
发布 2021-04-19 17:10:28 阅读 3551


2014~2015学年第一学期 2014级《英语 》期末考试卷。



1. ******2. tidy

3. family4. by the way

银行。7. 小山8. 星期一。

9.做准备10. 我是最棒的。


1. a2. h

3. m4. p

7. [wai8. [exs

9. [zed10[kju


1.书在桌子上用介词( )


3.比较级中更高级加( )最高级加。



a man went into a bar, sat down, called the barman and said to him, “give me a drink before the trouble starts.”

the barman was busy with other people, so he did not say anything, but he g**e the man the drink, and the man drank it quickly. then he put his glass down, called the barman again and said to him, “give me another one before the trouble starts.”

again the barman was too busy to say anything, so he g**e the man his drink and went away. the man drank that too, and then again he called the barman and said to him, “one more drink before he trouble starts, please.”

this time the barman was not very busy, so when he brought the man his third drink, he said to him, “what trouble are you talking about?”

the man answered. “i h**en’t got any money.”

1. what did the man ask for when he entered the bar?

a. a cup of beer b. a piece of bread

c. a bar of chocolate d. a cup of coffee

2. the barman did not pay any attention to the man because __

a. he was afraid of the trouble the man was talking about

b. he did not like to talk too much

c. he was too busy looking after other customers

d. he did not listen carefully

3. the man drank his beer very quickly because __

a. he had no money b. he didn’t want to get into trouble

c. he was very thirsty d. he liked the beer

4. from the story, we can learn that __

a. the service at the bar was not very good

b. the bar had very good business

c. customers came to the bar for free drinks quite often

d. the barman was very lazy

5. how many drinks did the man h**e in all?

a. no b. four c. three d. one


a:where are you from?

b: 1 a:you must be from australia,i think.

b:yes,i am. 2

a:the way you speak! which part of australia do you come from?

b: plumtree--that’s a small village not far from sydney. 3 you are from

america,aren’t you?

a: 4 b:which part of america do you come from

a: 5 but we live in florida now.

a.how did you guess?

b.i was born in a town near new york.

c.that’s right.

d.can you guess?

e.where were you born?


2014~2015学年第一学期 2014级《英语 》期末考试卷。



1. ******2. tidy

3. family4. by the way

银行。7. 小山8. 星期一。

9.做准备10. 我是最棒的。


1. a2. h

3. m4. p

7. [wai8. [exs

9. [zed10[kju


1.书在桌子上用介词( )


3.比较级中更高级加( )最高级加。




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