
发布 2021-05-18 18:22:28 阅读 8153

1. 教材介绍。



let’s act 部分介绍了一些简单的指令,常用的生活用语和课堂用语,要求学生能根据听到的指令用动作做出反应;let’s talk. 包括了常用的对话和主要的句型;let’s learn是学习单词;let’s play是游戏;let’s enjoy是歌曲和儿歌。这些内容力求多方面、全方位反映少年儿童的学校生活、兴趣爱好、课内外活动、家庭生活等,努力使单词、句型、对话的内容生动、活泼,充满情趣。

2. 怎样教好牛津教材。

3. 课时安排。

4. 分类教学要求。

5. 分课教学要求。

unit 1: my classroom

i. let’s act

一、 sentences:

stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book. close your book.

二、 dialogue practice:

1. -tom, stand up, please. -ok.

2. -hi, tom. sit down, please. -thank you.

3. -tom, open your book, please. -ok.

ii. let’s talk

一、 dialogues:

-- how are you? -fine, thank you.

-- good morning/ afternoon. -good morning/ afternoon.

二、 dialogue practice:

1. tom: good morning, may.

may: good morning, tom.

tom: how are you?

may: fine, thank you.

2. jim: hi, tim. how are you?

tim: very well, thank you. and you?

jim: fine, too. thanks.

iii. let’s learn

一、 new words:

book, ruler, pencil, pen, rubber, bag

二、 word practice:

a: what’s this in english, lingling?

b: a pen.

a: yes, a pen.

iv. let’s play

一、 new words:

*****二、 rhyme:

1. read the rhyme.

2. practise the rhyme:

a pen, a book

i can see.

a pen, a book

for you and me.

v. let’s enjoy

一、 new words: teacher, school

二、 sing the song.

unit 2: numbers

i. let’s act

一、 sentences:

give me a rubber/ ruler…, please.

二、 dialogues:

peter: roserose: yes?

give me a pen, pleaseok. here you are.

thank you.

ii. let’s talk

一、 dialogue:

-- hi, may. this is tim. may: hello, i’m may. tim: hello, may.

二、 dialogue practice:

1. sentences: how do you do?

2. dialogue: hi, may. this is tim. may: hello, i’m may. how do you do, tim

tim: how do you do, may.

iii. let’s learn

一、 new words:

one, two, three, four, five, six

二、 dialogue:

-- what’s your number? -two.

iv. let’s play

一、 new words:

show, act, clap, say

二、 sentence patterns:

1. show me --one. 2. act --two. 3. clap---three. 4. say --four.

三、 dialogue:

1.--may, show me --one, please. -ok. look, one.

2.--may, say --one, please. -ok. one.

v. let’s enjoy

一、 new words: tree, stick

二、 read the rhyme.

unit 3: my abilities

i. let’s act

一、 new words: hand, show

二、 sentences: 1. raise your hand. 2. put it down. 3. show me your book/ pen…

三、 dialogue:

-- tim, show me your book, please. -ok.

ii. let’s talk

一、 dialogue: -how old are you? -i am five years old.

二、 dialogue practice:

-- hi, peter. how old are youi’m five years old. and you?

-- i’m six years old.

iii. let’s learn:

new words: dance, read, jump, sing, draw, write

iv. let’s play

一、 new words: can

二、 sentences: i can read/ sing…

三、 introduction: hello, i’m may. i’m five years old. i can draw.

v. let’s enjoy

一、 new words & expressions:

song, read a little book, draw a little tree, sing a little song

二、 sentences: i can read a little book./ draw a little tree/ pen…, sing a little song.

三、 introduction: hello, i’m may. i’m five years old.

i can draw. i can draw a little tree.

四、 dialogue:

1. rose: listen, linda. i can sing. (sing a song.)

linda: look, rose. i can dance. (dance)

2. jim: i can read. look, i can read a little book.

tim: i can draw. look, i can draw a pen.

unit 4: my body

i. let’s act

一、 new words: toe, arm,二、 sentences: 1. touch your toes / arms. 2. w**e your hand.

ii. let’s talk

一、 sentences: look! this is my hand / arm, pencil…

二、 dialogue:

-- look! this is my bagoh, how nice!

thank you.

iii. let’s learn

一、 new words: eye, mouth, face, nose, ear

二、 word practice: 1. touch your eye / mouth, face… 2. look! this is my nose / ear…

iv. let’s play

draw a face.

v. let’s enjoy: sing a song.

unit 5: fruit

i. let’s act

一、 new words: smell, feel, taste

二、 sentences: 1. smell the lemon / apple… 2.

feel the apple / lemon… 3. taste the peach / pear…

ii. let’s talk

一、 sentences: 1. this is an apple / a lemon… 2. that’s a pear / an apple…

二、 practice: this is an apple. this is my apple. that’s a pear. that’s your pear.

iii. let’s learn

一、 new words: fruit, orange, melon, peach, lemon, pear, apple

二、 word practice:

1. read the rhyme.

an apple, an orange, i can see. an apple, an orange, for you and me!

2. make sentences

i can draw an apple / a pear…

iv. let’s play

一、 sentences: what’s this? it is a pear / an apple…


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