister.

—what h**e you got?——i h**e got an apple.——what has he got?

——he has got a bicycle.——what has she got?——she has got a balloon.



2. numbers数字one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八。

3. abilities能力dance跳舞read读jump跳sing唱draw画write写。

4. body身体。

5. fruits水果lemon柠檬。


6. festival节日moon月亮mooncake月饼autumn秋天leaf树叶taro芋头。


7. family家庭。



二.句子。1. stand up, please.

请起立。2. sit down, please.

请坐下。3. open your book.

打开书。4. close your book.

合上书。5. how are you?


6. fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。7. good morning.早上好。

8. give me a rubber, please.请给我一块橡皮。

9. give me a ruler, please.请给我一个格尺。

10. hi,may, this is tim.你好,may,这是tim.

11. hello, i’m may.你好,我是may。

12. raise your hand.举手。

13. put it down.放下。

14. show me your book.展示你的书。

15. how old are you?你几岁了?

16. i am five years old.我五岁。

17. touch your toes.摸摸脚趾头。

18. touch your arms.摸摸胳膊。

19. w**e your hand.摆摆手。

20. look! this is my hand.

看,这是我的手。21. this is my arm.

这是我的胳膊。22. smell the melon.

闻闻瓜。23. feel the apple.

摸摸苹果。24. taste the peach.

尝尝桃。25. this is an apple.

这是一个苹果。26. that’s a pear.


27. what is this?这是什么?

28. it is an apple.它是一个苹果。

29. look at your hands.看看你的手。

30. wash your hands.洗洗手。

31. eat a cake.吃蛋糕。

32. what do you like to eat?你喜欢吃什么?

33. i like to eat mooncakes.我喜欢吃月饼。

34. you h**e got a cake.你有一块月饼。

35. yes. i h**e got a cake.

是的,我有一块月饼。36. this is my brother.

这是我的弟弟。37. h**e you got a brother?

你有弟弟吗?38. no.

i h**e got a sister.不,我有一个姐姐。39.

go to the slide.去滑梯那。40.

pick up the doll.捡起娃娃。

41. he has goot a bicycle.他有一辆自行车。

42. she has got a balloon.她有一个气球。

43. i h**e got an apple.我有一个苹果。

44. what h**e you got?你有什么?

45. what has he got?他有什么?46. what has she got?她有什么?

三,对话。—how are you?——fine, thank you.

and you?——i’m fine, too.——good morning.

——good morning.——how old are you?——i am five years old.

—hi, may. this is tim.——hello, i’m may.——hello may.——what is this?——it is a pear.

—what do you like to eat?——i like to eat mooncakes.——is this an apple?

——yes, it is.——is this a banana?——no, it is not!

—you h**e got a cake.——yes. i h**e got a cake.

——you h**e got a taro.——no. i h**e got a leaf.

—this is my brother. h**e you got a brother?——no. i h**e got asister.

—what h**e you got?——i h**e got an apple.——what has he got?

——he has got a bicycle.——what has she got?——she has got a balloon.


牛津英语1a期末复习资料。一 单词1.classroom教室3.body身体2.5.fruits水果6.festival节日lemon柠檬moon月亮melon香瓜。豆荚banana香蕉。7.family家庭father爸爸mother妈妈brother哥哥弟弟sister姐姐妹妹me我。swing...


一 单词。1.classroom教室。bag 书包。pencil 铅笔。pen 钢笔。rubber 橡皮。ruler 尺子。book 书。纸。2.numbers 数字。one 一。two 二。three 三。four 四。five 五。six 六。seven 七。eight 八。3.abilitie...


关于先教授词汇和语法 然后进行故事教学,还是先进行故事教学 然后再重点学习故事 现的重点词汇和语法这两种现象,众说纷纭。个人更倾向于先进行故事教学 然后再重点学习故事 现的重点词汇和语法。爱听故事 爱讲故事是儿童的天性。在听故事 讲故事的过程中,儿童不知不觉掌握了语言知识。遵循学生喜爱故事的心理和特...